Uses of Class

Packages that use XElement
bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.preference Generic collection of preferences used in this framework. 
bibliothek.gui The high level interfaces of the framework and the most often used classes. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.common A set of classes that can be used to create basic applications. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern Classes and interfaces used internally. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.layout Implementation of a LayoutChangeStrategy and supporting classes. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.station Contains the CommonDockStation, various implementations of CommonDockStation and supporting classes. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.common.perspective The perspective API offers clients the possibility to define or modify the layout of an application without actually creating any CDockables. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.dockable Some classes related to Dockable
bibliothek.gui.dock.facile.mode Contains an implementation of ModeManager that links a mode to the location of a Dockable
bibliothek.gui.dock.frontend Classes and interfaces needed by the DockFrontend 
bibliothek.gui.dock.layout Elements dealing with the location of Dockables on their DockStation and allowing to store the whole layout of a set of Dockables and stations. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.perspective The perspective API allows clients to access and modify the layout without actually creating any Dockables. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.station.flap Elements that are related to the FlapDockStation
bibliothek.gui.dock.station.screen Elements that are related to the ScreenDockStation
bibliothek.gui.dock.station.split Elements which are needed by the SplitDockStation, and which are needed to interact with the station. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.station.stack Elements which are related to the StackDockStation Elements used by various DockStations to store properties and to propagate events to other objects. Offers a list containing factories for various LookAndFeels. Basic interfaces and classes for a framework that assigns modes to Dockables. Utility classes, used to load resources like icons or manage settings that need to be stored persistently. 
bibliothek.util.xml Classes to read, inspect, modify and write XML files. 

Uses of XElement in bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.preference

Methods in bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.preference with parameters of type XElement
static void PreferenceStorage.readXML(PreferenceModel model, XElement element)
          Reads some preferences from element and stores them in model.
 V PreferenceFactory.readXML(XElement element)
          Reads some value from element.
 void PreferenceStorage.readXML(XElement element)
          Reads the contents of this storage from element.
static void PreferenceStorage.writeXML(PreferenceModel model, XElement element)
          Writes the preferences of model into element.
 void PreferenceFactory.writeXML(V value, XElement element)
          Writes value into element.
 void PreferenceStorage.writeXML(XElement element)
          Writes the contents of this storage into element, adds new elements to element but does not change the attributes.

Uses of XElement in bibliothek.gui

Methods in bibliothek.gui with parameters of type XElement
 SettingsBlop DockFrontend.readBlopXML(XElement element)
          Reads the contents of element using all the facotries installed on this DockFrontend, without actually changing any property of this frontend.
protected  Setting DockFrontend.readXML(boolean entry, XElement element)
          Calls DockFrontend.createSetting() and then Setting.readXML(DockSituation, PropertyTransformer, boolean, XElement).
 void DockFrontend.readXML(XElement element)
          Reads the contents of this frontend from an xml element.
 void DockFrontend.readXML(XElement element, boolean keepExistingSettings)
          Reads the contents of this frontend from an xml element.
 void DockFrontend.writeBlopXML(SettingsBlop blop, XElement element)
          Writes all the Settings of blop into element, this method does use the factories installed on this DockFrontend, but does not change any properties of the frontend.
protected  void DockFrontend.writeXML(Setting setting, boolean entry, XElement element)
          Calls Setting.writeXML(DockSituation, PropertyTransformer, boolean, XElement).
 void DockFrontend.writeXML(XElement element)
          Writes all properties of this frontend into an xml element.

Uses of XElement in bibliothek.gui.dock.common

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.common with parameters of type XElement
 void CControl.readXML(XElement element)
          Reads the current and other known layouts from element.
This is the same as calling getResources().readXML( element ).
 void MultipleCDockableLayout.readXML(XElement element)
          Reads the content of this layout from element.
 void CControl.writeXML(XElement element)
          Writes the current and all known layouts into element.
This is the same as calling getResources().writeXML( element ).
 void MultipleCDockableLayout.writeXML(XElement element)
          Writes the content of this layout into element.

