Package bibliothek.gui.dock.component

Interface Summary
DockComponentConfiguration This interface allows a client to modify many Components that are used by the framework.
Instances of this interface can be registered at the DockComponentManager, and they will receive an event whenever a Component is added or removed.
Please use this interface as a last resort when dealing with issues - many settings can be applied in more typesafe manners using the DockProperties or the ThemeManager.
DockComponentManager Collects and manages the DockComponentRoots of one DockController.
DockComponentRoot A DockComponentRoot is a representation of a set of Components, these Components can be configured by a client by applying a DockComponentConfiguration.

Class Summary
DefaultDockComponentManager Default implementation of DockComponentManager.
DefaultDockStationComponentRootHandler This root handler stops traversing Components when discovering a DockableDisplayer
DockComponentConfigurationEvent Describes a Component and its source DockComponentRoot.
DockComponentRootHandler A wrapper for a DockComponentRoot, implements all the features required to fully support DockComponentConfiguration.

Enum Summary
DockComponentRootHandler.TraverseResult Behavior for traversing the Component tree