Uses of Class

Packages that use DockSituation
bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern Classes and interfaces used internally. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.layout Implementation of a LayoutChangeStrategy and supporting classes. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.frontend Classes and interfaces needed by the DockFrontend 
bibliothek.gui.dock.layout Elements dealing with the location of Dockables on their DockStation and allowing to store the whole layout of a set of Dockables and stations. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.perspective The perspective API allows clients to access and modify the layout without actually creating any Dockables. 

Uses of DockSituation in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern with parameters of type DockSituation
 void situation, PropertyTransformer transformer, boolean entry, DataInputStream in)
 void CSetting.readXML(DockSituation situation, PropertyTransformer transformer, boolean entry, XElement element)
 void CSetting.write(DockSituation situation, PropertyTransformer transformer, boolean entry, DataOutputStream out)
 void CSetting.writeXML(DockSituation situation, PropertyTransformer transformer, boolean entry, XElement element)

Uses of DockSituation in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.layout

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.layout with parameters of type DockSituation
protected  Set<Dockable> CLayoutChangeStrategy.estimateVisible(DockFrontendInternals frontend, DockSituation situation, DockLayoutComposition layout)

Uses of DockSituation in bibliothek.gui.dock.frontend

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.frontend that return DockSituation
 DockSituation LayoutChangeStrategy.createSituation(DockFrontendInternals frontend, boolean entry)
          Creates a new DockSituation that is used to write and read the current setting from and to a stream.
Note: the result of this method is used to read and write data from a file, the frontend expects that always the same format (i.e.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.frontend with parameters of type DockSituation
protected  void DefaultLayoutChangeStrategy.applyInvisibleLayout(DockFrontendInternals frontend, DockSituation situation, DefaultLayoutChangeStrategy.SettingAccess setting)
          Applies setting to the invisible elements.
protected  void DefaultLayoutChangeStrategy.applyLayout(DockFrontendInternals frontend, DockSituation situation, DefaultLayoutChangeStrategy.SettingAccess setting, boolean entry)
          Applies the layout described in setting to the visible elements.
protected  Collection<Dockable> DefaultLayoutChangeStrategy.approveClosing(DockFrontendInternals frontend, DockSituation situation, DefaultLayoutChangeStrategy.SettingAccess setting)
          Asks the VetoManager whether some Dockables can be hidden.
 void DefaultLayoutChangeStrategy.estimateLocations(DockFrontendInternals frontend, DockSituation situation, DockLayoutComposition layout)
 void LayoutChangeStrategy.estimateLocations(DockFrontendInternals frontend, DockSituation situation, DockLayoutComposition layout)
          Tries to fill the property location for each element in layout.
protected  Set<Dockable> DefaultLayoutChangeStrategy.estimateVisible(DockFrontendInternals frontend, DockSituation situation, DockLayoutComposition layout)
          Tries to estimate which of the currently visible Dockables will still be visible if layout is applied to frontend.
 void DefaultLayoutChangeStrategy.SettingAccess.fillMissing(DockSituation situation)
          Using the factories given by situation, this method tries to fill any gaps in the layout.
 void Setting.fillMissing(DockSituation situation)
          Using the factories given by situation, this method tries to fill any gaps in the layout.
protected  Map<String,DockableProperty> DefaultLayoutChangeStrategy.listEstimateLocations(DockSituation situation, DockLayoutComposition layout)
          Tries to estimate the location of missing Dockables.
protected  Map<String,DockLayoutComposition> DefaultLayoutChangeStrategy.listLayouts(DockSituation situation, DockLayoutComposition layout)
          Tries to estimate the layouts of missing Dockables.
 void situation, PropertyTransformer transformer, boolean entry, DataInputStream in)
          Reads the properties of this setting.
 void Setting.readXML(DockSituation situation, PropertyTransformer transformer, boolean entry, XElement element)
          Reads the properties of this setting.
 void Setting.write(DockSituation situation, PropertyTransformer transformer, boolean entry, DataOutputStream out)
          Writes the properties of this setting into out.
 void Setting.writeXML(DockSituation situation, PropertyTransformer transformer, boolean entry, XElement element)
          Writes the properties of this setting in xml format.

Uses of DockSituation in bibliothek.gui.dock.layout

Subclasses of DockSituation in bibliothek.gui.dock.layout
 class PredefinedDockSituation
          A DockSituation that does not load or store all DockElements.

Uses of DockSituation in bibliothek.gui.dock.perspective

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.perspective that return DockSituation
 DockSituation Perspective.getSituation()
          Gets the DockSituation which is used to convert PerspectiveElements and DockLayoutCompositions.

Constructors in bibliothek.gui.dock.perspective with parameters of type DockSituation
Perspective(DockSituation situation)
          Creates a new Perspective using situation to read and write items.