Uses of Class

Packages that use Path
bibliothek.extension.gui.dock Extensions to the Core framework, including the BubbleTheme, EclipseTheme and the preference mechanism. 
bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.preference Generic collection of preferences used in this framework. 
bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.preference.preferences Implementations of various Preferences which are used in the default set of preferences. 
bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.preference.preferences.choice A set of small classes containing choices the user can make. 
bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.theme Contains some DockThemes. 
bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.theme.bubble Various graphical and logical components used when BubbleTheme is active. 
bibliothek.gui.dock The five basic classes implementing Dockable and DockStation plus some supporting elements. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern Classes and interfaces used internally. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.common.mode A subclass of LocationModeManager that handles CLocations, ExtendedModes and is aware of CControl
bibliothek.gui.dock.common.theme Classes related to the DockThemes. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.common.theme.color Introduces an extension to the color management. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.facile.mode Contains an implementation of ModeManager that links a mode to the location of a Dockable
bibliothek.gui.dock.layout Elements dealing with the location of Dockables on their DockStation and allowing to store the whole layout of a set of Dockables and stations. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.station.flap Elements that are related to the FlapDockStation
bibliothek.gui.dock.station.screen Elements that are related to the ScreenDockStation
bibliothek.gui.dock.station.split Elements which are needed by the SplitDockStation, and which are needed to interact with the station. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.station.stack Elements which are related to the StackDockStation Elements used by various DockStations to store properties and to propagate events to other objects. Basic interfaces and classes for a framework that assigns modes to Dockables. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.themes Contains an implementation of DockTheme and all classes which are neede by this theme. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.themes.color The color subsystem allows each kind of element to get its colors from a central repository. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.themes.font Implementations of DockFont to be used at different places (as described in the documentation for each item). 
bibliothek.gui.dock.title Elements needed to paint the title of a Dockable
bibliothek.gui.dock.util Distribution of information in a global scale and methods available from everywhere. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.util.color The color subsystem, used by most of the components to search for the colors they need to paint. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.util.extension Contains classes to create and manage extensions. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.util.font The font-subsystem is used to define the fonts that are used to paint text. 
bibliothek.util Some classes which are used in DockingFrames, but do not have any importance. 

Uses of Path in bibliothek.extension.gui.dock

Methods in bibliothek.extension.gui.dock with parameters of type Path
<V> PreferenceEditor<V>
PreferenceTable.createEditor(Path type)
          Creates a new editor for type.
<V> PreferenceEditorFactory<V>
PreferenceTable.getEditorFactory(Path type)
          Gets the factory which is responsible to create editors for type-objects.
 void PreferenceTable.setEditorFactory(Path type, PreferenceEditorFactory<?> factory)
          Sets the factory that should be used to create an editor for some type of object.
 void PreferenceTreePanel.setEditorFactory(Path type, PreferenceEditorFactory<?> factory)
          Sets an editor for some type.

Uses of Path in bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.preference

Methods in bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.preference that return Path
 Path DefaultPreference.getPath()
 Path Preference.getPath()
          Gets the unique path of this resource.
 Path PreferenceTreeModel.Node.getPath()
          Gets the path of this node.
 Path DefaultPreferenceModel.getPath(int index)
 Path MergedPreferenceModel.getPath(int index)
 Path PreferenceModel.getPath(int index)
          Gets the unique identifier of the index'th preference of this model.
 Path PreferenceTreeModel.getPath(int index)
 Path DefaultPreference.getTypePath()
 Path Preference.getTypePath()
          Gets the type of the value that this preferences uses.
 Path DefaultPreferenceModel.getTypePath(int index)
 Path MergedPreferenceModel.getTypePath(int index)
 Path PreferenceModel.getTypePath(int index)
          Tells what kind of type the index'th value is.
 Path PreferenceTreeModel.getTypePath(int index)

