Uses of Interface

Packages that use PerspectiveElement
bibliothek.gui.dock The five basic classes implementing Dockable and DockStation plus some supporting elements. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern Classes and interfaces used internally. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.layout Implementation of a LayoutChangeStrategy and supporting classes. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.common.perspective The perspective API offers clients the possibility to define or modify the layout of an application without actually creating any CDockables. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.dockable Some classes related to Dockable
bibliothek.gui.dock.frontend Classes and interfaces needed by the DockFrontend 
bibliothek.gui.dock.layout Elements dealing with the location of Dockables on their DockStation and allowing to store the whole layout of a set of Dockables and stations. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.perspective The perspective API allows clients to access and modify the layout without actually creating any Dockables. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.station.flap Elements that are related to the FlapDockStation
bibliothek.gui.dock.station.screen Elements that are related to the ScreenDockStation
bibliothek.gui.dock.station.split Elements which are needed by the SplitDockStation, and which are needed to interact with the station. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.station.stack Elements which are related to the StackDockStation
bibliothek.gui.dock.util Distribution of information in a global scale and methods available from everywhere. 

Uses of PerspectiveElement in bibliothek.gui.dock

Classes in bibliothek.gui.dock with type parameters of type PerspectiveElement
 interface DockFactory<D extends DockElement,P extends PerspectiveElement,L>
          A DockConverter which can not only store and load the contents of an element, but also create a new DockElement with the content.

Uses of PerspectiveElement in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern with parameters of type PerspectiveElement
 Path RootStationAdjacentFactory.getPerspectiveLayout(PerspectiveElement element, Map<PerspectiveDockable,Integer> children)
 boolean RootStationAdjacentFactory.interested(PerspectiveElement element)

Uses of PerspectiveElement in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.layout

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.layout that return PerspectiveElement
 PerspectiveElement ReplacementDockFactory.layoutPerspective(MultipleCDockable layout, Map<Integer,PerspectiveDockable> children)

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.layout with parameters of type PerspectiveElement
 MultipleCDockable ReplacementDockFactory.getPerspectiveLayout(PerspectiveElement element, Map<PerspectiveDockable,Integer> children)
 void ReplacementDockFactory.layoutPerspective(PerspectiveElement perspective, MultipleCDockable layout, Map<Integer,PerspectiveDockable> children)

Uses of PerspectiveElement in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.perspective

Subinterfaces of PerspectiveElement in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.perspective
 interface CommonDockStationPerspective
          A PerspectiveElement that represents a CommonDockStation.
 interface CommonElementPerspective
          A PerspectiveElement that has an additional representation as a CElementPerspective.
 interface ShrinkablePerspectiveStation
          This kind of PerspectiveStation can find out whether it is really needed and can remove itself if not.

Classes in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.perspective that implement PerspectiveElement
 class CExternalizePerspective.CommonScreenDockPerspective
          This type of object is used by the CExternalizePerspective as intern representation.
 class CGridPerspective.CommonSplitDockPerspective
          The type of object that is used by a CGridPerspective as intern representation.
 class CMinimizePerspective.CommonFlapDockPerspective
          The type of object that is used by CMinimizePerspective as intern representation.
 class CStackPerspective
          This perspective represents a group of dockables.
protected  class MultipleCDockablePerspective.Intern
          The default representation for a MultipleCDockablePerspective.
protected  class SingleCDockablePerspective.Intern
          The type of object that is created by the default implementation of SingleCDockablePerspective.create()

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.perspective that return types with arguments of type PerspectiveElement
 Iterator<PerspectiveElement> CPerspective.elements()
          Gets an iterator that will visit all the PerspectiveElements of this CPerspective.

Uses of PerspectiveElement in bibliothek.gui.dock.dockable

Classes in bibliothek.gui.dock.dockable that implement PerspectiveElement
 class DefaultDockablePerspective
          Implementation of a PerspectiveElement that represents a DefaultDockable.

