Uses of Class

Packages that use PlaceholderList.Item
bibliothek.gui.dock.station Elements needed by various implementations of the DockStation interface. Elements used by various DockStations to store properties and to propagate events to other objects. 

Uses of PlaceholderList.Item in bibliothek.gui.dock.station

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.station with parameters of type PlaceholderList.Item
<T extends PlaceholderListItem<Dockable>>
DockStationDelegate.combine(PlaceholderList.Item item, Combiner combiner, AsideRequest request)
          Can be called by DockStation.aside(AsideRequest) if request contains a location that points toward item.

Uses of PlaceholderList.Item in

Methods in that return PlaceholderList.Item
 PlaceholderList.Item PlaceholderList.getItem(D dockable)
          Searches for the one PlaceholderList.Item in the dockables list that contains dockable.
 PlaceholderList.Item PlaceholderList.getItem(Path placeholder)
          Searches for the one PlaceholderList.Item in the PlaceholderList.dockables list that contains placeholder.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type PlaceholderList.Item
 PlaceholderList.Filter<PlaceholderList.Item> PlaceholderList.list()
          Gets a mutable view of all elements of this list.