Uses of Interface

Packages that use CDockablePerspective

Uses of CDockablePerspective in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.perspective

Classes in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.perspective that implement CDockablePerspective
 class AbstractCDockablePerspective
          An abstract implementation of CDockablePerspective providing some general methods.
 class CGridPerspective
          A representation of a CGridArea.
 class CWorkingPerspective
          A representation of a CWorkingArea.
 class MultipleCDockablePerspective
          Representation of a MultipleCDockable in a perspective.
 class SingleCDockablePerspective
          A class that represents a SingleCDockable.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.perspective that return CDockablePerspective
 CDockablePerspective CElementPerspective.asDockable()
          Gets this as dockable, if this is a dockable.
 CDockablePerspective CExternalizePerspective.asDockable()
 CDockablePerspective CMinimizePerspective.asDockable()
 CDockablePerspective MultipleCDockablePerspective.asDockable()
 CDockablePerspective SingleCDockablePerspective.asDockable()
 CDockablePerspective CExternalizePerspective.remove(int index)
          Removes the index'th dockable of this area.
 CDockablePerspective CMinimizePerspective.remove(int index)
          Removes the index'th child of this area.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.perspective with parameters of type CDockablePerspective
 void CMinimizePerspective.add(CDockablePerspective dockable)
          Adds dockable at the end of the list of children of this area.
 void CStackPerspective.add(CDockablePerspective dockable)
          Adds dockable at the end of the list of dockables.
 void CExternalizePerspective.add(CDockablePerspective dockable, int x, int y, int width, int height)
          Adds dockable at location x/y with size width/height to this area.
 void CExternalizePerspective.add(CDockablePerspective dockable, int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean fullscreen)
          Adds dockable at location x/y with size width/height to this area.
 void CExternalizePerspective.add(CDockablePerspective dockable, java.awt.Rectangle bounds)
          Adds dockable width boundaries bounds to this area.
 void CExternalizePerspective.add(CDockablePerspective dockable, java.awt.Rectangle bounds, boolean fullscreen)
          Adds dockable width boundaries bounds to this area.
 void CMinimizePerspective.addPlaceholder(CDockablePerspective dockable)
          Adds a placeholder for dockable at the end of the list of children of this area.
 void CExternalizePerspective.addPlaceholder(CDockablePerspective dockable, int x, int y, int width, int height)
          Adds a placeholder for dockable and all its children to this area.
 void CExternalizePerspective.addPlaceholder(CDockablePerspective dockable, java.awt.Rectangle bounds)
          Adds a placeholder for dockable and all its children to this area.
 ScreenDockPerspective.ScreenPerspectiveWindow CExternalizePerspective.getWindow(CDockablePerspective dockable)
          Gets an object that stores all the properties that are associated with dockable.
 void CGridPerspective.gridAdd(double x, double y, double width, double height, CDockablePerspective... dockables)
          Adds dockables at location x/y with size width/height to an internal list of pending commands to execute.
 void CGridPerspective.gridPlaceholder(double x, double y, double width, double height, CDockablePerspective... dockables)
          Adds dockables as placeholder at location x/y with size width/height to an internal list of pending commands to execute.
 void CGridPerspective.gridSelect(double x, double y, double width, double height, CDockablePerspective selection)
          Using location x/y and size width/height as key, this method set the selection in a group of dockables.
 int CExternalizePerspective.indexOf(CDockablePerspective dockable)
          Gets the location of dockable.
 int CMinimizePerspective.indexOf(CDockablePerspective dockable)
          Gets the location of dockable on this area.
 void CMinimizePerspective.insert(int index, CDockablePerspective dockable)
          Inserts dockable at location index to the list of children of this area.
 void CStackPerspective.insert(int index, CDockablePerspective dockable)
          Inserts dockable at location index.
 void CMinimizePerspective.insertPlaceholder(int index, CDockablePerspective dockable)
          Inserts a placeholder for dockable at location index in the list of children of this area.
 void CGridPerspective.maximize(CDockablePerspective dockable)
          Maximized dockable on this station.
 boolean CExternalizePerspective.remove(CDockablePerspective dockable)
          Removes dockable from this area.
 boolean CMinimizePerspective.remove(CDockablePerspective dockable)
          Removes dockable from this area.
 void CStackPerspective.remove(CDockablePerspective dockable)
          Removes the element dockable from this station.
 Location CPerspective.storeLocation(CDockablePerspective dockable)
          Determines the current location of dockable and stores that location in a map using the ExtendedMode of the Location as key.

Constructors in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.perspective with parameters of type CDockablePerspective
CStackPerspective(CDockablePerspective[] children, CDockablePerspective selection)
          Creates a new station.
CStackPerspective(CDockablePerspective[] children, CDockablePerspective selection)
          Creates a new station.

Uses of CDockablePerspective in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.perspective.mode

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.perspective.mode with parameters of type CDockablePerspective
 Location LocationModeManagerPerspective.getLocation(CDockablePerspective dockable)
          Gets the current location of dockable.