Methods in bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.preference with parameters of type Path
 void MergedPreferenceModel.add(PreferenceModel model, Path path)
          Adds model at the end of this model.
 void PreferenceStorage.addFactory(Path type, PreferenceFactory<?> factory)
          Adds a new factory to this storage, the factory will be responsible to write or read some kind of preferences.
 void PreferenceTreeModel.delete(Path path)
          Deletes the node at path and all its children from the tree.
 int MergedPreferenceModel.indexOf(Path path)
          Gets the index of path.
 void MergedPreferenceModel.insert(int index, PreferenceModel model, Path path)
          Inserts a new submodel into this model.
 void PreferenceTreeModel.put(Path path, String name, PreferenceModel model)
          Sets name and model of a given node.
 void PreferenceTreeModel.putModel(Path path, PreferenceModel model)
          Sets the model of the node at path.
 void PreferenceTreeModel.putNode(Path path, String name)
          Sets the name of the node at path.
 void MergedPreferenceModel.remove(Path path)
          Removes the model with the path path.
 void PreferenceDialog.setEditorFactory(Path type, PreferenceEditorFactory<?> factory)
          Sets an editor for some type of values.
 void PreferenceTreeDialog.setEditorFactory(Path type, PreferenceEditorFactory<?> factory)
          Sets an editor for some type of values.

Constructors in bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.preference with parameters of type Path
DefaultPreference(Path type, Path path)
          Creates a new preference.
DefaultPreference(String label, Path type, Path path)
          Creates a new preference.

Uses of Path in bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.preference.preferences

Constructors in bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.preference.preferences with parameters of type Path
ButtonContentPreference(DockProperties properties, Path path)
          Creates a new preference.
ChoiceDockPropertyPreference(DockProperties properties, PropertyKey<V> key, Path path, DefaultChoice<V> choice)
          Creates a new preference.
DockPropertyPreference(DockProperties properties, PropertyKey<V> key, Path type, Path path)
          Creates a new preference.
DockPropertyPreference(DockProperties properties, PropertyKey<V> key, String label, Path type, Path path)
          Creates a new preference.
DockPropertyPreference(ResourceBundle bundle, String prefix, DockProperties properties, PropertyKey<V> key, V defaultValue, Path type, Path path)
          Creates a new preference.

Uses of Path in bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.preference.preferences.choice

Fields in bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.preference.preferences.choice declared as Path
static Path ChoiceExtension.CHOICE_EXTENSION
          The name of this extension

Constructors in bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.preference.preferences.choice with parameters of type Path
TabContentFilterPreference(DockProperties properties, Path path)
          Creates a new choice.
TabPlacementPreference(DockProperties properties, Path path)
          Creates a new choice.

Uses of Path in bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.theme

Methods in bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.theme with parameters of type Path
 ColorBridgeFactory IdentifiedColorScheme.getBridgeFactory(Path kind)

Uses of Path in bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.theme.bubble

Methods in bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.theme.bubble with parameters of type Path
protected  void AbstractBubbleDockTitle.addColor(String id, Path kind, Color backup)
          Registers a TitleColor width identifier id at this title.

Uses of Path in bibliothek.gui.dock

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock with parameters of type Path
protected  void StackDockStation.add(Dockable dockable, int index, Path placeholder, boolean fire)
          Adds a child to this station at the location index.
protected  void ScreenDockStation.addDockable(Dockable dockable, Rectangle bounds, Path placeholder, boolean boundsIncludeWindow)
          Adds a Dockable on a newly created ScreenDockWindow to the station.
protected  ScreenDockWindowHandle ScreenDockStation.register(Dockable dockable, Path placeholder, ScreenDockWindow window)
          Invoked after a new ScreenDockWindow has been created.
 void SplitDockStation.removePlaceholder(Path placeholder)
          Searches the entire tree for any occurence of placeholder and removes placeholder.

Method parameters in bibliothek.gui.dock with type arguments of type Path
 void SplitDockStation.removePlaceholders(Set<Path> placeholders)
          Searches the entire tree for all occurences of all placeholders in placeholders.

Uses of Path in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern that return Path
 Path CPlaceholderStrategy.getPlaceholderFor(Dockable dockable)

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern with parameters of type Path
protected  void CPlaceholderStrategy.fireInvalidated(Path placeholder)
 boolean CPlaceholderStrategy.isValidPlaceholder(Path placeholder)

Uses of Path in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.mode

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.mode that return Path
 Path ExtendedMode.getModeIdentifier()
          Gets the unique identifier of the mode.

