Uses of Class

Packages that use Priority
bibliothek.gui.dock.common A set of classes that can be used to create basic applications. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.themes Contains an implementation of DockTheme and all classes which are neede by this theme. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.title Elements needed to paint the title of a Dockable
bibliothek.gui.dock.util Distribution of information in a global scale and methods available from everywhere. 

Uses of Priority in bibliothek.gui.dock.common

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.common with parameters of type Priority
<A> void
CControl.putProperty(PropertyKey<A> key, A value, Priority priority)
          Changes the value of a property.

Uses of Priority in bibliothek.gui.dock.themes

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.themes with parameters of type Priority
 void BasicTheme.setCombiner(Combiner combiner, Priority priority)
          Sets the Combiner of this theme.
 void BasicTheme.setDisplayerFactory(DisplayerFactory factory, Priority priority)
          Sets the DisplayerFactory of this theme.
 void BasicTheme.setDockableSelection(DockableSelection selection, Priority priority)
          Sets how the user can select the focused Dockable.
 void BasicTheme.setMovingImageFactory(DockableMovingImageFactory movingImage, Priority priority)
          Sets the movingImage-property.
 void BasicTheme.setPaint(StationPaint paint, Priority priority)
          Sets the StationPaint of this theme.
 void BasicTheme.setSpanFactory(SpanFactory factory, Priority priority)
          Sets the factory which will be used to create new Spans.
 void BasicTheme.setStackDockComponentFactory(StackDockComponentFactory stackDockComponentFactory, Priority priority)
          Sets the factory which will be used to create components for StackDockStation.
 void BasicTheme.setTabPlacement(TabPlacement tabPlacement, Priority priority)
          Sets the side at which tabs are to be displayed.
 void BasicTheme.setTitleFactory(DockTitleFactory titleFactory, Priority priority)
          Sets the DockTitleFactory of this station.

Uses of Priority in bibliothek.gui.dock.title

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.title with parameters of type Priority
 DockTitleFactory DockTitleVersion.getFactory(Priority priority)
          Gets the factory with the given priority.
 boolean DockTitleVersion.isSet(Priority priority)
          Tells whether there is a factory with the importance priority, or not.
 DockTitleVersion DockTitleManager.register(String id, DockTitleFactory factory, Priority priority)
          Registers a factory for the given key
 void DockTitleVersion.setFactory(DockTitleFactory factory, Priority priority)
          Stores factory at the slot priority.

Uses of Priority in bibliothek.gui.dock.util

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.util that return Priority
static Priority Priority.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static Priority[] Priority.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.util with parameters of type Priority
 void TypedUIProperties.clear(Priority priority)
          Removes all resources that were stored on the level priority.
 void UIProperties.clear(Priority priority)
          Removes all values that stored under the given priority.
 T NullPriorityValue.get(Priority priority)
          Gets the value for a given priority.
 T PriorityValue.get(Priority priority)
          Gets the value for a given priority.
<A> A
DockProperties.get(PropertyKey<A> key, Priority priority)
          Gets the value of key for the given priority.
 B UIProperties.getBridge(Priority priority, Path path)
          Gets the bridge which is stored on level priority for UIValues of kind path.
 UIScheme<Object,UIValue<Object>,UIBridge<Object,UIValue<Object>>> TypedUIProperties.getScheme(Priority priority)
          Gets the scheme which fills missing entries on the level priority
 UIScheme<?,?,?> UIPriorityValue.getScheme(Priority priority)
          Gets the scheme that created the entry with priority.
 UIScheme<V,U,B> UIProperties.getScheme(Priority priority)
          Gets the UIScheme that is used to fill up missing values in the level priority.
 T UIPriorityValue.getValue(Priority priority)
          Gets the current value of UIPriorityValue on level priority.
 boolean NullPriorityValue.isSet(Priority priority)
          Tells whether the value for priority is set.
<A> boolean
DockProperties.isSet(PropertyKey<A> key, Priority priority)
          Tells whether there is value set for key with priority.
 void UIProperties.publish(Priority priority, Path path, B bridge)
          Adds a new bridge between this UIProperties and a set of UIValues that have a certain type.
<V> void
TypedUIProperties.publish(Priority priority, Path kind, TypedUIProperties.Type<V> type, UIBridge<V,UIValue<V>> bridge)
          Adds an UIBridge to this manager, the bridge will be responsible for UIValues of kind kind.
<V> void
TypedUIProperties.put(Priority priority, String id, TypedUIProperties.Type<V> type, V value)
          Sets a value of this manager.
 void UIProperties.put(Priority priority, String id, V resource)
          Sets a new resource and informs all UIValue that are observing id about the change.
 boolean NullPriorityValue.set(Priority priority, T value)
          Sets the value for a given priority.
 boolean PriorityValue.set(Priority priority, T value)
          Sets the value for a given priority.
 boolean UIPriorityValue.set(Priority priority, T value, UIScheme<?,?,?> scheme)
          Sets the value of this using a value that may be derived from scheme.
<A> void
DockProperties.set(PropertyKey<A> key, A value, Priority priority)
          Sets a value.
 void IconManager.setIcon(String key, Priority priority, Icon icon)
          Stores an icon.
<A> void
DockProperties.setOrRemove(PropertyKey<A> key, A value, Priority priority)
          Either sets the property key to value or set the default value for key.
 void TypedUIProperties.setScheme(Priority priority, UIScheme<Object,UIValue<Object>,UIBridge<Object,UIValue<Object>>> scheme)
          Sets a scheme that is used to fill missing entries.
 void UIProperties.setScheme(Priority priority, UIScheme<V,U,B> scheme)
          Sets or removes an UIScheme for the level priority of this UIProperties.
 void UIProperties.unpublish(Priority priority, B bridge)
          Searches for all occurrences of bridge and removes them.
 void UIProperties.unpublish(Priority priority, Path path)
          Removes the bridge that handles the UIValues of kind path.
<V> void
TypedUIProperties.unpublish(Priority priority, Path kind, TypedUIProperties.Type<V> type)
          Removes the UIBridge that was responsible for handling UIValues of kind kind and wrapping type type
<V> void
TypedUIProperties.unpublish(Priority priority, UIBridge<V,UIValue<V>> bridge)
          Removes any occurrence of bridge from this manager.
 boolean NullPriorityValue.unset(Priority priority)
          Removes the value for priority.
 void DockProperties.unset(PropertyKey<?> key, Priority priority)
          Tells the entry key that the user has never set its value.