Uses of Class

Packages that use BaseMenuPiece Some MenuPieces to modify the layout and settings of an application that uses Common Implementations of MenuPiece Basic interfaces for a small framework that builds and manages JMenus with changing content. 

Uses of BaseMenuPiece in

Subclasses of BaseMenuPiece in
 class CLookAndFeelMenuPiece
          A menupiece that shows an entry for each available LookAndFeel.
 class CPreferenceMenuPiece
          A menu piece that shows an entry for opening the preferences-dialog.
 class CThemeMenuPiece
          A ThemeMenuPiece that offers the DockThemes specified in the ThemeMap of the owning CControl.
 class SingleCDockableListMenuPiece
          A piece of a menu that adds an item for each closeable CDockable that can be found in a CControl.

Uses of BaseMenuPiece in

Subclasses of BaseMenuPiece in
 class CloseableDockableMenuPiece
          A piece of a menu allowing to close or reopen some Dockables that are registered in a DockFrontend.
 class FreeMenuPiece
          A MenuPiece that does not add any children by itself.
 class FrontendSettingsDeleteList
          Shows the settings of a DockFrontend and allows the user to delete some settings.
 class FrontendSettingsLoadList
          Shows the settings of a DockFrontend and allows the user to load one of the settings.
 class LookAndFeelMenuPiece
          A menu that contains an item for each available LookAndFeel.
 class PreferenceMenuPiece
          A menu piece that allows the user to change the preferences of the framework.
 class ThemeMenuPiece
          A MenuPiece that can change the DockTheme.

Uses of BaseMenuPiece in

Subclasses of BaseMenuPiece in
 class FrontendSettingsList
          A list of settings (=layouts or perspectives) that are available for a DockFrontend.