Class BubbleTab

  extended by java.awt.Component
      extended by java.awt.Container
          extended by javax.swing.JComponent
              extended by javax.swing.JPanel
                  extended by bibliothek.gui.dock.util.BackgroundPanel
                      extended by bibliothek.gui.dock.util.ConfiguredBackgroundPanel
                          extended by bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.theme.bubble.BubbleTab
All Implemented Interfaces:
DockElementRepresentative, DockableFocusListener, CombinedTab, StackDockComponentListener, Tab, TabPaneComponent, PaintableComponent, ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Runnable, Accessible

public class BubbleTab
extends ConfiguredBackgroundPanel
implements CombinedTab, StackDockComponentListener, Runnable, DockableFocusListener

A Tab used by the BubbleStackDockComponent.

Benjamin Sigg
See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
protected  class BubbleTab.BubbleTabColor
          Some color needed on a Tab.
protected  class BubbleTab.BubbleTabFont
          Some font needed on a Tab
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class javax.swing.JPanel
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class javax.swing.JComponent
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.awt.Container
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.awt.Component
Component.AccessibleAWTComponent, Component.BaselineResizeBehavior, Component.BltBufferStrategy, Component.FlipBufferStrategy
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class javax.swing.JComponent
Fields inherited from class java.awt.Component
Fields inherited from interface java.awt.image.ImageObserver
Constructor Summary
BubbleTab(BubbleStackDockComponent parent, Dockable dockable)
          Creates a new tab
Method Summary
 void addMouseInputListener(MouseInputListener listener)
          Adds a listener to this representative, it is not defined what to do with that listener, but most subclasses would just add the listener to their component.
 void dockableFocused(DockableFocusEvent event)
          Invoked when dockable has gained the focus.
 JComponent getComponent()
          Gets the Component which is to be painted.
 Dockable getDockable()
          Gets the element that is associated with this tab.
 DockElement getElement()
          Gets the element which is represented by this.
 Dimension getMinimumSize(Tab[] tabs)
          Gets the minimum size of this tab under the assumption that this tab is displayed together with tabs.
 Insets getOverlap(TabPaneComponent other)
          Tells how much of this component may be overlapped by another component other.
 Point getPopupLocation(Point click, boolean popupTrigger)
          Tells whether a popup menu should be opened when the user clicks at click with the mouse.
 Dimension getPreferredSize(Tab[] tabs)
          Gets the preferred size of this tab under the assumption that this tab is displayed together with tabs.
 int getState()
 TabPane getTabParent()
          Gets the parent of this component.
 int getZOrder()
          Gets the value of the z order.
 boolean isPaneVisible()
          Tells whether this component is visible or not.
 boolean isUsedAsTitle()
          Tells whether this DockElementRepresentative is used as title.
Some modules grant more rights to titles than to non-titles, i.e.
 void paintBackground(Graphics g)
          Invokes the standard algorithm that paints the background of the component.
 void paintForeground(Graphics g)
          Invokes the standard algorithm that paints the foreground of the component.
 void paintOverlay(Graphics g)
          Invokes the standard algorithm that paints an overlay over the children of the component.
 void removeMouseInputListener(MouseInputListener listener)
