Uses of Class

Packages that use PropertyKey
bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.preference.preferences Implementations of various Preferences which are used in the default set of preferences. 
bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.theme Contains some DockThemes. 
bibliothek.gui The high level interfaces of the framework and the most often used classes. 
bibliothek.gui.dock The five basic classes implementing Dockable and DockStation plus some supporting elements. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.common A set of classes that can be used to create basic applications. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.action CActions and supporting classes that are not intended for clients to be used directly. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.control Classes responsible to handle some global task. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.displayer Classes and interfaces that are needed by the DockableDisplayer
bibliothek.gui.dock.dockable Some classes related to Dockable
bibliothek.gui.dock.facile.mode Contains an implementation of ModeManager that links a mode to the location of a Dockable
bibliothek.gui.dock.facile.mode.action A set of DockActions that change the LocationMode of a Dockable Contains an abstract implementation of CombinedMenu including helper classes. This package contains a generic implementation of a "tabbed-pane". Elements used by various DockStations to store properties and to propagate events to other objects. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.themes Contains an implementation of DockTheme and all classes which are neede by this theme. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.title Elements needed to paint the title of a Dockable
bibliothek.gui.dock.util Distribution of information in a global scale and methods available from everywhere. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.util.icon Various implementations of PropertyFactory

Uses of PropertyKey in bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.preference.preferences

Constructors in bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.preference.preferences with parameters of type PropertyKey
ChoiceDockPropertyPreference(DockProperties properties, PropertyKey<V> key, Path path, DefaultChoice<V> choice)
          Creates a new preference.
DockPropertyPreference(DockProperties properties, PropertyKey<V> key, Path type, Path path)
          Creates a new preference.
DockPropertyPreference(DockProperties properties, PropertyKey<V> key, java.lang.String label, Path type, Path path)
          Creates a new preference.
DockPropertyPreference(java.lang.String prefix, DockProperties properties, PropertyKey<V> key, V defaultValue, Path type, Path path)
          Creates a new preference.

Uses of PropertyKey in bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.theme

Fields in bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.theme declared as PropertyKey
static PropertyKey<ColorScheme> BubbleTheme.BUBBLE_COLOR_SCHEME
          the key to set the ColorScheme of this theme
static PropertyKey<ColorScheme> EclipseTheme.ECLIPSE_COLOR_SCHEME
          Access to the ColorScheme used for this theme
static PropertyKey<ColorScheme> FlatTheme.FLAT_COLOR_SCHEME
          the key to set the ColorScheme of this theme
static PropertyKey<java.lang.Boolean> EclipseTheme.PAINT_ICONS_WHEN_DESELECTED
          Tells whether icons on tabs that are not selected should be painted or not.
static PropertyKey<TabPainter> EclipseTheme.TAB_PAINTER
          Tells in which way the tabs should be painted.
static PropertyKey<EclipseThemeConnector> EclipseTheme.THEME_CONNECTOR
          Provides additional dockable-wise information used to layout components in the EclipseTheme.

Uses of PropertyKey in bibliothek.gui

Fields in bibliothek.gui declared as PropertyKey
static PropertyKey<BackgroundPaint> DockTheme.BACKGROUND_PAINT
          A unique identifier for the DockProperties to access the current BackgroundPaint.
static PropertyKey<BorderModifier> DockTheme.BORDER_MODIFIER
          A unique identifier for the DockProperties to access the current BorderModifier.
static PropertyKey<Combiner> DockTheme.COMBINER
          A unique identifier for the DockProperties to access the current Combiner.
static PropertyKey<DisplayerFactory> DockTheme.DISPLAYER_FACTORY
          A unique identifier for the DockProperties to access the current DisplayerFactory.
static PropertyKey<DockableMovingImageFactory> DockTheme.DOCKABLE_MOVING_IMAGE_FACTORY
          Identifier for the DockableMovingImageFactory that is used to show an image during drag and drop operations.
static PropertyKey<DockableSelection> DockTheme.DOCKABLE_SELECTION
          Identifier for the DockableSelection, a panel that is shown to select a Dockable using only the keyboard.
static PropertyKey<javax.swing.KeyStroke> DockFrontend.HIDE_ACCELERATOR
          This KeyStore calls DockFrontend.hide(Dockable) for the currently selected Dockable.
static PropertyKey<java.lang.Boolean> DockController.RESTRICTED_ENVIRONMENT
          property telling whether this application runs in a restricted environment or not, the default value is the result of DockUI.isSecureEnvironment()
static PropertyKey<StationPaint> DockTheme.STATION_PAINT
          A unique identifier for the DockProperties to access the current StationPaint.