Constructors in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.mode with parameters of type Path
ExtendedMode(Path modeIdentifier)
          Creates a new key.

Uses of Path in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.theme

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.theme with parameters of type Path
 void CDockTheme.putColorBridgeFactory(Path kind, ColorBridgeFactory factory)
          Sets the ColorBridge which should be used for a certain kind of DockColors.
 void CDockTheme.putFontBridgeFactory(Path kind, FontBridgeFactory factory)
          Sets the FontBridge which should be used for a certain kind of DockFonts.

Uses of Path in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.theme.color

Fields in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.theme.color declared as Path
static Path CColorBridgeExtension.EXTENSION_NAME
          The name of this extension.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.theme.color that return Path
 Path CColorBridgeExtension.getKey()
          Gets the name of the bridge, e.g. an extension that modifies the colors of a tab would return TabColor.KIND_TAB_COLOR.

Uses of Path in bibliothek.gui.dock.facile.mode

Fields in bibliothek.gui.dock.facile.mode declared as Path
static Path ExternalizedMode.IDENTIFIER
          the unique identifier of this mode
static Path MaximizedMode.IDENTIFIER
          unique identifier for this mode
static Path MinimizedMode.IDENTIFIER
          the unique identifier of this mode
static Path NormalMode.IDENTIFIER
          The unique identifier of this mode

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.facile.mode that return Path
 Path Location.getMode()
          Gets the mode which is responsible for this location.
 Path MaximizedModeSetting.getModeId()
 Path ExternalizedMode.getUniqueIdentifier()
 Path MaximizedMode.getUniqueIdentifier()
 Path MinimizedMode.getUniqueIdentifier()
 Path NormalMode.getUniqueIdentifier()
protected  Path CLocationModeSettings.resuceMode(String mode)

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.facile.mode that return types with arguments of type Path
 Map<String,Path> MaximizedModeSetting.getLastMaximizedMode()
          Gets the modes of Dockables that are currently maximized.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.facile.mode with parameters of type Path
 void LocationModeManager.addListener(Path identifier, LocationModeListener listener)
          Adds a listener to the mode with unique identifier identifier.
protected  void LocationModeManager.applyDuringRead(String key, Path old, Path current, Dockable dockable)
          Ignores the call, the position of Dockables is set elsewhere.
 void LocationModeManager.removeListener(Path identifier, LocationModeListener listener)
          Removes a listener from the mode identifier.

Method parameters in bibliothek.gui.dock.facile.mode with type arguments of type Path
 void MaximizedModeSetting.setLastMaximizedMode(Map<String,Path> lastMaximizedMode)
          Sets the mode of Dockables that are maximized.

Constructors in bibliothek.gui.dock.facile.mode with parameters of type Path
Location(Path mode, String root, DockableProperty location)
          Creates a new location.

Uses of Path in bibliothek.gui.dock.layout

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.layout that return Path
 Path DockLayoutInfo.getPlaceholder()
          Gets the representation of this element as placeholder.
protected  Path DockSituation.getPlaceholder(DockElement element)
          Gets a placeholder for element using the current PlaceholderStrategy.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.layout with parameters of type Path
 void DockLayoutInfo.setPlaceholder(Path placeholder)
          Sets a placeholder which represents this element.

Uses of Path in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.flap

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.flap that return Path
 Path FlapDockProperty.getPlaceholder()
          Gets the name of this location.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.flap with parameters of type Path
 void FlapDockProperty.setPlaceholder(Path placeholder)
          Sets the name of this location.

Constructors in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.flap with parameters of type Path
FlapDockProperty(int index, boolean holding, int size, Path placeholder)
          Constructs a FlapDockProperty

Uses of Path in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.screen

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.screen that return Path
 Path ScreenDockProperty.getPlaceholder()
          Gets the name of this location.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.screen with parameters of type Path
 void ScreenDockProperty.setPlaceholder(Path placeholder)
          Sets the name of this location.

