
Some MenuPieces to modify the layout and settings of an application that uses Common.


Class Summary
CLayoutChoiceMenuPiece A piece of a menu that allows the user to store and load the layout of a set of Dockables and DockStations.
CLookAndFeelMenuPiece A menupiece that shows an entry for each available LookAndFeel.
CPreferenceMenuPiece A menu piece that shows an entry for opening the preferences-dialog.
CThemeMenuPiece A ThemeMenuPiece that offers the DockThemes specified in the ThemeMap of the owning CControl.
SingleCDockableListMenuPiece A piece of a menu that adds an item for each closeable CDockable that can be found in a CControl.

Package Description

Some MenuPieces to modify the layout and settings of an application that uses Common.