          Removes a listener from this representative.
 void run()
 void selectionChanged(StackDockComponent stack)
          Called if the current selection on stack changed.
 void setConfiguration(TabConfiguration configuration)
          Fine tunes this tab.
 void setController(DockController controller)
 void setEnabled(boolean enabled)
          Enables or disables this tab.
 void setIcon(Icon icon)
          Sets the image of this tab.
 void setOrientation(TabPlacement orientation)
          Tells this component how to paint itself.
 void setPaneVisible(boolean visible)
          Changes the visibility state of this component.
 void setText(String text)
          Sets the text of this tab.
 void setTooltip(String tooltip)
          Sets the tooltip of this tab.
protected  void setupRenderingHints(Graphics g)
          Called before painting on this panel happens.
 void setZOrder(int order)
          Sets the z order of this component.
 boolean shouldFocus()
          Tells whether a click onto this component should transfer the focus either to this component or to the Dockable.
 boolean shouldTransfersFocus()
          Tells whether a click onto this component should transfer the focus to the Dockable or not.
 void stopAnimation()
          Stops the animation of this tab.
 void tabChanged(StackDockComponent stack, Dockable dockable)
          Called if the result of StackDockComponent.getTabAt(int) changed for any index associated with dockable
 void updateFonts()
          Ensures that the correct font modifier is used.
Methods inherited from class bibliothek.gui.dock.util.ConfiguredBackgroundPanel
Methods inherited from class bibliothek.gui.dock.util.BackgroundPanel
getBackgroundAlgorithm, getTransparency, paint, paintBorder, paintChildren, paintComponent, setBackground, setTransparency
Methods inherited from class javax.swing.JPanel
getAccessibleContext, getUI, getUIClassID, paramString, setUI, updateUI
Methods inherited from class javax.swing.JComponent
addAncestorListener, addNotify, addVetoableChangeListener, computeVisibleRect, contains, createToolTip, disable, enable, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, fireVetoableChange, getActionForKeyStroke, getActionMap, getAlignmentX, getAlignmentY, getAncestorListeners, getAutoscrolls, getBaseline, getBaselineResizeBehavior, getBorder, getBounds, getClientProperty, getComponentGraphics, getComponentPopupMenu, getConditionForKeyStroke, getDebugGraphicsOptions, getDefaultLocale, getFontMetrics, getGraphics, getHeight, getInheritsPopupMenu, getInputMap, getInputMap, getInputVerifier, getInsets, getInsets, getListeners, getLocation, getMaximumSize, getMinimumSize, getNextFocusableComponent, getPopupLocation, getPreferredSize, getRegisteredKeyStrokes, getRootPane, getSize, getToolTipLocation, getToolTipText, getToolTipText, getTopLevelAncestor, getTransferHandler, getVerifyInputWhenFocusTarget, getVetoableChangeListeners, getVisibleRect, getWidth, getX, getY, grabFocus, isDoubleBuffered, isLightweightComponent, isManagingFocus, isOpaque, isOptimizedDrawingEnabled, isPaintingForPrint, isPaintingTile, isRequestFocusEnabled, isValidateRoot, paintImmediately, paintImmediately, print, printAll, printBorder, printChildren, printComponent, processComponentKeyEvent, processKeyBinding, processKeyEvent, processMouseEvent, processMouseMotionEvent, putClientProperty, registerKeyboardAction, registerKeyboardAction, removeAncestorListener, removeNotify, removeVetoableChangeListener, repaint, repaint, requestDefaultFocus, requestFocus, requestFocus, requestFocusInWindow, requestFocusInWindow, resetKeyboardActions, reshape, revalidate, scrollRectToVisible, setActionMap, setAlignmentX, setAlignmentY, setAutoscrolls, setBackground, setBorder, setComponentPopupMenu, setDebugGraphicsOptions, setDefaultLocale, setDoubleBuffered, setFocusTraversalKeys, setFont, setForeground, setInheritsPopupMenu, setInputMap, setInputVerifier, setMaximumSize, setMinimumSize, setNextFocusableComponent, setOpaque, setPreferredSize, setRequestFocusEnabled, setToolTipText, setTransferHandler, setUI, setVerifyInputWhenFocusTarget, setVisible, unregisterKeyboardAction, update
