Uses of Class

Packages that use Todo
bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.station.split Optional helper functions to keep the size of Dockable even if the elements are moved around. 
bibliothek.gui The high level interfaces of the framework and the most often used classes. 
bibliothek.gui.dock The five basic classes implementing Dockable and DockStation plus some supporting elements. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.common A set of classes that can be used to create basic applications. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern Classes and interfaces used internally. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.station Contains the CommonDockStation, various implementations of CommonDockStation and supporting classes. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.control Classes responsible to handle some global task. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.control.relocator Various implementations of RelocateOperation
bibliothek.gui.dock.event Listeners, adapters and events used in the whole framework. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.layout Elements dealing with the location of Dockables on their DockStation and allowing to store the whole layout of a set of Dockables and stations. A package dealing with the issues of Applets and Wepstart-applications. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.station.flap Elements that are related to the FlapDockStation
bibliothek.gui.dock.station.screen Elements that are related to the ScreenDockStation
bibliothek.gui.dock.station.split Elements which are needed by the SplitDockStation, and which are needed to interact with the station. This package contains a generic implementation of a "tabbed-pane". Offers a list containing factories for various LookAndFeels. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.themes.basic.action.buttons Classes which allow to paint and interact with a BasicButtonModel
bibliothek.gui.dock.util Distribution of information in a global scale and methods available from everywhere. 
bibliothek.util Some classes which are used in DockingFrames, but do not have any importance. 

Uses of Todo in bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.station.split

Classes in bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.station.split with annotations of type Todo
 class DockFrontendSizeManager
          Deprecated. Due to the new placeholder mechanism this class/interface has become obsolete, it is no longer used anywhere. Clients should now use a PlaceholderStrategy to assign identifiers to the Dockables, with these identifiers the location and size of a Dockable is stored in a much more consistent way than using the LbSplitLayoutManager. This class/interface will be removed in a future release.
 class LbSplitLayoutManager
          Deprecated. Due to the new placeholder mechanism this class/interface has become obsolete, it is no longer used anywhere. Clients should now use a PlaceholderStrategy to assign identifiers to the Dockables, with these identifiers the location and size of a Dockable is stored in a much more consistent way than using the LbSplitLayoutManager. This class/interface will be removed in a future release.
 interface SizeManager
          Deprecated. Due to the new placeholder mechanism this class/interface has become obsolete, it is no longer used anywhere. Clients should now use a PlaceholderStrategy to assign identifiers to the Dockables, with these identifiers the location and size of a Dockable is stored in a much more consistent way than using the LbSplitLayoutManager. This class/interface will be removed in a future release.

Uses of Todo in bibliothek.gui

Fields in bibliothek.gui with annotations of type Todo
static java.lang.String DockUI.OVERFLOW_MENU_ICON
          Key for an Icon stored in the IconManager for an overflow-menu

Methods in bibliothek.gui with annotations of type Todo
 void DockFrontend.add(Dockable dockable, java.lang.String name)
          Deprecated. replaced by DockFrontend.addDockable(String, Dockable), since name is used as key in a map, it should come first. Note: this method might be removed in future releases.
 void DockController.addUIListener(UIListener listener)
          Deprecated. please use DockController.getThemeManager() to handle UIListeners, this method will be removed in a future release.
static Combiner DockUI.getCombiner(Combiner combiner, DockStation station)
          Deprecated. this method is no longer used, clients should use the ThemeManager to retrieve such resources
static DisplayerFactory DockUI.getDisplayerFactory(DisplayerFactory factory, DockStation station)
          Deprecated. this method is no longer used, clients should use the ThemeManager to retrieve such resources
 MouseFocusObserver DockController.getFocusObserver()
          Deprecated. replaced by DockController.getMouseFocusObserver()
static StationPaint DockUI.getPaint(StationPaint paint, DockStation station)
          Deprecated. since the ThemeManager exists, this method should no longer be used. Instead an UIValue should be registered at the ThemeManager, see DefaultStationPaintValue.
 void DockController.removeUIListener(UIListener listener)
          Deprecated. please use DockController.getThemeManager() to handle UIListeners, this method will be removed in a future release.
 void DockController.updateUI()
          Deprecated. please use DockController.getThemeManager() to call a similar named method, this method will be removed in a future release.

