Package bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.preference.preferences

Implementations of various Preferences which are used in the default set of preferences.


Interface Summary
KeyStrokeValidator Information for Path.TYPE_KEYSTROKE_PATH about how a keystroke has to be chosen.

Class Summary
BubbleColorSchemePreference Allows to set the ColorScheme of the BubbleTheme.
ButtonContentPreference Deprecated. replaced by ButtonContentPreferenceModel
ChoiceDockPropertyPreference<V> A preference that offers a choice and write the value into a DockProperties.
DockPropertyPreference<V> A Preference that can read and write its value from a DockProperties.
EclipseIconPreference Allows to set whether icons are shown on deselected tabs in the EclipseTheme.
EclipseTabPreference Determines the way tabs are painted in the EclipseTheme.
KeyStrokeHidePreference Preference for the shortcut used by the DockFrontend to hide Dockables.
KeyStrokeInitSelectorPreference Preference for the shortcut that allows selecting a new Dockable with the keyboard.
KeyStrokeMaximizePreference Preference for the shortcut used by the SplitDockStation to maximize its children.
ModifierMaskNoCombinationPreference Preference for the mask that prevents combinations when moving a Dockable.
ModifierMaskScreenOnlyPreference Preference for the mask that forces a Dockable onto the ScreenDockStation when moving.

Package bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.preference.preferences Description

Implementations of various Preferences which are used in the default set of preferences.