Package bibliothek.gui.dock.action

The components dealing with the logic of DockActions.


Interface Summary
ActionDockBorder Represents a BorderModifier that is used by a component that shows a DockAction.
ActionGuard An ActionGuard is added to a DockController, and whenever the actions of a Dockable have to be determined, all known ActionGuards are asked, if they may add some additional actions.
ActionOffer An ActionOffer creates a DockActionSource for a Dockable.
ActionPopupSuppressor Suppresses a popup to show
ButtonDockAction An action that can be pressed like a button.
DockAction A DockAction is an object that represents an action which can be triggered by the user.
DockActionBackgroundComponent Represents the background of a Component that somehow paints a DockAction.
DockActionSource A list of DockActions which may change its size at any time.
DropDownAction A DockAction that consists of other actions.
ListeningDockAction An action that should receive an event when the DockController of the structure using this action changes.
MenuDockAction Represents a menu.
SelectableDockAction An action which has two states "selected" and "not selected".
StandardDockAction A StandardDockAction is an object that is shown as graphical interface (like a button) on some Components.
StandardDropDownItemAction A compination of a DropDownItemAction and a StandardDockAction.

Class Summary
AbstractDockActionSource A simple implementation of DockActionSource that just handles the listeners for sources.
ActionPopup A mouse-listener that may be added to any component.
ActionType<D extends DockAction> The ActionType manly defines, how a DockAction is to be used.
DefaultActionOffer An ActionOffer that collects some DockActionSources.
DefaultDockActionSource The DefaultDockActionSource is nothing more than a list of DockActions that may be changed at any time.
DockActionIcon This DockIcon is used to get Icons for a DockAction.
DockActionText Represents a text that is used by a DockAction.
FilteredDockActionSource A DockActionSource which shows a selection of DockActions fetched from another DockActionSource
HierarchyDockActionSource A DockActionSource which observes the hierarchy of a Dockable and changes its content using DockController.listOffers(bibliothek.gui.Dockable).
LocationHint A LocationHint gives information about the preferred location of a DockActionSource in respect to other sources.
LocationHint.Enumeration Base-class for Enumerations (sets of uniquely identified objects).
LocationHint.Hint Describes the preferred location of a LocationHint
LocationHint.Origin Describes who created a LocationHint
MultiDockActionSource A DockActionSource that combines various sources in one source.
SimpleTypedActionGuard<T extends Dockable> An ActionGuard that reacts if the Dockable has the exact type that was set through the constructor.
StationChildrenActionSource This DockActionSource is a wrapper around a Dockable or a DockStation and adds one DockAction for each child of the station to itself.
TypedActionGuard<T extends Dockable> This ActionGuard reacts only on Dockables with a given type.

Package bibliothek.gui.dock.action Description

The components dealing with the logic of DockActions.