Methods inherited from class java.awt.Container
add, add, add, add, add, addContainerListener, addImpl, addPropertyChangeListener, addPropertyChangeListener, applyComponentOrientation, areFocusTraversalKeysSet, countComponents, deliverEvent, doLayout, findComponentAt, findComponentAt, getComponent, getComponentAt, getComponentAt, getComponentCount, getComponents, getComponentZOrder, getContainerListeners, getFocusTraversalKeys, getFocusTraversalPolicy, getLayout, getMousePosition, insets, invalidate, isAncestorOf, isFocusCycleRoot, isFocusCycleRoot, isFocusTraversalPolicyProvider, isFocusTraversalPolicySet, layout, list, list, locate, minimumSize, paintComponents, preferredSize, printComponents, processContainerEvent, processEvent, remove, remove, removeAll, removeContainerListener, setComponentZOrder, setFocusCycleRoot, setFocusTraversalPolicy, setFocusTraversalPolicyProvider, setLayout, transferFocusBackward, transferFocusDownCycle, validate, validateTree
Methods inherited from class java.awt.Component
action, add, addComponentListener, addFocusListener, addHierarchyBoundsListener, addHierarchyListener, addInputMethodListener, addKeyListener, addMouseListener, addMouseMotionListener, addMouseWheelListener, bounds, checkImage, checkImage, coalesceEvents, contains, createImage, createImage, createVolatileImage, createVolatileImage, disableEvents, dispatchEvent, enable, enableEvents, enableInputMethods, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, getBackground, getBounds, getColorModel, getComponentListeners, getComponentOrientation, getCursor, getDropTarget, getFocusCycleRootAncestor, getFocusListeners, getFocusTraversalKeysEnabled, getFont, getForeground, getGraphicsConfiguration, getHierarchyBoundsListeners, getHierarchyListeners, getIgnoreRepaint, getInputContext, getInputMethodListeners, getInputMethodRequests, getKeyListeners, getLocale, getLocation, getLocationOnScreen, getMouseListeners, getMouseMotionListeners, getMousePosition, getMouseWheelListeners, getName, getParent, getPeer, getPropertyChangeListeners, getPropertyChangeListeners, getSize, getToolkit, getTreeLock, gotFocus, handleEvent, hasFocus, hide, imageUpdate, inside, isBackgroundSet, isCursorSet, isDisplayable, isEnabled, isFocusable, isFocusOwner, isFocusTraversable, isFontSet, isForegroundSet, isLightweight, isMaximumSizeSet, isMinimumSizeSet, isPreferredSizeSet, isShowing, isValid, isVisible, keyDown, keyUp, list, list, list, location, lostFocus, mouseDown, mouseDrag, mouseEnter, mouseExit, mouseMove, mouseUp, move, nextFocus, paintAll, postEvent, prepareImage, prepareImage, processComponentEvent, processFocusEvent, processHierarchyBoundsEvent, processHierarchyEvent, processInputMethodEvent, processMouseWheelEvent, remove, removeComponentListener, removeFocusListener, removeHierarchyBoundsListener, removeHierarchyListener, removeInputMethodListener, removeKeyListener, removeMouseListener, removeMouseMotionListener, removeMouseWheelListener, removePropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener, repaint, repaint, repaint, resize, resize, setBounds, setBounds, setComponentOrientation, setCursor, setDropTarget, setFocusable, setFocusTraversalKeysEnabled, setIgnoreRepaint, setLocale, setLocation, setLocation, setName, setSize, setSize, show, show, size, toString, transferFocus, transferFocusUpCycle
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
getBounds, getMaximumSize, getMinimumSize, getPreferredSize, setBounds

