Package bibliothek.gui.dock.util

Distribution of information in a global scale and methods available from everywhere.


Interface Summary
AWTComponentCaptureStrategy Used to capture an image of a Component which either is from AWT, or has children from AWT.
BackgroundAlgorithmListener A listener that is added to a BackgroundAlgorithm, the listener gets informed if properties of the algorithm changed.
BackgroundComponent A BackgroundComponent is a Component whose background is painted by a BackgroundPaint.
BackgroundPaint A BackgroundPaint is used to paint the background of various Components of this framework.
Please note that some items provided by a DockTheme do not use a BackgroundPaint because they already paint their background in a specific way.
DockPropertyListener<A> A listener to an entry of DockProperties.
PaintableComponent A wrapper around a Component whose paint algorithm may be modified by a BackgroundPaint.
UIBridge<V,U extends UIValue<V>> An UIBridge is a filter between the UIProperties and several UIValues.
UIPriorityValue.Value<T> Represents a single entry in this map.
UIScheme<V,U extends UIValue<V>,B extends UIBridge<V,U>> An algorithm that can create missing entries for an UIPropertiess.
UISchemeEvent<V,U extends UIValue<V>,B extends UIBridge<V,U>> An event fired by an UIScheme after some content changed.
UISchemeListener<V,U extends UIValue<V>,B extends UIBridge<V,U>> A listener that is added to an UIScheme and that receives events when the contents of the scheme change.
UIValue<V> An UIValue is a wrapper around a resource that can be modified by an UIBridge or the UIProperties.
WindowProvider A window provider has somehow access to one or many Windows and can provide anyone which needs a window with one.
WindowProviderListener A listener added to a WindowProvider.

Class Summary
AbstractPaintableComponent A default implementation of a PaintableComponent.
AbstractUIScheme<V,U extends UIValue<V>,B extends UIBridge<V,U>> An abstract implementation of UIScheme offering support for listeners.
AbstractUIValue<V,U extends UIValue<V>> An abstract implementation of UIValue.
AbstractWindowProvider An implementation of WindowProvider which adds support for WindowProviderListeners.
AppletWindowProvider A WindowProvider designed to work with Applets.
BackgroundAlgorithm A utility class for managing BackgroundPaint, BackgroundComponent and PaintableComponent at the same time.
BackgroundPanel This JPanel implements PaintableComponent and can use a BackgroundAlgorithm to paint its background.
ComponentWindowProvider A window provider which just returns the ancestor window of some Component
ConfiguredBackgroundPanel A BackgroundPanel implementing ConfiguredBackgroundPanel.configure(Transparency).
CoreWarningDialog The CoreWarningDialog is an annoying little dialog informing a developer that he/she is using the Core API, even tough the Common API would offer much more features.
DirectWindowProvider A window provider where the window can be set directly.
DockProperties A set of properties that are used at different places all over the framework.
DockSwingUtilities A set of methods useful for working with Swing.
DockUtilities A list of methods which can be used for different purposes.
DockUtilities.DockVisitor A visitor used to visit the nodes of a dock-tree.
FocusedWindowProvider A WindowProvider monitoring a set of windows, the last window that had the focus is the selected window.
IconManager A map of icons which are used by various objects.
MultiUIBridge<V,U extends UIValue<V>> A MultiUIBridge is a collection of UIBridges.
NullPriorityValue<T> This container holds three versions of the same value, a default, theme and a client value.
NullWindowProvider A window provider that never returns a window.
PriorityValue<T> A container for three values of different priority.
PropertyKey<A> The key for an entry in a map of properties.
PropertyValue<A> A wrapper for a value which is either read from DockProperties, or can be set by the client directly.
ResourceRequest<T> A ResourceRequest describes an algorithm for finding or creating a resource by calling a set of resource providers or factories in a specific order.
SilentPropertyValue<A> A SilentPropertyValue is a PropertyValue that does not react to changes of its value.
SimpleDockElementRepresentative A very simplistic implementation of DockElementRepresentative, it just adds a listener to a Component.
TextManager A map of String-String pairs used by various objects.
TypedPropertyUIScheme This UIScheme is intended to be used by a TypedUIProperties to fill in gaps by reading selected keys of a DockProperties.
TypedUIProperties A wrapper around an UIProperties enhancing the properties with type safety.
TypedUIProperties.Type<T> A class describing a type, different TypedUIProperties.Type objects may share the same Class object but with different or even equal generic parameters.
UIPriorityValue<T> A PriorityValue that supports working with UISchemes.
UIProperties<V,U extends UIValue<V>,B extends UIBridge<V,U>> A map containing some string-values pairs and so called bridges to modify these values when reading them out.
WindowProviderWrapper A wrapper around another WindowProvider, allows to exchange providers without the need to reattach WindowProviderListeners.

Enum Summary
Priority Often resources are divided into three groups with different priorities.
Transparency A description of how some Component (e.g.

Package bibliothek.gui.dock.util Description

Distribution of information in a global scale and methods available from everywhere.