Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractStackholdingLocation
bibliothek.gui.dock.common.location Various implementations of CLocation

Uses of AbstractStackholdingLocation in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.location

Subclasses of AbstractStackholdingLocation in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.location
 class AbstractTreeLocation
          A location that is child of the "normalized"-area, and describing a turn in a path leading to the final element.
 class CExternalizedLocation
          A location representing an externalized element.
 class CFlapIndexLocation
          A location which represents the index on a FlapDockStation.
 class CMaximalExternalizedLocation
          A location representing an maximized externalized element.
 class CMaximizedLocation
          A location representing the maximized state.
 class CRectangleLocation
          A location describing a normalized element by giving its relative position and size (relative meaning that the element is positioned in a rectangle of size 1/1).
 class CStackLocation
          A location describing an element in a stack (also known as tabbed-pane).
 class TreeLocationLeaf
          Represents a leaf in a path of tree-nodes.
 class TreeLocationNode
          A turn in a path to an element, beginning at the "normalized-area".
 class TreeLocationRoot
          The root of a path of turns, leading to the location of an element, beginning at the "normalized-area".