Uses of Todo in bibliothek.gui.dock

Classes in bibliothek.gui.dock with annotations of type Todo
 class FlapDockStation
          This DockStation shows only a title for each of it's children.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock with annotations of type Todo
 PlaceholderMap SplitDockStation.getPlaceholders()
 void SplitDockStation.setPlaceholders(PlaceholderMap placeholders)

Uses of Todo in bibliothek.gui.dock.common

Classes in bibliothek.gui.dock.common with annotations of type Todo
 class CContentArea
          A component that is normally set into the center of the main- JFrame.
 interface SingleCDockableBackupFactory
          Deprecated. This interface is no longer used anywhere and gets replaced by SingleCDockableFactory. This interface will be removed in a future release.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.common with annotations of type Todo
 void CControl.add(CStation<?> station, boolean root)
          Deprecated. will be removed in a future release, please use CControl.addStation(CStation, boolean) instead.
<M extends MultipleCDockable>
CControl.add(M dockable)
          Deprecated. will be removed in a future release, please use CControl.addDockable(MultipleCDockable) instead.
<M extends MultipleCDockable>
CControl.add(M dockable, java.lang.String uniqueId)
          Deprecated. will be removed in a future release, please use CControl.addDockable(String, MultipleCDockable) instead
<S extends SingleCDockable>
CControl.add(S dockable)
          Deprecated. will be removed in a future release, please use CControl.addDockable(SingleCDockable) instead.
 void CControl.addContentArea(CContentArea content)
          Deprecated. this method has not the same behavior as CControl.createContentArea(String), this method will either be removed in future releases or change its behavior
<S extends SingleCDockable>
CControl.addDockable(S dockable)
          Adds a dockable to this control.
 void CControl.addSingleBackupFactory(java.lang.String id, SingleCDockableFactory backupFactory)
          Deprecated. will be removed in a future release, please use CControl.addSingleDockableFactory(String, SingleCDockableFactory) instead
 MultipleCDockableFactory<?,?> MultipleCDockable.getFactory()
          Gets the factory that created this dockable.
 SingleCDockableFactory CControl.getSingleBackupFactory(java.lang.String id)
          Deprecated. will be removed in a future release, please use CControl.getSingleDockableFactory(String) instead
 boolean CWorkingArea.isSuppressTitle()
          Deprecated. use AbstractCDockable.isTitleShown() instead
 void CControl.removeSingleBackupFactory(java.lang.String id)
          Deprecated. will be removed in a future release, please use CControl.removeSingleDockableFactory(String) instead
 void CWorkingArea.setSuppressTitle(boolean suppressTitle)
          Deprecated. use AbstractCDockable.setTitleShown(boolean) instead

Uses of Todo in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern

Classes in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern with annotations of type Todo
 class DefaultCDockable
          An CDockable that uses a DefaultCommonDockable to show its content.
 class SecureControlFactory
          Deprecated. this class is no longer necessary and will be removed in a future release

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern with annotations of type Todo
 CControlAccess CDockable.getControl()
          Gets the control which is responsible for this dockable.
 void CommonMultipleDockableFactory.layoutPerspective(CommonElementPerspective perspective, CommonMultipleDockableLayout layout, java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer,PerspectiveDockable> children)

Uses of Todo in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.station

Classes in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.station with annotations of type Todo
 class SecureCSplitDockStation
          Deprecated. this class is no longer required and will be removed in a future release

Uses of Todo in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.perspective

Classes in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.perspective with annotations of type Todo
 class CGridPerspective
          A representation of a CGridArea.

Uses of Todo in bibliothek.gui.dock.control

Classes in bibliothek.gui.dock.control with annotations of type Todo
 class DefaultMouseFocusObserver
          A focus controller which adds an AWTEventListener to the Toolkit to receive events which may change the focus.

Uses of Todo in bibliothek.gui.dock.control.focus

Classes in bibliothek.gui.dock.control.focus with annotations of type Todo
 interface MouseFocusObserver
          A MouseFocusObserver tracks the movement and actions of the mouse and is responsible for transferring the focus by calling DockController.setFocusedDockable(Dockable, java.awt.Component, boolean, boolean, boolean) at an appropriate time.

Uses of Todo in bibliothek.gui.dock.control.relocator

Classes in bibliothek.gui.dock.control.relocator with annotations of type Todo
 class DefaultDockRelocator
          Default implementation of a handler that performs the drag & drop operations for a DockController.

Uses of Todo in bibliothek.gui.dock.event

Classes in bibliothek.gui.dock.event with annotations of type Todo
 interface DockRelocatorListener
          Deprecated. please use VetoableDockRelocatorListener instead. This interface will be removed in a future release

Uses of Todo in bibliothek.gui.dock.layout

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.layout with annotations of type Todo
 DockElement DockSituation.convert(DockLayoutComposition composition)
          Reads the contents of composition and tries to create a DockElement that matches the composition.