Uses of PropertyKey in bibliothek.gui.dock

Fields in bibliothek.gui.dock declared as PropertyKey
static PropertyKey<BoundaryRestriction> ScreenDockStation.BOUNDARY_RESTRICTION
          a key for a property telling which boundaries a ScreenDockWindow can have
static PropertyKey<ButtonContent> FlapDockStation.BUTTON_CONTENT
          Key for all DockThemes, tells the theme what content on the buttons should be visible.
static PropertyKey<ButtonContentFilter> FlapDockStation.BUTTON_CONTENT_FILTER
          Key for all elements that depend from FlapDockStation.BUTTON_CONTENT, adds additional information to the ButtonContent.
static PropertyKey<StackDockComponentFactory> StackDockStation.COMPONENT_FACTORY
          Key used to read the current StackDockComponentFactory
static PropertyKey<java.lang.Boolean> ScreenDockStation.EXPAND_ON_DOUBLE_CLICK
          global setting to change the effect happening on a double click
static PropertyKey<ScreenDockFullscreenStrategy> ScreenDockStation.FULL_SCREEN_STRATEGY
          a key for a property telling how to handle fullscreen mode
static PropertyKey<FlapLayoutManager> FlapDockStation.LAYOUT_MANAGER
          Key for the FlapLayoutManager that is used by all FlapDockStations.
static PropertyKey<SplitLayoutManager> SplitDockStation.LAYOUT_MANAGER
          Defines the behavior of a DockStation, how to react on a drop-event, how to react on resize and other things related to the layout.
static PropertyKey<javax.swing.KeyStroke> SplitDockStation.MAXIMIZE_ACCELERATOR
          Describes which KeyEvent will maximize/normalize the currently selected Dockable.
static PropertyKey<java.awt.Dimension> FlapDockStation.MINIMUM_SIZE
          Key for the minimum size of all FlapDockStations.
static PropertyKey<TabContentFilter> StackDockStation.TAB_CONTENT_FILTER
          Key for setting the TabContentFilter
static PropertyKey<TabPlacement> StackDockStation.TAB_PLACEMENT
          Key for setting the side at which the tabs appear in relation to the selected dockable
static PropertyKey<FlapWindowFactory> FlapDockStation.WINDOW_FACTORY
          Key for a factory that creates the windows of this station.
static PropertyKey<ScreenDockWindowFactory> ScreenDockStation.WINDOW_FACTORY
          a key for a property telling how to create new windows

Uses of PropertyKey in bibliothek.gui.dock.common

Fields in bibliothek.gui.dock.common declared as PropertyKey
static PropertyKey<CControl> CControl.CCONTROL
          A key for this CControl.
static PropertyKey<javax.swing.KeyStroke> CControl.KEY_CLOSE
          KeyStroke used to close a CDockable.
static PropertyKey<javax.swing.KeyStroke> CControl.KEY_GOTO_EXTERNALIZED
          KeyStroke used to change a CDockable into externalized-state.
static PropertyKey<javax.swing.KeyStroke> CControl.KEY_GOTO_MAXIMIZED
          KeyStroke used to change a CDockable into maximized-state.
static PropertyKey<javax.swing.KeyStroke> CControl.KEY_GOTO_MINIMIZED
          KeyStroke used to change a CDockable into minimized-state.
static PropertyKey<javax.swing.KeyStroke> CControl.KEY_GOTO_NORMALIZED
          KeyStroke used to change a CDockable into normalized-state.
static PropertyKey<javax.swing.KeyStroke> CControl.KEY_MAXIMIZE_CHANGE
          KeyStroke used to change a CDockable into maximized-state, or to go out of maximized-state when needed.
static PropertyKey<ConflictResolver<RequestDimension>> CControl.RESIZE_LOCK_CONFLICT_RESOLVER
          ConflictResolver used to determine what happens when there is a conflict between two resize requests on a SplitDockStation like CGridArea, CWorkingArea or CContentArea.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.common with parameters of type PropertyKey
<A> A
CControl.getProperty(PropertyKey<A> key)
          Gets the value of a property.
<A> void
CControl.putProperty(PropertyKey<A> key, A value)
          Changes the value of a property.
<A> void
CControl.putProperty(PropertyKey<A> key, A value, Priority priority)
          Changes the value of a property.

