Class CActionOffer

  extended by bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.action.CActionOffer
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CActionOffer
extends java.lang.Object
implements ActionOffer

An ActionOffer that searches for CommonDockables and asks them for their sources.

Benjamin Sigg

Constructor Summary
CActionOffer(CControl control)
          Creates a new action offer
Method Summary
 DockActionSource getSource(Dockable dockable, DockActionSource source, DockActionSource[] guards, DockActionSource parent, DockActionSource[] parents)
          Generates one source of actions for the given Dockable.
 boolean interested(Dockable dockable)
          Tells whether this ActionOffer wants to collect the actions for the dockable, or if this ActionOffer is not interested in the Dockable.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CActionOffer(CControl control)
Creates a new action offer

control - the control for which this offer is used
Method Detail


public boolean interested(Dockable dockable)
Description copied from interface: ActionOffer
Tells whether this ActionOffer wants to collect the actions for the dockable, or if this ActionOffer is not interested in the Dockable.

Specified by:
interested in interface ActionOffer
dockable - The Dockable to test
true if this ActionOffer should tell which actions will be associated with the dockable, false otherwise.


public DockActionSource getSource(Dockable dockable,
                                  DockActionSource source,
                                  DockActionSource[] guards,
                                  DockActionSource parent,
                                  DockActionSource[] parents)
Description copied from interface: ActionOffer
Generates one source of actions for the given Dockable. The ActionOffer is free how to use the actions that are created by other parts of the system, but it is a good idea to use all of them. Note that each argument, and each element in an array, can be null.

Specified by:
getSource in interface ActionOffer
dockable - The Dockable for which the the source has to be created. An invocation of interested should return true, otherwise the behavior of this method is not specified.
source - the DockActionSource derived from dockable
guards - a list of DockActionSources derived from ActionGuards
parent - the DockActionSource derived from the parent of dockable
parents - a list of DockActionSources derived from all parents of dockable
The source that was created.