Uses of Todo in

Classes in with annotations of type Todo
 class SecureAbstractScreenDockWindow
          Deprecated. this class is no longer required and will be removed in a future release, use AbstractScreenDockWindow instead.
 class SecureDockController
          Deprecated. this class is no longer necessary, DockController can now handle restricted environments as well. See DockController.setRestrictedEnvironment(boolean). This class will be removed in a future release
 class SecureDockControllerFactory
          Deprecated. this class is no longer necessary as it has now the exact same behavior as DefaultDockControllerFactory.
 class SecureFlapDockStation
          Deprecated. this class is no longer necessary and will be removed in a future release. Instead of this class, FlapDockStation should be used.
 class SecureFlapDockStationFactory
          Deprecated. this class is no longer necessary and will be removed in a future release
 class SecureFlapWindow
          Deprecated. this class is no longer necessary and will be removed in a future release, use DefaultFlapWindow instead
 class SecureFlapWindowFactory
          Deprecated. this class is no longer necessary and will be removed in a future release. Use DefaultFlapWindowFactory instead.
 class SecureKeyboardController
          Deprecated. this class has now the exact same behavior as DefaultKeyboardController and will be removed in a future release
 class SecureMouseFocusObserver
          Deprecated. this class is no longer necessary, a DefaultMouseFocusObserver can already do everything this class does. Please do no longer use this class, it will be removed in a future release. Have a look at DockController.setRestrictedEnvironment(boolean).
 class SecureScreenDockDialog
          Deprecated. this class is no longer necessary and will be removed in a future release
 class SecureScreenDockStation
          Deprecated. This class now behaves like ScreenDockStation and is no longer necessary. This class will be removed in a future release.
 class SecureScreenDockStationFactory
          Deprecated. this class is no longer necessary and will be removed in a future release
 class SecureScreenDockWindowFactory
          Deprecated. this class is no longer necessary, use DefaultScreenDockWindowFactory instead
 class SecureSplitDockStation
          Deprecated. this class is no longer necessary and will be removed in a future release
 class SecureSplitDockStationFactory
          Deprecated. this class is no longer necessary and will be removed in a future release
 class SecureStackDockStation
          Deprecated. this class is no longer necessary and will be removed in a future release
 class SecureStackDockStationFactory
          Deprecated. this class is no longer necessary and will be removed in a future release

Uses of Todo in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.flap

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.flap with annotations of type Todo
 FlapDockStationLayout FlapDockStationFactory.getPerspectiveLayout(FlapDockPerspective element, java.util.Map<PerspectiveDockable,java.lang.Integer> children)
 void map, java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer,PerspectiveDockable> children)
          Updates the content of this perspective by reading the contents of map.

Uses of Todo in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.screen

Classes in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.screen with annotations of type Todo
 interface BoundaryRestriction
          Restricts the boundaries of a ScreenDockDialog, a restriction might be, that the dialog can't be placed outside the screen.
 class DefaultScreenDockFullscreenStrategy
          This default implementation of a ScreenDockFullscreenStrategy just works with the boundaries of a ScreenDockWindow.

Uses of Todo in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.split

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.split with annotations of type Todo
 PlaceholderMap SplitDockPerspective.getPlaceholders()
 void SplitDockPerspective.setPlaceholders(PlaceholderMap placeholders)

Uses of Todo in

Classes in with annotations of type Todo
 interface TabLayoutManager
          A TabLayoutManager is responsible for managing the location and size of tags, menus and info-component of a TabPane.

Uses of Todo in

Classes in with annotations of type Todo
 class LookAndFeelList
          A list of LookAndFeels, can setup a LookAndFeel when asked.

Uses of Todo in bibliothek.gui.dock.themes.basic.action.buttons

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.themes.basic.action.buttons with annotations of type Todo
 java.awt.Dimension MiniButton.getPreferredSize()

Uses of Todo in bibliothek.gui.dock.util

Classes in bibliothek.gui.dock.util with annotations of type Todo
 interface BackgroundPaint
          A BackgroundPaint is used to paint the background of various Components of this framework.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.util with annotations of type Todo
static java.awt.Component DockUtilities.getShowingComponent(Dockable dockable)
          Searches a Component which is showing and has something to do with dockable.

Uses of Todo in bibliothek.gui.dock.util.icon

Constructors in bibliothek.gui.dock.util.icon with annotations of type Todo
DefaultIconScheme(DockController controller, DefaultIconScheme.IconResource... resources)
          Creates a new scheme loading icons from all the specified resources.

Uses of Todo in bibliothek.util

Methods in bibliothek.util with annotations of type Todo
static void JavaVersionWorkaround.markAsGlassPane(java.awt.Component component)
          This method is necessary since 1.6.14, it marks a component as transparent.