
Implementations of MenuPiece.


Class Summary
CloseableDockableMenuPiece A piece of a menu allowing to close or reopen some Dockables that are registered in a DockFrontend.
FreeMenuPiece A MenuPiece that does not add any children by itself.
FrontendSettingsDeleteList Shows the settings of a DockFrontend and allows the user to delete some settings.
FrontendSettingsLoadList Shows the settings of a DockFrontend and allows the user to load one of the settings.
FrontendSettingsMenuPiece A piece of a menu that allows to save, load and delete settings from a DockFrontend.
LookAndFeelMenuPiece A menu that contains an item for each available LookAndFeel.
MenuPieceText Represents a text that is used by a MenuPiece
NodeMenuPiece A piece which uses a set of other pieces to create a composite.
PreferenceMenuPiece A menu piece that allows the user to change the preferences of the framework.
RootMenuPiece The root of a tree of MenuPieces.
SubmenuPiece A MenuPiece which consists only of one JMenu.
ThemeMenuPiece A MenuPiece that can change the DockTheme.

Package Description

Implementations of MenuPiece. These classes are intended to be used by clients directly without any need to subclass them.