
Interface Summary
CGroupBehavior A CGroupBehavior allows to define groups of CDockable.
CGroupBehaviorCallback A set of information and methods for the CGroupBehavior.
CGroupMovement A group movement describes the movement of an undefined number of Dockables by a LocationModeManager.

Class Summary
SingleGroupMovement This CGroupMovement is the most basic movemenet as it represents the movement of one lonely Dockable.
StackGroupBehavior This CGroupBehavior assumes that all Dockables which share a common StackDockStation as parent belong to the same group.
StackGroupMovement This movement moves an entire StackDockStation to the place indicated by one of its children.
TopMostGroupBehavior This most simple CGroupBehavior just set the mode of the one Dockable whose mode should change anyway.