Uses of Class

Packages that use CPerspective
bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern Classes and interfaces used internally. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.common.perspective The perspective API offers clients the possibility to define or modify the layout of an application without actually creating any CDockables. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.common.perspective.mode This module of the perspective API allows clients to access and modify CDockables that are in different modes like "maximized" or "minimized". 

Uses of CPerspective in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern

Constructors in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern with parameters of type CPerspective
CommonMultipleDockableFactory(String id, MultipleCDockableFactory<?,?> delegate, CControlAccess access, CPerspective perspective)
          Creates a new factory.
CommonSingleDockableFactory(CControl control, CPerspective perspective)
          Creates a new factory.

Uses of CPerspective in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.perspective

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.perspective that return CPerspective
 CPerspective CControlPerspective.createEmptyPerspective()
          Creates a new CPerspective that is set up with all the stations of the CControl.
 CPerspective CContentPerspective.getPerspective()
          Gets the CPerspective in whose realm this CContentPerspective works.
 CPerspective CControlPerspectiveBlop.getPerspective()
          Gets the current layout.
 CPerspective CExternalizePerspective.getPerspective()
 CPerspective CGridPerspective.getPerspective()
 CPerspective CMinimizePerspective.getPerspective()
 CPerspective CPerspectiveMultipleIdentifierCollection.getPerspective()
          Gets the owner of this access object.
 CPerspective CStationPerspective.getPerspective()
          Gets the perspective which presents this station.
 CPerspective CControlPerspective.getPerspective(boolean includeWorkingAreas)
          Gets a perspective that matches the current layout of the application.
 CPerspective CControlPerspective.getPerspective(String name)
          Gets the perspective which represents a layout that was stored using
 CPerspective CControlPerspectiveBlop.getPerspective(String name)
          Gets the perspective which was stored using name as key.
 CPerspective setting, boolean includeWorkingAreas)
          Creates a new CPerspective and fills it using the information from setting.
 CPerspective in)
          Creates a new CPerspective using the information stored in in.
 CPerspective in, boolean includeWorkingAreas)
          Creates a new CPerspective using the information stored in in.
 CPerspective CControlPerspective.readXML(XElement root)
          Creates a new CPerspective using the information stored in root.
 CPerspective CControlPerspective.readXML(XElement root, boolean includeWorkingAreas)
          Creates a new CPerspective using the information stored in root.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.perspective with parameters of type CPerspective
 DockFrontendPerspective CControlPerspective.conversion(CPerspective perspective, boolean includeWorkingAreas)
          Creates a new DockFrontendPerspective which uses the settings from perspective to read and write layouts.
 void CControlPerspectiveBlop.putPerspective(String name, CPerspective perspective)
          Stores a new layout for name.
 void CControlPerspectiveBlop.setPerspective(CPerspective perspective)
          Sets the layout that should be loaded.
 void CExternalizePerspective.setPerspective(CPerspective perspective)
 void CGridPerspective.setPerspective(CPerspective perspective)
 void CMinimizePerspective.setPerspective(CPerspective perspective)
 void CStationPerspective.setPerspective(CPerspective perspective)
          Informs this station by which perspective it is used.
 void CControlPerspective.setPerspective(CPerspective perspective, boolean includeWorkingAreas)
          Changes the layout of the associated CControl such that it matches perspective.
 void CControlPerspective.setPerspective(String name, CPerspective perspective)
          Stores perspective as a layout that can be selected by the user by calling CControl.load(String).
 CSetting CControlPerspective.write(CPerspective perspective, boolean includeWorkingAreas)
          Converts perspective into a CSetting.
 void CControlPerspective.write(DataOutputStream out, CPerspective perspective)
          Writes the contents of perspective into out using the factories provided by this CControlPerspective.
 void CControlPerspective.write(DataOutputStream out, CPerspective perspective, boolean includeWorkingAreas)
          Writes the contents of perspective into out using the factories provided by this CControlPerspective.
 void CControlPerspective.writeXML(XElement root, CPerspective perspective)
          Writes the contents of perspective into root using the factories provided by this CControlPerspective.
 void CControlPerspective.writeXML(XElement root, CPerspective perspective, boolean includeWorkingAreas)
          Writes the contents of perspective into root using the factories provided by this CControlPerspective.

Constructors in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.perspective with parameters of type CPerspective
CContentPerspective(CPerspective perspective, String id)
          Creates a new perspective.
CPerspectiveMultipleIdentifierCollection(String factoryId, CPerspective perspective)
          Creates a new object

Uses of CPerspective in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.perspective.mode

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.perspective.mode that return CPerspective
 CPerspective AbstractModePerspective.getPerspective()
          Gets the perspective that uses this mode.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.perspective.mode with parameters of type CPerspective
 void LocationModeManagerPerspective.readModes(ModeSettings<Location,?> modes, CPerspective cperspective, CControlAccess control)
          Reads the contents of modes and applies it to the dockables of cperspective.
 void AbstractModePerspective.setPerspective(CPerspective perspective)
 void LocationModePerspective.setPerspective(CPerspective perspective)
          Informs this mode of what perspective is going to use it.

Constructors in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.perspective.mode with parameters of type CPerspective
LocationModeManagerPerspective(CPerspective perspective, CControlAccess control)
          Creates a new manager