
Various interfaces and classes used by a TabPane to describe its content to a TabLayoutManager, which will set position and size of all the children of the TabPane.


Interface Summary
LayoutBlock Represents one or many components that have some unknown layout and are used by an AbstractTabLayoutManager to layout the contents of a TabPane.

Class Summary
ComponentLayoutBlock<C extends TabPaneComponent> This LayoutBlock handles exactly one TabPaneComponent.
LineTabsLayoutBlock This TabsLayoutBlock orders its tabs in a line.
MenuLayoutBlock A wrapper around a TabMenu.
Size A Size is used by a LayoutBlock to describe the layout that fits to some size.
TabsLayoutBlock A block managing a group of Tabs.

Enum Summary
Size.Type What type of size a Size describes.
TabPlacement Tells at which side tabs are placed on a TabPane (or a similar ui element).

Package Description

Various interfaces and classes used by a TabPane to describe its content to a TabLayoutManager, which will set position and size of all the children of the TabPane.