Package bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.theme.eclipse

Various graphical and logical components needed when the EclipseTheme is active.


Interface Summary
EclipseThemeConnector The EclipseThemeConnector tells the EclipseTheme where to paint tabs and borders.
EclipseThemeConnectorListener A listener to an EclipseThemeConnector, can be called if a property of the connector changes.

Class Summary
AbstractEclipseBorder Abstract Border managing basic properties that are required by varios Borders related to the EclipseTheme.
DefaultEclipseThemeConnector This default implementation of EclipseThemeConnector draws the typical eclipse-header over Dockables and neither border nor title over DockStations.
EclipseBorder A border that has round edges.
EclipseButtonBorder A Border used by the EclipseButtonTitle.
EclipseButtonTitle This title is used by the EclipseTheme to replace the default DockTitle for the FlapDockStation.
EclipseColorScheme A ColorScheme used by the EclipseTheme.
EclipseDockableSelection A DockableSelection that uses its own border.
EclipseDockActionSource A list of DockActions filtered by the EclipseThemeConnector, using EclipseThemeConnector.isTabAction(Dockable, DockAction).
EclipseDockTitleFactory A DockTitleFactory that calls another factory but only if the method EclipseThemeConnector.getTitleBarKind(bibliothek.gui.DockStation, Dockable) returns EclipseThemeConnector.TitleBar.BASIC for the Dockable whose title should be created.
OwnedEclipseBorder This border paints round edges at the edges which touch the side of the tabs.
OwnedRectEclipseBorder A RectEclipseBorder painting round edges at the side at which tabs are painted.
RectEclipseBorder This border paints a thin line.
RoundRectButton A button that has a round rect shape.
RoundRectDropDownButton A button with a shape of a roundrect, displaying a DropDownAction.

Enum Summary
EclipseThemeConnector.TitleBar Describes which kind of title, and which kind of DockableDisplayer should be used for a Dockable or a DockStation.

Annotation Types Summary
EclipseTabDockAction Marks a DockAction that it should be shown in the tabs when the EclipseTheme is used.

Package bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.theme.eclipse Description

Various graphical and logical components needed when the EclipseTheme is active.