Package bibliothek.gui.dock.station.screen.magnet

The magnet API allows ScreenDockWindows to attract each other, or to stick together.


Interface Summary
AttractorStrategy The AttractorStrategy is used by the MagnetController to find out whether two ScreenDockWindows are attracting each other.
MagnetizedOperation A callback used by ScreenDockWindows to calculate the attraction between two ScreenDockWindows.
MagnetOperation Creates by a MagnetStrategy, this operation is created once movement or resizing of a ScreenDockWindow started and exists until this operation stopped.
MagnetRequest Describes the movement of a ScreenDockWindow.
MagnetStrategy The MagnetStrategy is used by the MagnetController to define how exactly two ScreenDockWindows behave that are attracting each other.
StickMagnetGraph.Edge Represents an edge between two StickMagnetGraph.Nodes of a graph.
StickMagnetGraph.Node Represents one node of the graph.
StickMagnetGraph.Visitor A StickMagnetGraph.Visitor can be used to visit all the nodes of the graph.

Class Summary
DefaultMagnetOperation The DefaultMagnetOperation searches the nearest attracted ScreenDockWindow to a moved side and if that other window is nearer than a given threshold then the moved window is attracted.
DefaultMagnetStrategy The DefaultMagnetStrategy is based on the DefaultMagnetOperation.
MagnetController Each ScreenDockStation uses one MagnetController to calculate attractions between its children.
MultiAttractorStrategy A combination of several AttractorStrategys into one strategy.
StickMagnetGraph The StickMagnetGraph is a helper class for a MagnetStrategy.
StickMagnetGraphConstraint A constraint tells how much a side of a ScreenDockWindow has to move.

Enum Summary
AttractorStrategy.Attraction Tells how two Dockables interact with each other.
MagnetRequest.Side Describes one side of a ScreenDockWindow.

Package bibliothek.gui.dock.station.screen.magnet Description

The magnet API allows ScreenDockWindows to attract each other, or to stick together. The most important interface for clients is AttractorStrategy.