Package bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.station

Contains the CommonDockStation, various implementations of CommonDockStation and supporting classes.


Interface Summary
CommonDockStation<S extends DockStation,C extends CommonDockStation<S,C>> An interface that can be implemented by classes that extend a DockStation and that represent a CStation.
CommonStationDelegate<S extends CommonDockStation<?,?>> Implements several methods that could be used by a CommonDockStation.

Class Summary
AbstractResizeRequestHandler A listener to a CControl that provides useful methods for subclasses.
CFlapDockStation An implementation of FlapDockStation that also satisfies the CommonDockStation interface.
CFlapLayoutManager A FlapLayoutManager that uses the properties of CDockable to find and store size and hold values.
CLockedResizeLayoutManager A LockedResizeLayoutManager that looks out for CDockable.isResizeLockedVertically() and CDockable.isResizeLockedHorizontally().
CommonDockStationFactory A factory that is responsible for storing and loading the layout of the CommonDockStations.
CommonDockStationLayout Information about the layout of a CommonDockStation, used by the CommonDockStationFactory to store and load the layout.
CScreenDockStation A ScreenDockStation that also implements CommonDockStation.
CScreenDockStationWindowClosingStrategy This strategy searches for a CDockable when the user wants to close an externalized dockable.
CSplitDockStation An implementation of SplitDockStation that also satisfies the CommonDockStation interface.
FlapResizeRequestHandler A handler that can change the size of a CDockable such that it has its preferred size if its parent is a FlapDockStation
ScreenResizeRequestHandler A handler which can change the size of children of a ScreenDockStation such that the preferred size of the children is met.
SplitResizeRequestHandler A handle that can be used to change the layout of a SplitDockStation such that the Dimension of CDockable.getAndClearResizeRequest() is more or less respected.

Package bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.station Description

Contains the CommonDockStation, various implementations of CommonDockStation and supporting classes.