Uses of Class

Packages that use MenuPiece Some MenuPieces to modify the layout and settings of an application that uses Common Implementations of MenuPiece Basic interfaces for a small framework that builds and manages JMenus with changing content. 

Uses of MenuPiece in

Subclasses of MenuPiece in
 class CLayoutChoiceMenuPiece
          A piece of a menu that allows the user to store and load the layout of a set of Dockables and DockStations.
 class CLookAndFeelMenuPiece
          A menupiece that shows an entry for each available LookAndFeel.
 class CPreferenceMenuPiece
          A menu piece that shows an entry for opening the preferences-dialog.
 class CThemeMenuPiece
          A ThemeMenuPiece that offers the DockThemes specified in the ThemeMap of the owning CControl.
 class SingleCDockableListMenuPiece
          A piece of a menu that adds an item for each closeable CDockable that can be found in a CControl.

Uses of MenuPiece in

Subclasses of MenuPiece in
 class CloseableDockableMenuPiece
          A piece of a menu allowing to close or reopen some Dockables that are registered in a DockFrontend.
 class FreeMenuPiece
          A MenuPiece that does not add any children by itself.
 class FrontendSettingsDeleteList
          Shows the settings of a DockFrontend and allows the user to delete some settings.
 class FrontendSettingsLoadList
          Shows the settings of a DockFrontend and allows the user to load one of the settings.
 class FrontendSettingsMenuPiece
          A piece of a menu that allows to save, load and delete settings from a DockFrontend.
 class LookAndFeelMenuPiece
          A menu that contains an item for each available LookAndFeel.
 class NodeMenuPiece
          A piece which uses a set of other pieces to create a composite.
 class PreferenceMenuPiece
          A menu piece that allows the user to change the preferences of the framework.
 class RootMenuPiece
          The root of a tree of MenuPieces.
 class SubmenuPiece
          A MenuPiece which consists only of one JMenu.
 class ThemeMenuPiece
          A MenuPiece that can change the DockTheme.

Methods in that return MenuPiece
 MenuPiece NodeMenuPiece.getChild(int index)
          Gets the index'th child of this piece.
 MenuPiece MenuPieceText.getMenu()
          Gets the menu which is using this text.

Methods in with parameters of type MenuPiece
 void NodeMenuPiece.add(MenuPiece piece)
          Adds a new child to the end of this piece.
 void NodeMenuPiece.insert(int index, MenuPiece piece)
          Inserts a new child in this piece.
 void NodeMenuPiece.remove(MenuPiece piece)
          Removes a child from this piece.
 void RootMenuPiece.setParent(MenuPiece parent)

Constructors in with parameters of type MenuPiece
MenuPieceText(java.lang.String id, MenuPiece menu)
          Creates a new text.
RootMenuPiece(java.lang.String text, boolean disableWhenEmpty, MenuPiece... pieces)
          Creates a new root-piece, using a normal JMenu.
SubmenuPiece(java.lang.String text, boolean disableWhenEmpty, MenuPiece... pieces)
          Creates a new submenu-piece, using a normal JMenu.

Uses of MenuPiece in

Subclasses of MenuPiece in
 class BaseMenuPiece
          A very simple piece, subclasses can add or remove items from this piece at any time.
 class FrontendSettingsList
          A list of settings (=layouts or perspectives) that are available for a DockFrontend.
 class SeparatingMenuPiece
          A piece which envelops another piece with separators.

Methods in that return MenuPiece
 MenuPiece MenuPiece.getParent()
          Gets the parent of this piece.
 MenuPiece SeparatingMenuPiece.getPiece()
          Gets the piece which is embraced by separators.

Methods in with parameters of type MenuPiece
 void MenuPieceListener.insert(MenuPiece piece, int index, java.awt.Component... items)
          Called if some items have been added to piece.
 void MenuPieceListener.remove(MenuPiece piece, int index, int length)
          Called if some items have been removed from piece
 void MenuPiece.setParent(MenuPiece parent)
          Sets the parent of this piece.
 void SeparatingMenuPiece.setPiece(MenuPiece piece)
          Sets the piece which will be embraced by separators.

Constructors in with parameters of type MenuPiece
SeparatingMenuPiece(MenuPiece piece)
          Creates a new piece
SeparatingMenuPiece(MenuPiece piece, boolean topSeparator, boolean emptySeparator, boolean bottomSeparator)
          Creates a new piece