Package bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.action

CActions and supporting classes that are not intended for clients to be used directly.


Interface Summary
CDecorateableActionListener This listener is added to a CDecorateableAction and is informed if the property of the action changed.

Class Summary
CActionImportanceOrder This DockActionImportanceOrder searches for the annotation DockActionImportance which may be added to a CAction or to a DockAction.
CActionOffer An ActionOffer that searches for CommonDockables and asks them for their sources.
CActionSource This DockActionSource handles CActions.
CButtonContentFilter This ButtonContentFilter searches for CDecorateableActions and decides whether their text is shown
CDecorateableAction<A extends CommonDecoratableDockAction> An action which has text, icons and other decorations.
CDropDownItem<A extends CommonDropDownItem> An action which can be child of a dropdown-menu.
CExtendedModeAction This action is intended to change the ExtendedMode of a CDockable by calling CDockable.setExtendedMode(ExtendedMode).
CloseActionSource An action source that observes one CDockable and either adds or removes a close-action from itself.
CSelectableAction<A extends CommonSelectableAction> An action which is either selected or deselected.

Package bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.action Description

CActions and supporting classes that are not intended for clients to be used directly. Clients should prefer using the classes from the package bibliothek.gui.dock.common.action.