Uses of XElement in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern with parameters of type XElement
 CommonMultipleDockableLayout element, PlaceholderStrategy placeholders)
 CommonSingleDockableLayout element, PlaceholderStrategy placeholders)
 Path element, PlaceholderStrategy placeholders)
 void CSetting.readXML(DockSituation situation, PropertyTransformer transformer, boolean entry, XElement element)
 void CommonMultipleDockableFactory.write(CommonMultipleDockableLayout layout, XElement element)
 void CommonSingleDockableFactory.write(CommonSingleDockableLayout layout, XElement element)
 void RootStationAdjacentFactory.write(Path layout, XElement element)
 void CSetting.writeXML(DockSituation situation, PropertyTransformer transformer, boolean entry, XElement element)

Uses of XElement in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.layout

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.layout with parameters of type XElement
 MultipleCDockable element, PlaceholderStrategy placeholders)
 void CControlPerspectiveResource.readXML(XElement element)
 void ReplacementDockFactory.write(MultipleCDockable layout, XElement element)
 void CControlPerspectiveResource.writeXML(XElement element)

Uses of XElement in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.station

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.station that return XElement
 XElement CommonDockStationLayout.getLayoutXML()
          Gets the layout information as xml element, assuming that the layout information is stored in xml.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.station with parameters of type XElement
 CommonDockStationLayout element, PlaceholderStrategy placeholders)
 void CommonDockStationFactory.write(CommonDockStationLayout layout, XElement element)

Constructors in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.station with parameters of type XElement
CommonDockStationLayout(String id, boolean root, String factoryId, XElement layout)
          Creates a new layout.

Uses of XElement in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.perspective

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.perspective with parameters of type XElement
 CControlPerspectiveBlop CControlPerspective.readAllXML(XElement root)
          Emulates a call to CControl.readXML(XElement) and returns all the layouts that are stored within root.
 CPerspective CControlPerspective.readXML(XElement root)
          Creates a new CPerspective using the information stored in root.
 void CControlPerspectiveBlop.readXML(XElement root)
          Performs the same actions as CControl.readXML(XElement), this method extracts all layouts of an xml file.
 CPerspective CControlPerspective.readXML(XElement root, boolean includeWorkingAreas)
          Creates a new CPerspective using the information stored in root.
 void CControlPerspectiveBlop.writeXML(XElement root)
          Performs the same actions as CControl.writeXML(
 void CControlPerspective.writeXML(XElement root, CPerspective perspective)
          Writes the contents of perspective into root using the factories provided by this CControlPerspective.
 void CControlPerspective.writeXML(XElement root, CPerspective perspective, boolean includeWorkingAreas)
          Writes the contents of perspective into root using the factories provided by this CControlPerspective.

Uses of XElement in bibliothek.gui.dock.dockable

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.dockable with parameters of type XElement
 Object element, PlaceholderStrategy placeholders)
 void DefaultDockableFactory.write(Object layout, XElement element)

Uses of XElement in bibliothek.gui.dock.facile.mode

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.facile.mode with parameters of type XElement
<B> void element, ModeSettingsConverter<Location,B> converter)
 Location LocationSettingConverter.readPropertyXML(XElement element)
protected  void CLocationModeSettings.rescueSettings(XElement element)
<B> void
MaximizedModeSetting.write(XElement element, ModeSettingsConverter<Location,B> converter)
 void LocationSettingConverter.writePropertyXML(Location b, XElement element)

Uses of XElement in bibliothek.gui.dock.frontend

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.frontend with parameters of type XElement
 BackupFactoryData<L> element, PlaceholderStrategy placeholders)
 void Setting.readXML(DockSituation situation, PropertyTransformer transformer, boolean entry, XElement element)
          Reads the properties of this setting.
 void RegisteringDockFactory.write(BackupFactoryData<L> layout, XElement element)
 void Setting.writeXML(DockSituation situation, PropertyTransformer transformer, boolean entry, XElement element)
          Writes the properties of this setting in xml format.