Uses of PropertyKey in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.action

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.action with parameters of type PropertyKey
protected  void CExtendedModeAction.init(CControl control, ExtendedMode mode, java.lang.String iconKey, java.lang.String textKey, java.lang.String tooltipKey, PropertyKey<javax.swing.KeyStroke> gotoStroke)
          Creates a new action, this method must be called only once.

Constructors in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.action with parameters of type PropertyKey
CExtendedModeAction(CControl control, ExtendedMode mode, java.lang.String iconKey, java.lang.String textKey, java.lang.String tooltipKey, PropertyKey<javax.swing.KeyStroke> gotoStroke)
          Creates a new action.

Uses of PropertyKey in bibliothek.gui.dock.control

Fields in bibliothek.gui.dock.control declared as PropertyKey
static PropertyKey<javax.swing.KeyStroke> DockableSelector.INIT_SELECTION
          key for the DockProperties, telling which KeyStroke activates the selection
static PropertyKey<ModifierMask> DockRelocatorMode.NO_COMBINATION_MASK
          the modifiers that must be pressed to activate the DockRelocatorMode.NO_COMBINATION relocator mode
static PropertyKey<ModifierMask> DockRelocatorMode.SCREEN_MASK
          the modifiers that must be pressed to activate the DockRelocatorMode.SCREEN_ONLY relocator mode

Uses of PropertyKey in bibliothek.gui.dock.displayer

Fields in bibliothek.gui.dock.displayer declared as PropertyKey
static PropertyKey<SingleTabDecider> SingleTabDecider.SINGLE_TAB_DECIDER
          Key for the DockProperties

Uses of PropertyKey in bibliothek.gui.dock.dockable

Constructors in bibliothek.gui.dock.dockable with parameters of type PropertyKey
AbstractDockable(PropertyKey<java.lang.String> titleText, PropertyKey<java.lang.String> titleTooltip)
          Creates a new dockable.
AbstractDockable(PropertyKey<java.lang.String> titleText, PropertyKey<java.lang.String> titleTooltip)
          Creates a new dockable.

Uses of PropertyKey in bibliothek.gui.dock.facile.mode

Fields in bibliothek.gui.dock.facile.mode declared as PropertyKey
static PropertyKey<DoubleClickLocationStrategy> LocationModeManager.DOUBLE_CLICK_STRATEGY
          PropertyKey for the DoubleClickLocationStrategy that should be used to change the ExtendedMode of an element which has been double-clicked.
static PropertyKey<ExtendedModeEnablementFactory> LocationModeManager.MODE_ENABLEMENT
          PropertyKey for the ExtendedModeEnablement that should be used by a LocationModeManager to activate and deactivate the modes.

Uses of PropertyKey in bibliothek.gui.dock.facile.mode.action

Constructors in bibliothek.gui.dock.facile.mode.action with parameters of type PropertyKey
LocationModeAction(DockController controller, LocationMode mode, java.lang.String iconKey, java.lang.String textKey, java.lang.String tooltipKey, PropertyKey<javax.swing.KeyStroke> gotoStroke)
          Creates a new action.

Uses of PropertyKey in

Fields in declared as PropertyKey
static PropertyKey<CombinedMenuContent> CombinedMenuContent.MENU_CONTENT
          Key that should be used to access the default menu content

Uses of PropertyKey in

Fields in declared as PropertyKey
static PropertyKey<TabLayoutManager> TabPane.LAYOUT_MANAGER
          The layout manager used by any TabPane to set the boundaries of its children.

Uses of PropertyKey in

Fields in declared as PropertyKey
static PropertyKey<PlaceholderStrategy> PlaceholderStrategy.PLACEHOLDER_STRATEGY
          Defines for which Dockables which Path is used as placeholder, or which placeholders are no longer valid and to be removed.

Uses of PropertyKey in bibliothek.gui.dock.themes

Fields in bibliothek.gui.dock.themes declared as PropertyKey
static PropertyKey<ColorScheme> BasicTheme.BASIC_COLOR_SCHEME
          the key to set the ColorScheme of this theme

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.themes with parameters of type PropertyKey
<V,A extends V>
void<A> source, TypedUIProperties.Type<V> type, java.lang.String id)
          Creates a link between the property source and the entry id on the level Priority.THEME.
protected  void BasicTheme.setColorSchemeKey(PropertyKey<ColorScheme> key)
          Sets the key that will be used to read the ColorScheme of this theme from the DockProperties.

