Package bibliothek.gui.dock.title

Elements needed to paint the title of a Dockable.


Interface Summary
DockTitle A Component which is shown aside a Dockable.
DockTitleBackgroundComponent Represents the background of a DockTitle.
DockTitleFactory A factory for creating instances of DockTitle.
OrientationToRotationStrategy Converter for telling the framework how to render text given the orientation of a DockTitle.
OrientationToRotationStrategyListener A listener to a OrientationToRotationStrategy, gets informed if the rotation of some text changes.
TitleDockBorder A BorderModifier used by a DockTitle.

Class Summary
AbstractDockTitle An abstract implementation of DockTitle.
ControllerTitleFactory This factory delegates every call to the methods to the factory provided by the theme of the involved controller
DockTitleManager The manager of the DockTitleFactories.
DockTitleRequest Set of information and callback used to obtain a DockTitle from a DockTitleFactory.
DockTitleVersion A DockTitleVersion is a hint which DockTitleFactory has to be used to create one or more DockTitle for some Dockable.
NullTitleFactory A DockTitleFactory that does not create any titles.
TitleMovingImage A moving image that uses a DockTitle to paint its content.
UpdatingTitleMovingImage This MovingImage shows a DockTitle, the title can be automatically exchanged.

Enum Summary
DockTitle.Orientation How to layout a DockTitle

Package bibliothek.gui.dock.title Description

Elements needed to paint the title of a Dockable.