Uses of XElement in bibliothek.gui.dock.layout

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.layout that return XElement
 XElement DockLayoutInfo.getDataXML()
          Gets the data of this info formated as xml.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.layout with parameters of type XElement
 void DockableProperty.load(XElement element)
          Reads the contents of this DockableProperty from an xml element.
 L element, PlaceholderStrategy placeholders)
          Reads a layout from an xml-element.
 Map<String,DockLayoutComposition> DockSituation.readCompositionsXML(XElement root)
          Reads a set of DockLayoutCompositions that were stored earlier.
 DockLayoutComposition DockSituation.readCompositionXML(XElement element)
          Reads a DockLayoutComposition from an xml element.
 Object MissingDockFactory.readXML(String id, XElement element)
          Reads element and returns an object that represents the content of element.
 Map<String,DockStation> DockSituation.readXML(XElement root)
          Reads a set of DockStations that were stored earlier.
 DockableProperty PropertyTransformer.readXML(XElement element)
          Reads a DockableProperty and its successors from an xml element.
 void element)
          Stores the contents of this property as xml element.
 void DockConverter.write(L layout, XElement element)
          Writes the contents of layout into element.
 void DockSituation.writeCompositionsXML(Map<String,DockLayoutComposition> stations, XElement element)
          Writes the contents of station into element.
 void DockSituation.writeCompositionXML(DockLayoutComposition composition, XElement element)
          Writes the contents of composition into element without changing the attributes of element.
 void PropertyTransformer.writeXML(DockableProperty property, XElement element)
          Writes property and all its successors into element.
 void DockSituation.writeXML(Map<String,DockStation> stations, XElement element)
          Writes all locations and relationships of the DockStations stations and their children as xml.

Constructors in bibliothek.gui.dock.layout with parameters of type XElement
DockLayoutInfo(XElement data)
          Creates a new info.

Uses of XElement in bibliothek.gui.dock.perspective

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.perspective with parameters of type XElement
 Map<String,PerspectiveStation> Perspective.readXML(XElement root)
          Reads the contents of root and returns them in a map.
 void Perspective.writeXML(Map<String,PerspectiveStation> stations, XElement element)
          Converts the content of stations to XML.

Uses of XElement in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.flap

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.flap with parameters of type XElement
 void FlapDockProperty.load(XElement element)
 FlapDockStationLayout element, PlaceholderStrategy placeholders)
 void element)
 void FlapDockStationFactory.write(FlapDockStationLayout layout, XElement element)

Uses of XElement in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.screen

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.screen with parameters of type XElement
 void ScreenDockProperty.load(XElement element)
 ScreenDockStationLayout element, PlaceholderStrategy placeholders)
 void element)
 void ScreenDockStationFactory.write(ScreenDockStationLayout layout, XElement element)

Uses of XElement in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.split

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.split with parameters of type XElement
 void SplitDockFullScreenProperty.load(XElement element)
 void SplitDockPathProperty.load(XElement element)
 void SplitDockPlaceholderProperty.load(XElement element)
 void SplitDockProperty.load(XElement element)
 SplitDockStationLayout element, PlaceholderStrategy placeholders)
 void element)
 void element)
 void element)
 void element)
 void SplitDockStationFactory.write(SplitDockStationLayout layout, XElement element)

Uses of XElement in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.stack

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.stack with parameters of type XElement
 void StackDockProperty.load(XElement element)
 StackDockStationLayout element, PlaceholderStrategy placeholders)
 void element)
 void StackDockStationFactory.write(StackDockStationLayout layout, XElement element)

Uses of XElement in

Methods in with parameters of type XElement
 void PlaceholderMap.write(XElement out)
          Writes the contents of this map into out.

Constructors in with parameters of type XElement
PlaceholderMap(XElement in, PlaceholderStrategy strategy)
          Creates a new map reading the content of the map directly from in.

Uses of XElement in

Methods in with parameters of type XElement
 void LookAndFeelList.readXML(XElement element)
          Reads which LookAndFeel was used earlier and calls setLookAndFeel to set the old LookAndFeel.
 void LookAndFeelList.writeXML(XElement element)
          Writes which LookAndFeel is currently used.

