Uses of Class

Packages that use TypedUIProperties.Type
bibliothek.gui.dock.themes Contains an implementation of DockTheme and all classes which are neede by this theme. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.util Distribution of information in a global scale and methods available from everywhere. 

Uses of TypedUIProperties.Type in bibliothek.gui.dock.themes

Fields in bibliothek.gui.dock.themes declared as TypedUIProperties.Type
static TypedUIProperties.Type<BackgroundPaint> ThemeManager.BACKGROUND_PAINT_TYPE
          Identifier for the type BackgroundPaint
static TypedUIProperties.Type<BorderModifier> ThemeManager.BORDER_MODIFIER_TYPE
          Identifier for the type BorderModifier
static TypedUIProperties.Type<Combiner> ThemeManager.COMBINER_TYPE
          Identifier for the type Combiner
static TypedUIProperties.Type<DisplayerFactory> ThemeManager.DISPLAYER_FACTORY_TYPE
          Identifier for the type DisplayerFactory
static TypedUIProperties.Type<SpanFactory> ThemeManager.SPAN_FACTORY_TYPE
          Identifier for the type SpanFactory
static TypedUIProperties.Type<StationPaint> ThemeManager.STATION_PAINT_TYPE
          Identifier for a factory that creates StationPaints.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.themes with parameters of type TypedUIProperties.Type
<V,A extends V>
void<A> source, TypedUIProperties.Type<V> type, String id)
          Creates a link between the property source and the entry id on the level Priority.THEME.
<V> void
ThemeManager.unlink(TypedUIProperties.Type<V> type, String id)
          Disables a link between a property and the entry id.

Constructors in bibliothek.gui.dock.themes with parameters of type TypedUIProperties.Type
StationThemeItemValue(String id, Path kind, TypedUIProperties.Type<V> type, DockStation station)
          Creates a new object.

Uses of TypedUIProperties.Type in bibliothek.gui.dock.util

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.util with parameters of type TypedUIProperties.Type
<V> void
TypedUIProperties.add(String id, Path kind, TypedUIProperties.Type<V> type, UIValue<V> value)
          Adds the listener value to this manager.
<V> V
TypedUIProperties.get(String id, TypedUIProperties.Type<V> type)
          Gets the current value of the resource id with type type.
<V,A extends V>
void<A> source, TypedUIProperties.Type<V> destinationType, String destinationId)
          Creates a link between the key source and the resource destinationId.
<V> void
TypedUIProperties.publish(Priority priority, Path kind, TypedUIProperties.Type<V> type, UIBridge<V,UIValue<V>> bridge)
          Adds an UIBridge to this manager, the bridge will be responsible for UIValues of kind kind.
<V> void
TypedUIProperties.put(Priority priority, String id, TypedUIProperties.Type<V> type, V value)
          Sets a value of this manager.
<T> void
TypedUIProperties.registerType(TypedUIProperties.Type<T> type)
          Registers type at this properties.
<V> void
TypedPropertyUIScheme.unlink(TypedUIProperties.Type<V> destinationType, String destinationId)
          Disables the connection leading to the resource destinationId.
<V> void
TypedUIProperties.unpublish(Priority priority, Path kind, TypedUIProperties.Type<V> type)
          Removes the UIBridge that was responsible for handling UIValues of kind kind and wrapping type type