Constructors in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.screen with parameters of type Path
ScreenDockProperty(int x, int y, int width, int height, Path placeholder)
          Constructs a new property
ScreenDockProperty(int x, int y, int width, int height, Path placeholder, boolean fullscreen)
          Constructs a new property

Uses of Path in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.split

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.split that return Path
 Path SplitDockPlaceholderProperty.getPlaceholder()
          Gets the placeholder this property references to.
 Path[] SplitDockStationLayout.Entry.getPlaceholders()
          Gets all the placeholders that are associated with this entry.
 Path[] SplitNode.getPlaceholders()
          Gets all the keys that are stored in this placeholder
 Path[] SplitDockTree.getPlaceholders(SplitDockTree.Key key)
          Gets the placeholders which are associated with key

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.split with parameters of type Path
 void SplitNode.addPlaceholder(Path placeholder)
          Stores an additional placeholder in this node.
 boolean SplitNode.hasPlaceholder(Path placeholder)
          Tells whether this node contains placeholder.
 N SplitTreeFactory.horizontal(N left, N right, double divider, long id, Path[] placeholders, PlaceholderMap placeholderMap, boolean visible)
          Informs about a node that is divided vertically.
 SplitDockTree.Key SplitDockTreeFactory.horizontal(SplitDockTree.Key left, SplitDockTree.Key right, double divider, long id, Path[] placeholders, PlaceholderMap placeholderMap, boolean visible)
 SplitDockTree.Key SplitDockTree.horizontal(SplitDockTree.Key left, SplitDockTree.Key right, double divider, Path[] placeholders, PlaceholderMap placeholderMap, long nodeId)
          Adds two elements horizontally.
 SplitDockTree.Key SplitDockTreeFactory.leaf(Dockable dockable, long id, Path[] placeholders, PlaceholderMap placeholderMap)
 N SplitTreeFactory.leaf(Dockable dockable, long id, Path[] placeholders, PlaceholderMap placeholderMap)
          Informs about a leaf of the tree.
 SplitDockTree.Key SplitDockTreeFactory.placeholder(long id, Path[] placeholders, PlaceholderMap placeholderMap)
 N SplitTreeFactory.placeholder(long id, Path[] placeholders, PlaceholderMap placeholderMap)
          Informs about a set of placeholder in the tree.
 SplitDockTree.Key SplitDockTree.put(Dockable[] dockables, Dockable selected, Path[] placeholders, PlaceholderMap placeholderMap, long nodeId)
          Creates a key for the set of dockables or the set of placeholders.
 SplitDockTree.Key SplitDockTree.put(Path[] placeholders, PlaceholderMap placeholderMap)
          Creates a key for a placeholder leaf.
 SplitDockTree.Key SplitDockTree.put(Path[] placeholders, PlaceholderMap placeholderMap, long nodeId)
          Creates a key for a placeholder leaf.
 boolean SplitNode.removePlaceholder(Path placeholder)
          Removes a placeholder from this node.
 void SplitPlaceholderSet.set(SplitNode node, Path placeholder, SplitNode... protectedNodes)
          Ensures that node is associated with placeholder but no other node has placeholder.
 void SplitNode.setPlaceholders(Path[] placeholders)
          Sets all the placeholders of this node
 N SplitTreeFactory.vertical(N top, N bottom, double divider, long id, Path[] placeholders, PlaceholderMap placeholderMap, boolean visible)
          Informs about a node that is divided vertically.
 SplitDockTree.Key SplitDockTreeFactory.vertical(SplitDockTree.Key top, SplitDockTree.Key bottom, double divider, long id, Path[] placeholders, PlaceholderMap placeholderMap, boolean visible)
 SplitDockTree.Key SplitDockTree.vertical(SplitDockTree.Key top, SplitDockTree.Key bottom, double divider, Path[] placeholders, PlaceholderMap placeholderMap, long nodeId)
          Adds two elements vertically.