Uses of XElement in

Methods in with parameters of type XElement
<B> void element, ModeSettingsConverter<A,B> converter)
          Reads the contents of this setting from element.
 B ModeSettingsConverter.readPropertyXML(XElement element)
          Reads a single property.
 void ModeSettings.readXML(XElement element)
          Clears all properties of this setting and then reads new properties from element.
protected  void ModeSettings.rescueSettings(XElement element)
          Called if some setting does not have the "modes" entry, the assumption is that only old settings are missing this entry.
<B> void
ModeSetting.write(XElement element, ModeSettingsConverter<A,B> converter)
          Writes the contents of this setting into element.
 void ModeSettingsConverter.writePropertyXML(B b, XElement element)
          Writes a single property as xml element.
 void ModeSettings.writeXML(XElement element)
          Writes the contents of this setting in xml format.

Uses of XElement in

Methods in with parameters of type XElement
 void ApplicationResource.readXML(XElement element)
          Reads the contents of this resource from a xml element.
 void ApplicationResourceManager.readXML(XElement element)
          Reads the contents of this manager from a xml element.
 void ApplicationResource.writeXML(XElement element)
          Writes the contents of this resource in xml format.
 void ApplicationResourceManager.writeXML(XElement element)
          Writes the content of this manager in xml format.

Uses of XElement in bibliothek.util.xml

Methods in bibliothek.util.xml that return XElement
 XElement XElement.addAttribute(XAttribute attribute)
          Adds a new attribute to this entry.
 XElement XElement.addBoolean(String name, boolean value)
          Adds a new attribute to this entry.
 XElement XElement.addByte(String name, byte value)
          Adds a new attribute to this entry.
 XElement XElement.addByteArray(String name, byte[] value)
          Adds a new attribute to this entry.
 XElement XElement.addChar(String name, char value)
          Adds a new attribute to this entry.
 XElement XElement.addDouble(String name, double value)
          Adds a new attribute to this entry.
 XElement XElement.addElement(String name)
          Creates and adds a new element.
 XElement XElement.addFloat(String name, float value)
          Adds a new attribute to this entry.
 XElement XElement.addInt(String name, int value)
          Adds a new attribute to this entry.
 XElement XElement.addLong(String name, long value)
          Adds a new attribute to this entry.
 XElement XElement.addShort(String name, short value)
          Adds a new attribute to this entry.
 XElement XElement.addString(String name, String value)
          Adds a new attribute to this entry.
 XElement[] XElement.children()
          Gets all children of this entry.
 XElement XElement.copy()
 XElement XElement.getElement(int index)
          Gets the index'th child of this element.
 XElement XElement.getElement(String name)
          Gets the first element with the given name.
 XElement[] XElement.getElements(String... names)
          Searches all children which have one of the name names.
 XElement[] XElement.getElements(String name)
          Gets all children with a given name.
static XElement text)
          Interprets text as a xml-file and reads it.
static XElement source)
          Reads a xml-file from source.
static XElement in, String encoding)
          Reads a xml file provided from in using encoding as encoding.
static XElement reader)
          Reads a xml file provided from reader.
static XElement XIO.readUTF(InputStream in)
          Reads a xml file provided from in using UTF-8 as encoding.

Methods in bibliothek.util.xml that return types with arguments of type XElement
 Iterator<XElement> XElement.iterator()

Methods in bibliothek.util.xml with parameters of type XElement
 void XElement.addElement(XElement element)
          Adds a new element to this element.
 void XElement.copy(XElement original)
          Makes a copy of all the elements of original and stores them in this container.
 boolean XElement.removeElement(XElement element)
          Removes the child element from this XElement.
static void XIO.write(XElement element, Appendable out)
          Writes the contents of element into out.
static void XIO.write(XElement element, OutputStream out, String encoding)
          Writes the contents of element into out.
static void XIO.writeUTF(XElement element, OutputStream out)
          Writes the contents of element into out using the UTF-8 encoding.