Uses of Class

Packages that use XException
bibliothek.gui.dock.frontend Classes and interfaces needed by the DockFrontend 
bibliothek.gui.dock.layout Elements dealing with the location of Dockables on their DockStation and allowing to store the whole layout of a set of Dockables and stations. 

Uses of XException in bibliothek.gui.dock.frontend

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.frontend that throw XException
protected  void DefaultLayoutChangeStrategy.applyInvisibleLayout(DockFrontendInternals frontend, DockSituation situation, DefaultLayoutChangeStrategy.SettingAccess setting)
          Applies setting to the invisible elements.
protected  void DefaultLayoutChangeStrategy.applyLayout(DockFrontendInternals frontend, DockSituation situation, DefaultLayoutChangeStrategy.SettingAccess setting, boolean entry)
          Applies the layout described in setting to the visible elements.
 boolean DefaultLayoutChangeStrategy.setLayout(DockFrontendInternals frontend, Setting setting, boolean entry)
 boolean LayoutChangeStrategy.setLayout(DockFrontendInternals frontend, Setting setting, boolean entry)
          Changes the layout of frontend by reading and applying setting.

Uses of XException in bibliothek.gui.dock.layout

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.layout that throw XException
 DockLayoutComposition DockSituation.fillMissing(DockLayoutComposition composition)
          Using the factories currently known to this DockSituation, this method tries to fill gaps in composition.