Uses of Interface

Packages that use Tab
bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.theme.bubble Various graphical and logical components used when BubbleTheme is active. 
bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.theme.eclipse.stack An implementation of TabPane and supporting classes for the EclipseTheme
bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.theme.flat Various graphical and logical components needed to paint the layout when FlatTheme is active. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.station.stack Elements which are related to the StackDockStation This package contains a generic implementation of a "tabbed-pane". Various interfaces and classes used by a TabPane to describe its content to a TabLayoutManager, which will set position and size of all the children of the TabPane

Uses of Tab in bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.theme.bubble

Classes in bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.theme.bubble that implement Tab
 class BubbleTab
          A Tab used by the BubbleStackDockComponent.

Methods in bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.theme.bubble with parameters of type Tab
 java.awt.Dimension BubbleTab.getMinimumSize(Tab[] tabs)
 java.awt.Dimension BubbleTab.getPreferredSize(Tab[] tabs)

Uses of Tab in bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.theme.eclipse.stack

Classes in bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.theme.eclipse.stack that implement Tab
 class EclipseTab
          A wrapper around a TabComponent allowing to use the TabComponent also as CombinedTab.

Methods in bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.theme.eclipse.stack with parameters of type Tab
 java.awt.Dimension EclipseTab.getMinimumSize(Tab[] tabs)
 java.awt.Dimension EclipseTab.getPreferredSize(Tab[] tabs)

Uses of Tab in bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.theme.flat

Classes in bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.theme.flat that implement Tab
 class FlatTab
          A small button which can be clicked by the user.

Methods in bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.theme.flat with parameters of type Tab
 java.awt.Dimension FlatTab.getMinimumSize(Tab[] tabs)
 java.awt.Dimension FlatTab.getPreferredSize(Tab[] tabs)

Uses of Tab in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.stack

Subinterfaces of Tab in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.stack
 interface CombinedTab
          A tab of a CombinedStackDockComponent.

Uses of Tab in

Classes in with type parameters of type Tab
 class AbstractTabPane<T extends Tab,M extends TabMenu,I extends LonelyTabPaneComponent>
          An abstract implementation of TabPane.

Classes in that implement Tab
 class AbstractTab
          Abstract implemention of Tab based on a real Component.

Methods in that return Tab
 Tab AbstractTabPane.getOnTab(Dockable dockable)
 Tab TabPane.getOnTab(Dockable dockable)
          Gets the tab-button for dockable, if no tab-button for dockable exists a new button should be created.
 Tab TabPaneTabBackgroundComponent.getTab()
          Gets the element which is represented by this UIValue.
 Tab[] AbstractTabPane.getTabs()
 Tab[] TabPane.getTabs()
          Gets all the tabs that are currently visible on this pane.
 Tab TabPane.putOnTab(Dockable dockable)
          Informs this pane that its child dockable should have a tab-button.

Methods in with parameters of type Tab
 java.awt.Dimension AbstractTab.getMinimumSize(Tab[] tabs)
 java.awt.Dimension Tab.getMinimumSize(Tab[] tabs)
          Gets the minimum size of this tab under the assumption that this tab is displayed together with tabs.
 java.awt.Dimension AbstractTab.getPreferredSize(Tab[] tabs)
 java.awt.Dimension Tab.getPreferredSize(Tab[] tabs)
          Gets the preferred size of this tab under the assumption that this tab is displayed together with tabs.
 int AbstractTabPane.indexOfVisible(Tab tab)
          Returns the index of tab following the indices of Dockables but ignoring invisible tabs.

Uses of Tab in

Methods in that return Tab
 Tab[] TabsLayoutBlock.getDockableTabMap()
          Gets an array that has the same size as TabPane.getDockables(), the tab at location x has the same Dockable as in the array returned by getDockables.
 Tab[] LineTabsLayoutBlock.ZOrder.getOrderedByZ()
          Returns the tabs ordered by their z-order.
 Tab TabsLayoutBlock.getSelectedTab()
          Searches the tab that is currently selected.
 Tab[] TabsLayoutBlock.getTabs()
          Gets an array containing all the tabs of this block.
 Tab[] TabsLayoutBlock.TabsSize.getTabs()
          Gets the tabs that are required for this size.
 Tab[] TabsLayoutBlock.getTabsOrderedByImportance()
          Gets all tabs that could, in theory, be displayed on this block.
 Tab TabsLayoutBlock.removeTab(int index)
          Removes the tab of location index.

Methods in with parameters of type Tab
 void TabsLayoutBlock.addTab(Tab tab)
          Adds a tab to this block at its end.
 int TabsLayoutBlock.indexOfTab(Tab tab)
          Tells the index at which tab appears on this block.
 void LineTabsLayoutBlock.SizeCollector.insert(Tab tab)
          Adds a new tab to this collector, all sizes of this collector change because of this action.
 void TabsLayoutBlock.insertTab(Tab tab)
          Inserts tab somewhere in this block.
 void TabsLayoutBlock.insertTab(Tab tab, int index)
          Adds tab at index in the list of tabs.
 void LineTabsLayoutBlock.ZOrder.putOrder(Tab front, Tab back)
          Sets front in front of back.
 boolean TabsLayoutBlock.removeTab(Tab tab)
          Removes tab from this block.

Constructors in with parameters of type Tab
LineTabsLayoutBlock.LineSize(Size.Type type, java.awt.Dimension size, Tab[] tabs, boolean allTabs)
          Creates a new size
LineTabsLayoutBlock.ZOrder(Tab[] tabs)
          Creates a new LineTabsLayoutBlock.ZOrder
TabsLayoutBlock.TabsSize(Size.Type type, java.awt.Dimension size, Tab[] tabs)
TabsLayoutBlock.TabsSize(Size.Type type, int width, int height, Tab[] tabs)