Uses of Class

Packages that use LocationHint.Origin
bibliothek.gui.dock.action The components dealing with the logic of DockActions. 

Uses of LocationHint.Origin in bibliothek.gui.dock.action

Fields in bibliothek.gui.dock.action declared as LocationHint.Origin
static LocationHint.Origin LocationHint.ACTION_GUARD
          Used if this hint was produced by an ActionGuard
static LocationHint.Origin LocationHint.ACTION_OFFER
          Used if this hint was produced by an ActionOffer
static LocationHint.Origin LocationHint.DIRECT_ACTION
          Used if this hint was produced by the parent of a dockable
static LocationHint.Origin LocationHint.DOCKABLE
          Used if this hint was produced by a Dockable
static LocationHint.Origin LocationHint.INDIRECT_ACTION
          Used if this hint was produced by one of the parents of a dockable
static LocationHint.Origin LocationHint.UNKNOWN_ORIGIN
          Used if it is unclear who produced this hint

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.action that return LocationHint.Origin
 LocationHint.Origin LocationHint.getOrigin()
          Gets the origin of this hint.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.action with parameters of type LocationHint.Origin
 boolean LocationHint.Origin.equals(LocationHint.Origin other)
          Compares this origin with another origin.
 void DefaultActionOffer.setOrigins(LocationHint.Origin[] origins)
          Sets the preferred order of sources according to their origin.

Constructors in bibliothek.gui.dock.action with parameters of type LocationHint.Origin
DefaultActionOffer(LocationHint.Origin... origins)
          Creates a new DefaultActionOffer.
LocationHint(LocationHint.Origin origin)
          Creates a new LocationHint.
LocationHint(LocationHint.Origin origin, LocationHint.Hint hint)
          Creates a new LocationHint.
LocationHint(LocationHint.Origin origin, LocationHint.Hint hint, java.lang.Object clientObject)
          Creates a new LocationHint.