Constructor Detail


public BubbleTab(BubbleStackDockComponent parent,
                 Dockable dockable)
Creates a new tab

parent - the owner of this tab
dockable - the element whose title will be shown on this tab
Method Detail


public void setConfiguration(TabConfiguration configuration)
Description copied from interface: CombinedTab
Fine tunes this tab.

Specified by:
setConfiguration in interface CombinedTab
configuration - the new configuration to use
See Also:


public TabPane getTabParent()
Description copied from interface: TabPaneComponent
Gets the parent of this component.

Specified by:
getTabParent in interface TabPaneComponent
the parent


public Dockable getDockable()
Description copied from interface: Tab
Gets the element that is associated with this tab.

Specified by:
getDockable in interface Tab
the element


public Point getPopupLocation(Point click,
                              boolean popupTrigger)
Description copied from interface: DockElementRepresentative
Tells whether a popup menu should be opened when the user clicks at click with the mouse. If yes, then the top left edge of the popup should be returned, otherwise null should be returned.

Specified by:
getPopupLocation in interface DockElementRepresentative
click - the location where the user clicked with the mouse
popupTrigger - whether the invocation is the systems popup trigger or not. Many implementations of this method will return click in case of true, and null in case of false
the preferred location of a popup or null if no popup-menu should be opened


public void setTooltip(String tooltip)
Description copied from interface: CombinedTab
Sets the tooltip of this tab.

Specified by:
setTooltip in interface CombinedTab
tooltip - the tooltip text, can be null


public void setPaneVisible(boolean visible)
Description copied from interface: TabPaneComponent
Changes the visibility state of this component. Invisible components should be removed from any parent.

Specified by:
setPaneVisible in interface TabPaneComponent
visible - the new state


public void setEnabled(boolean enabled)
Description copied from interface: CombinedTab
Enables or disables this tab. A disabled shoutl not react to any mouse input, and it should be visually distinct from enabled tabs.

Specified by:
setEnabled in interface CombinedTab
setEnabled in class JComponent
enabled - whether to enable or disable this tab


public boolean isPaneVisible()
Description copied from interface: TabPaneComponent
Tells whether this component is visible or not.

Specified by:
isPaneVisible in interface TabPaneComponent
true if visible, false otherwise


public void setOrientation(TabPlacement orientation)
Description copied from interface: TabPaneComponent
Tells this component how to paint itself.

Specified by:
setOrientation in interface TabPaneComponent
orientation - the orientation, not null


public int getState()


public void setController(DockController controller)


public void setZOrder(int order)
Description copied from interface: TabPaneComponent
Sets the z order of this component. The z order tells which component to paint first, as lower the order as earlier a component is to be painted. If two components overlap, then the one with the higher z order appears in front of the one with the lower z order. If two components have the same z order, then it is unspecified which component is painted first.
A z-order is at least 0 and must not exceed the number of TabPaneComponents on the parent TabPane. The implementation may increase or decrease z-orders to prevent collisions between components with the same order.

Specified by:
setZOrder in interface TabPaneComponent
order - the order, can be any integer.


public int getZOrder()
Description copied from interface: TabPaneComponent
Gets the value of the z order.

Specified by:
getZOrder in interface TabPaneComponent
the z order
See Also:


public Insets getOverlap(TabPaneComponent other)
Description copied from interface: TabPaneComponent
Tells how much of this component may be overlapped by another component other.

Specified by:
getOverlap in interface TabPaneComponent
other - another component which may be painted over this component
the border of this component that may not be visible, not null


public void dockableFocused(DockableFocusEvent event)
Description copied from interface: DockableFocusListener
Invoked when dockable has gained the focus.

Specified by:
dockableFocused in interface DockableFocusListener
event - an event that contains the new owner of the focus


public void run()
Specified by:
run in interface Runnable


public Dimension getPreferredSize(Tab[] tabs)
Description copied from interface: Tab
Gets the preferred size of this tab under the assumption that this tab is displayed together with tabs.

Specified by:
getPreferredSize in interface Tab
tabs - the displayed tabs, exactly one entry is this and no entry is null
the preferred size of this tab


public Dimension getMinimumSize(Tab[] tabs)
Description copied from interface: Tab
Gets the minimum size of this tab under the assumption that this tab is displayed together with tabs.

Specified by:
getMinimumSize in interface Tab
tabs - the displayed tabs, exactly one entry is this and no entry is null
the minimum size of this tab


protected void setupRenderingHints(Graphics g)
Description copied from class: BackgroundPanel
Called before painting on this panel happens. Allows to apply rendering hints (or other settings) to g.

setupRenderingHints in class ConfiguredBackgroundPanel
g - the painting context


public void paintBackground(Graphics g)
Description copied from interface: PaintableComponent
Invokes the standard algorithm that paints the background of the component. This method should be called at most once.