Uses of PropertyKey in bibliothek.gui.dock.title

Fields in bibliothek.gui.dock.title declared as PropertyKey
static PropertyKey<OrientationToRotationStrategy> DockTitle.ORIENTATION_STRATEGY
          Key for a OrientationToRotationStrategy.

Uses of PropertyKey in bibliothek.gui.dock.util

Fields in bibliothek.gui.dock.util declared as PropertyKey
static PropertyKey<javax.swing.Icon> PropertyKey.DOCK_STATION_ICON
          The Icon used for a DockStation if it has no icon.
static PropertyKey<java.lang.String> PropertyKey.DOCK_STATION_TITLE
          The title of a DockStation if it has no title.
static PropertyKey<java.lang.String> PropertyKey.DOCK_STATION_TOOLTIP
          The tooltip used for a DockStation that has no tooltip set
static PropertyKey<javax.swing.Icon> PropertyKey.DOCKABLE_ICON
          The Icon used for a Dockable if it has no icon.
static PropertyKey<java.lang.String> PropertyKey.DOCKABLE_TITLE
          The title of a Dockable if it has no title.
static PropertyKey<java.lang.String> PropertyKey.DOCKABLE_TOOLTIP
          The tooltip used for a Dockable that has no tooltip set
static PropertyKey<AWTComponentCaptureStrategy> AWTComponentCaptureStrategy.STRATEGY
          The PropertyKey for a AWTComponentCaptureStrategy.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.util that return PropertyKey
 PropertyKey<A> PropertyValue.getKey()
          Gets the key which is used to access the value in DockProperties.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.util with parameters of type PropertyKey
<A> void
DockProperties.addListener(PropertyKey<A> key, DockPropertyListener<A> listener)
          Adds a listener that will be informed whenever the value accessed through key changes.
<A> void
DockProperties.finalize(PropertyKey<A> key)
          Ensures that the value behind key will never be changed.
<A> A
DockProperties.get(PropertyKey<A> key)
          Gets the value accessed by key.
<A> A
DockProperties.get(PropertyKey<A> key, Priority priority)
          Gets the value of key for the given priority.
<A> boolean
DockProperties.isSet(PropertyKey<A> key)
          Tells whether there is value set for key.
<A> boolean
DockProperties.isSet(PropertyKey<A> key, Priority priority)
          Tells whether there is value set for key with priority.
<V,A extends V>
void<A> source, TypedUIProperties.Type<V> destinationType, java.lang.String destinationId)
          Creates a link between the key source and the resource destinationId.
 void DockPropertyListener.propertyChanged(DockProperties properties, PropertyKey<A> property, A oldValue, A newValue)
          Invoked if the observed value has been changed.
<A> void
DockProperties.removeListener(PropertyKey<A> key, DockPropertyListener<A> listener)
          Removes an earlier added listener.
<A> void
DockProperties.set(PropertyKey<A> key, A value)
          Sets a value.
<A> void
DockProperties.set(PropertyKey<A> key, A value, Priority priority)
          Sets a value.
 void PropertyValue.setKey(PropertyKey<A> key)
          Sets the key which is used to access the value in DockProperties.
<A> void
DockProperties.setOrRemove(PropertyKey<A> key, A value, Priority priority)
          Either sets the property key to value or set the default value for key.
 void DockProperties.unset(PropertyKey<?> key)
          Tells the entry key that the user has never set its value.
 void DockProperties.unset(PropertyKey<?> key, Priority priority)
          Tells the entry key that the user has never set its value.

Constructors in bibliothek.gui.dock.util with parameters of type PropertyKey
PropertyValue(PropertyKey<A> key)
          Creates a new value.
PropertyValue(PropertyKey<A> key, DockController controller)
          Creates a new value.

Uses of PropertyKey in bibliothek.gui.dock.util.icon

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.util.icon with parameters of type PropertyKey
 void<javax.swing.Icon> key, java.lang.String id)
          Creates a link between the value of key and the entry of identifier id.

Uses of PropertyKey in

Methods in with parameters of type PropertyKey
 A ConstantPropertyFactory.getDefault(PropertyKey<A> key)
 A DynamicPropertyFactory.getDefault(PropertyKey<A> key)
 A PropertyFactory.getDefault(PropertyKey<A> key)
          Asks for the default value that should be used if no DockProperties are available.
 A ConstantPropertyFactory.getDefault(PropertyKey<A> key, DockProperties properties)
 A PropertyFactory.getDefault(PropertyKey<A> key, DockProperties properties)
          Gets the default value for key.