Uses of Interface

Packages that use SelectableDockAction
bibliothek.gui.dock.action The components dealing with the logic of DockActions. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.action.actions Contains a set of different DockActions and supporting classes. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.event Listeners, adapters and events used in the whole framework. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.station.flap Elements that are related to the FlapDockStation
bibliothek.gui.dock.themes.basic.action Elements handling the view of DockActions. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.themes.basic.action.dropdown Handlers taking various kinds of DockAction and presenting them as DropDownViewItem in order to display them as children of a DropDownAction Handlers taking various kinds of DockAction and presenting them as MenuViewItem in order to display the actions in a menu. 

Uses of SelectableDockAction in bibliothek.gui.dock.action

Classes in bibliothek.gui.dock.action that implement SelectableDockAction
protected  class StationChildrenActionSource.FocusAction
          An action that can transfer the focus

Fields in bibliothek.gui.dock.action with type parameters of type SelectableDockAction
static ActionType<SelectableDockAction> ActionType.CHECK
          The action behaves like a checkbox: when it is triggered, it changes it's state from selected to unselected, or vice versa.
static ActionType<SelectableDockAction> ActionType.RADIO
          The action behaves like a radiobutton: when it is triggered, it changes to the selected-state, but some other actions may change to the unselected-state

Uses of SelectableDockAction in bibliothek.gui.dock.action.actions

Classes in bibliothek.gui.dock.action.actions that implement SelectableDockAction
 class GroupedSelectableDockAction<K>
          An action that can change between selected and not selected.
static class GroupedSelectableDockAction.Check<K>
          An action intended to use as type ActionType.CHECK
static class GroupedSelectableDockAction.Radio<K>
          An action intended to use as type ActionType.RADIO
 class SimpleSelectableAction
          A DockAction that has a state selected.
static class SimpleSelectableAction.Check
          A SimpleSelectableAction that is visualized as a ActionType.CHECK.
static class SimpleSelectableAction.Radio
          A SimpleSelectableAction that is visualized as a ActionType.RADIO.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.action.actions with parameters of type SelectableDockAction
 void SelectableDockActionGroup.addAction(SelectableDockAction action)
          Adds an action that has to be observed
 void SelectableDockActionGroup.removeAction(SelectableDockAction action)
          Removes an action.

Constructor parameters in bibliothek.gui.dock.action.actions with type arguments of type SelectableDockAction
GroupedSelectableDockAction(GroupKeyGenerator<? extends K> generator, ActionType<SelectableDockAction> type)
          Creates a new action.
SimpleSelectableAction(ActionType<SelectableDockAction> type)
          Creates a new action.

Uses of SelectableDockAction in bibliothek.gui.dock.event

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.event with parameters of type SelectableDockAction
 void SelectableDockActionListener.selectedChanged(SelectableDockAction action, java.util.Set<Dockable> dockables)
          Triggered by a SelectableDockAction if the selection-state of a Dockable has changed.

Uses of SelectableDockAction in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.flap

Classes in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.flap that implement SelectableDockAction
 class FlapDockHoldToggle
          This DockAction is shown together with the children of a FlapDockStation, and allows to "stick" a Dockable.

Uses of SelectableDockAction in bibliothek.gui.dock.themes.basic.action

Constructors in bibliothek.gui.dock.themes.basic.action with parameters of type SelectableDockAction
BasicSelectableHandler.Check(SelectableDockAction action, Dockable dockable)
          Creates a new handler
BasicSelectableHandler.Radio(SelectableDockAction action, Dockable dockable)
          Creates a new handler
BasicSelectableHandler(SelectableDockAction action, Dockable dockable)
          Creates a new handler

Uses of SelectableDockAction in bibliothek.gui.dock.themes.basic.action.dropdown

Constructors in bibliothek.gui.dock.themes.basic.action.dropdown with parameters of type SelectableDockAction
SelectableDropDownHandler(SelectableDockAction action, Dockable dockable, javax.swing.JMenuItem item)
          Creates a new handler.

Uses of SelectableDockAction in

Constructors in with parameters of type SelectableDockAction
SelectableMenuHandler(SelectableDockAction action, Dockable dockable, javax.swing.JMenuItem item)
          Creates a new handler