Specified by:
paintBackground in interface PaintableComponent
paintBackground in class BackgroundPanel
g - the graphics context to use, null to just inform this component that the background should not be painted automatically


public void paintForeground(Graphics g)
Description copied from interface: PaintableComponent
Invokes the standard algorithm that paints the foreground of the component. This method should be called at most once.

Specified by:
paintForeground in interface PaintableComponent
paintForeground in class BackgroundPanel
g - the graphics context to use, null to just inform this component that the foreground should not be painted automatically


public void paintOverlay(Graphics g)
Description copied from interface: PaintableComponent
Invokes the standard algorithm that paints an overlay over the children of the component. This method should be called at most once.

Specified by:
paintOverlay in interface PaintableComponent
paintOverlay in class BackgroundPanel
g - the graphics context to use, null to just inform this component that the background should not be painted automatically


public JComponent getComponent()
Description copied from interface: PaintableComponent
Gets the Component which is to be painted.

Specified by:
getComponent in interface DockElementRepresentative
Specified by:
getComponent in interface CombinedTab
Specified by:
getComponent in interface PaintableComponent
getComponent in class BackgroundPanel
the item to paint


public DockElement getElement()
Description copied from interface: DockElementRepresentative
Gets the element which is represented by this. The result of this method must not change.

Specified by:
getElement in interface DockElementRepresentative
the element, never null


public boolean isUsedAsTitle()
Description copied from interface: DockElementRepresentative
Tells whether this DockElementRepresentative is used as title.
Some modules grant more rights to titles than to non-titles, i.e. a DockRelocator can allow drag & drop only for titles.
Normally a Dockable should have only one element that is a title, so if in doubt return false.

Specified by:
isUsedAsTitle in interface DockElementRepresentative
true if this representative should be seen as title


public boolean shouldFocus()
Description copied from interface: DockElementRepresentative
Tells whether a click onto this component should transfer the focus either to this component or to the Dockable.

Specified by:
shouldFocus in interface DockElementRepresentative
true if clicking this component should influence focus


public boolean shouldTransfersFocus()
Description copied from interface: DockElementRepresentative
Tells whether a click onto this component should transfer the focus to the Dockable or not. If this object is a Dockable, then a result of true might change the currently focused item of itself. This property is ignored if DockElementRepresentative.shouldFocus() returns false.

Specified by:
shouldTransfersFocus in interface DockElementRepresentative
whether to change the focused component or not


public void addMouseInputListener(MouseInputListener listener)
Description copied from interface: DockElementRepresentative
Adds a listener to this representative, it is not defined what to do with that listener, but most subclasses would just add the listener to their component. It is valid to do nothing.

Specified by:
addMouseInputListener in interface DockElementRepresentative
listener - the new listener


public void removeMouseInputListener(MouseInputListener listener)
Description copied from interface: DockElementRepresentative
Removes a listener from this representative.

Specified by:
removeMouseInputListener in interface DockElementRepresentative
listener - the listener to remove


public void selectionChanged(StackDockComponent stack)
Description copied from interface: StackDockComponentListener
Called if the current selection on stack changed.

Specified by:
selectionChanged in interface StackDockComponentListener
stack - the source of the event


public void tabChanged(StackDockComponent stack,
                       Dockable dockable)
Description copied from interface: StackDockComponentListener
Called if the result of StackDockComponent.getTabAt(int) changed for any index associated with dockable

Specified by:
tabChanged in interface StackDockComponentListener
stack - the source of the event
dockable - the element with a new value


public void updateFonts()
Ensures that the correct font modifier is used.


public void setIcon(Icon icon)
Description copied from interface: CombinedTab
Sets the image of this tab.

Specified by:
setIcon in interface CombinedTab
icon - an icon that should be shown, can be null


public void setText(String text)
Description copied from interface: CombinedTab
Sets the text of this tab.

Specified by:
setText in interface CombinedTab
text - the text to display


public void stopAnimation()
Stops the animation of this tab.