Method parameters in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.split with type arguments of type Path
 void SplitNode.removePlaceholders(Set<Path> placeholders)
          Removes all placeholders in placeholders from this node

Constructors in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.split with parameters of type Path
SplitDockPlaceholderProperty(Path placeholder)
          Creates a new property.
SplitDockPlaceholderProperty(Path placeholder, SplitDockPathProperty backup)
          Creates a new property.
SplitDockPlaceholderProperty(Path placeholder, SplitDockProperty backup)
          Creates a new property.
SplitDockStationLayout.Entry(Path[] placeholders, PlaceholderMap placeholderMap, long id)
          Create a new entry
SplitDockStationLayout.Leaf(int id, Path[] placeholders, PlaceholderMap placeholderMap, long nodeId)
          Creates a new leaf
SplitDockStationLayout.Node(SplitDockStation.Orientation orientation, double divider, SplitDockStationLayout.Entry childA, SplitDockStationLayout.Entry childB, Path[] placeholders, PlaceholderMap placeholderMap, long id)
          Creates a new node.
SplitDockTree.Key(Path[] placeholders, PlaceholderMap placeholderMap, long id)
          Creates a new key

Uses of Path in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.stack

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.stack that return Path
 Path StackDockProperty.getPlaceholder()
          Gets the placeholder naming this location.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.stack with parameters of type Path
 void StackDockProperty.setPlaceholder(Path placeholder)
          Sets the placeholder name this location.

Constructors in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.stack with parameters of type Path
StackDockProperty(int index, Path placeholder)
          Constructs a property.

Uses of Path in

Methods in that return Path
 Path PlaceholderMap.getFormat()
          Gets the format of this map, the meaning of the format depends on the client.
 Path ConvertedPlaceholderListItem.getPlaceholder()
          Gets the placeholder that is associated with this item.
 Path PlaceholderStrategy.getPlaceholderFor(Dockable dockable)
          Gets the placeholder which represents dockable.
 Path RootPlaceholderStrategy.getPlaceholderFor(Dockable dockable)
 Path[] PlaceholderMap.Key.getPlaceholders()
          Gets the placeholders which make up this key.
 Path PlaceholderList.remove(D dockable)
          Searches for dockable and replaces it by a placeholder.
 Path PlaceholderList.remove(int index)
          Removes the index'th Dockable from this list were index is an index used in PlaceholderList.dockables().

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Path
 Set<Path> PlaceholderList.Item.getPlaceholderSet()
          Returns the value of this placeholder.
 PlaceholderList.Filter<Set<Path>> PlaceholderList.listPlaceholders()
          Gets a mutable view of all elements of this list.
 PlaceholderList.Filter<Set<Path>> PlaceholderList.purePlaceholders()
          Gets a mutable view of all pure placeholders of this list.

Methods in with parameters of type Path
 void PlaceholderList.Item.add(Path placeholder)
          Adds placeholder to the set of placeholders of this entry.
 void PlaceholderList.Filter.addPlaceholder(int index, Path placeholder)
          Adds a placeholder at location index, ensures that this placeholder is only present at index.
 D PlaceholderList.getDockableAt(Path placeholder)
          Searches the first occurrence of placeholder and returns the Dockable that is stored at that location.
 int PlaceholderList.getDockableIndex(Path placeholder)
          Emulates the insertion of a Dockable at location placeholder and returns the index that the inserted dockable would have in the dockable-list.
 PlaceholderMetaMap PlaceholderList.getMetaMap(Path placeholder)
          Gets the meta-map that is associated with the set of placeholders that include placeholder.
 boolean PlaceholderList.hasPlaceholder(Path placeholder)
          Tells whether this list contains a reference to placeholder.
 boolean PlaceholderList.Item.hasPlaceholder(Path placeholder)
          Tells whether placeholder is known to this item or not.
 boolean PlaceholderStrategy.isValidPlaceholder(Path placeholder)
          Tells whether placeholder is associated with any Dockable.
 boolean RootPlaceholderStrategy.isValidPlaceholder(Path placeholder)
 PlaceholderMap.Key PlaceholderMap.newKey(Path... placeholders)
          Creates a new shared key for any set of placeholders.
 PlaceholderMap.Key PlaceholderMap.newUniqueKey(Path... placeholders)
          Creates a new non-shared key for any set of placeholders.
 boolean PlaceholderList.put(D dockable, Path placeholder)
          Searches for the entry containing dockable and adds placeholder to the placeholder set.
 int PlaceholderList.put(Path placeholder, D dockable)
          Searches for the first occurrence of placeholder and replaces it with dockable.
 void PlaceholderList.Item.remove(Path placeholder)
          Removes placeholder from this entry.
 void PlaceholderList.removeAll(Path placeholder)
          Checks all entries of this list and removes all occurrences of all placeholder.
 void PlaceholderMap.removeAll(Path placeholder, boolean recursive)
          Removes all occurrences of placeholders.
 void ConvertedPlaceholderListItem.setPlaceholder(Path placeholder)
          Associates a placeholder with this item.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Path
 void PlaceholderStrategyListener.placeholderInvalidated(Set<Path> placeholders)
          Informs this listener that a set of placeholders is no longer in use.
 void PlaceholderList.removeAll(Set<Path> placeholders)
          Checks all entries of this list and removes all occurrences of all paths stored in placeholders.
 void PlaceholderList.Item.removeAll(Set<Path> placeholders)
          Removes all placeholders that are in placeholders.
 void PlaceholderMap.removeAll(Set<Path> placeholders, boolean recursive)
          Removes all occurrences of all elements of placeholders.
 void PlaceholderList.Item.setPlaceholderSet(Set<Path> placeholderSet)
          Sets the set of placeholders that are associated with this entry.

