Package bibliothek.gui.dock.facile.mode

Contains an implementation of ModeManager that links a mode to the location of a Dockable.


Interface Summary
DoubleClickLocationStrategy Used by a LocationModeManager to change the ExtendedMode when an element gets double-clicked.
ExternalizedModeArea Represents a station which shows its children in free floating dialogs.
ExternalizedModeBehavior This interface allows easy customization of some algorithms of the ExternalizedMode.
LocationMode A Mode that is used by the LocationModeManager.
LocationModeActionProvider Is associated with one LocationMode, provides a (set of) actions to set the mode of a Dockable to the owner of this provider.
LocationModeListener A listener added to a LocationMode.
MaximizedModeArea The parent of a set of Dockables that are maximized.
MinimizedModeArea Interface describing a station that is connected with a MinimizedMode.
ModeArea A representation of some area that can show Dockables, it is a wrapper for a DockStation.
ModeAreaListener A listener that can be added to a ModeArea.
NormalModeArea Represents a DockStation that shows Dockables in NormalMode.
StationModeArea A representation of a DockStation which can be accessed through Modes.

Class Summary
AbstractLocationMode<A extends ModeArea> This abstract class offers various properties that may be useful for any implementation of LocationMode.
CLocationModeSettings<B> This ModeSettings provides operations to load settings that were stored with version 1.0.7, no additional settings were added.
DefaultExternalizedModeBehavior The default implementation of ExternalizedMode.
DefaultLocationMode<A extends StationModeArea> Abstract implementation of a Mode that works with Locations.
DefaultLocationModeActionProvider This default implementation always returns the same DockActionSource to all Dockables.
ExternalizedMode<M extends ExternalizedModeArea> Represents a mode in which dockables are freely floating on the screen.
Location Describes the location of a Dockable on some station.
LocationModeEvent Information given to a LocationModeListener.
LocationModeManager<M extends LocationMode> ModeManager for the location of a Dockable.
LocationSettingConverter A ModeSettingsConverter for the LocationModeManager.
MappingLocationModeActionProvider This LocationModeActionProvider mimics a map with keys managed by a subclass.
MaximizedMode<M extends MaximizedModeArea> Dockables are maximized if they take up the whole space a frame or a screen offers.
MaximizedModeSetting Settings associated with a MaximizedMode.
MinimizedMode<M extends MinimizedModeArea> Only the title of a minimized Dockable is visible.
NormalMode<M extends NormalModeArea> CDockables are in NormalMode if they are a child of a NormalModeArea.

Package bibliothek.gui.dock.facile.mode Description

Contains an implementation of ModeManager that links a mode to the location of a Dockable. Contains various interfaces and classes to handle different modes.