Uses of PerspectiveElement in bibliothek.gui.dock.frontend

Classes in bibliothek.gui.dock.frontend that implement PerspectiveElement
 class FrontendDockablePerspective
          This DefaultDockablePerspective represents a DefaultDockable that was added to a DockFrontend with a unique identifier.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.frontend that return PerspectiveElement
 PerspectiveElement DefaultFrontendPerspectiveCache.get(String id, boolean rootStation)
 PerspectiveElement FrontendPerspectiveCache.get(String id, boolean rootStation)
          Called to convert id to a PerspectiveElement.
 PerspectiveElement DefaultFrontendPerspectiveCache.get(String id, DockElement element, boolean isRootStation)
 PerspectiveElement FrontendPerspectiveCache.get(String id, DockElement element, boolean isRootStation)
          Given an element that was earlier created by the client and added to a DockFrontend, this method converts element to a PerspectiveElement.
When called multiple times with the same arguments, then this method is free to either return different objects or to always return the same object.
 PerspectiveElement FrontendPerspectiveCacheExtension.get(String id, DockElement element, boolean isRootStation)
          Converts element into a PerspectiveElement.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.frontend with parameters of type PerspectiveElement
 String DefaultFrontendPerspectiveCache.get(PerspectiveElement element)
 String FrontendPerspectiveCache.get(PerspectiveElement element)
          Gets the unique identifier of element.
 String FrontendPerspectiveCacheExtension.get(PerspectiveElement element)
          Gets the unique identifier of element.
protected  void DefaultFrontendPerspectiveCache.put(PerspectiveElement element, String id)
          Makes an association that the identifier id is used for element.

Uses of PerspectiveElement in bibliothek.gui.dock.layout

Classes in bibliothek.gui.dock.layout with type parameters of type PerspectiveElement
 interface DockConverter<D extends DockElement,P extends PerspectiveElement,L>
          A DockConverter can store or load content which is related to a certain kind of DockElement.
The content of an element is first converted in a special intermediate form represented by some object of type L.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.layout with parameters of type PerspectiveElement
protected  String DockSituation.getID(PerspectiveElement element)
          Gets the id of the factory which is needed to write (and later read) element
protected  String PredefinedDockSituation.getID(PerspectiveElement element, PredefinedPerspective perspective)
          Gets the identifier that matches element which is part of perspective.
 boolean DockSituationIgnore.ignoreElement(PerspectiveElement element)
          Tells whether to ignore this element when saving.
 boolean AdjacentDockFactory.interested(PerspectiveElement element)
          Tells whether this factory is interested in storing information for element.
protected  boolean PredefinedDockSituation.shouldLayout(PerspectiveElement element, PredefinedPerspective perspective)
          Tells whether the layout of element itself should be stored or loaded, that will not prevent the element from showing up but from changing its content.

Uses of PerspectiveElement in bibliothek.gui.dock.perspective

Subinterfaces of PerspectiveElement in bibliothek.gui.dock.perspective
 interface PerspectiveDockable
          A representation of a Dockable in a Perspective.
 interface PerspectiveStation
          An abstract representation of a DockStation in a Perspective.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.perspective that return PerspectiveElement
 PerspectiveElement Perspective.convert(DockLayoutComposition composition)
          Converts composition using the DockFactorys that are registered at this perspective.
 PerspectiveElement PredefinedMap.get(String id)
          Given a unique identifier id, tells what PerspectiveElement belongs to that id.
 PerspectiveElement PredefinedPerspective.get(String key)
          Gets the element which was stored using key.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.perspective with parameters of type PerspectiveElement
 DockLayoutComposition Perspective.convert(PerspectiveElement element)
          Converts element using the DockFactorys that are registered at this perspective.
 String PredefinedMap.get(PerspectiveElement element)
          Given element, tells what unique identifier element has.
 String PredefinedPerspective.get(PerspectiveElement element)
          Gets the key for element.
protected abstract  String Perspective.getID(PerspectiveElement element)
          Gets the identifier of the factory that is responsible for element.
 void PredefinedPerspective.put(String key, PerspectiveElement element)
          Registers element on this PredefinedPerspective.

Uses of PerspectiveElement in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.flap

Classes in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.flap that implement PerspectiveElement
 class FlapDockPerspective
          A representation of a FlapDockStation in a Perspective.
Note: while this perspective allows to set the hold and size property of a dockable, the final decision of how these properties look like are made by the FlapLayoutManager that is installed on the FlapDockStation which shows the real Dockables.

Uses of PerspectiveElement in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.screen

Classes in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.screen that implement PerspectiveElement
 class ScreenDockPerspective
          A representation of a ScreenDockStation in a Perspective.

Uses of PerspectiveElement in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.split

Classes in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.split that implement PerspectiveElement
 class SplitDockPerspective
          Represents a SplitDockStation in a Perspective.

Uses of PerspectiveElement in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.stack

Classes in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.stack that implement PerspectiveElement
 class StackDockPerspective
          A representation of a StackDockStation in a Perspective.

Uses of PerspectiveElement in bibliothek.gui.dock.util

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.util with parameters of type PerspectiveElement
static boolean DockUtilities.isAncestor(PerspectiveElement ancestor, PerspectiveElement child)
          Tells whether child is identical with ancestor or a child of ancestor.