Constructors in with parameters of type Path
PlaceholderMap(Path format, int version)
          Creates a new map.

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Path
PlaceholderList.Item(D dockable, Set<Path> placeholderSet, PlaceholderMap placeholderMap)
          Creates a new item.
PlaceholderList.Item(Set<Path> placeholders)
          Creates a new item.

Uses of Path in

Methods in that return Path
 Path ModeSettings.getCurrent(int index)
          Gets the current mode of the index'th set.
 Path[] ModeSettings.getHistory(int index)
          Gets the history of the index'th set.
 Path ModeSetting.getModeId()
          Gets the unique identifier of the Mode this setting is associated with.
 Path ModeSettingFactory.getModeId()
          Gets the unique identifier of the Mode which uses the ModeSetting of this factory.
 Path NullModeSettingsFactory.getModeId()
 Path Mode.getUniqueIdentifier()
          Gets a unique identifier, only this Mode must have this identifier.
protected  Path ModeSettings.resuceMode(String identifier)
          Called if a single identifier of a mode is found as was used in version 1.0.7 and below.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Path
 Map<Path,A> ModeSettings.getProperties(int index)
          Gets the converted properties of the index'th set.

Methods in with parameters of type Path
 void ModeSettings.add(String id, Path current, Map<Path,A> properties, Collection<Path> history)
          Adds a new set of properties to this setting.
 boolean ModeManager.apply(Dockable dockable, Path mode, AffectedSet set, boolean force)
          Alters the mode of dockable to mode.
 boolean ModeManager.apply(Dockable dockable, Path mode, boolean force)
          Alters the mode of dockable to mode.
 boolean ModeManager.apply(Dockable dockable, Path mode, H history, AffectedSet set)
          Alters the mode of dockable to be mode.
protected abstract  void ModeManager.applyDuringRead(String key, Path old, Path current, Dockable dockable)
          Called while reading modes in ModeManager.readSettings(ModeSettings).
 M ModeManager.getMode(Path path)
          Searches and returns the mode with given unique identifier path.
 ModeSetting<A> ModeSettings.getSettings(Path modeId)
          Gets the settings which belong to a Mode with unique identifier modeId.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Path
 void ModeSettings.add(String id, Path current, Map<Path,A> properties, Collection<Path> history)
          Adds a new set of properties to this setting.
 void ModeSettings.add(String id, Path current, Map<Path,A> properties, Collection<Path> history)
          Adds a new set of properties to this setting.

Constructors in with parameters of type Path
NullModeSettingsFactory(Path id)
          Creates a new factory.

Uses of Path in bibliothek.gui.dock.themes

Fields in bibliothek.gui.dock.themes declared as Path
static Path DockThemeExtension.DOCK_THEME_EXTENSION
          The name of a ExtensionName creating DockThemeExtensions.
static Path ColorScheme.EXTENSION_NAME
          The name used in a ExtensionName to ask for an additional ColorScheme.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.themes with parameters of type Path
 ColorBridgeFactory ColorScheme.getBridgeFactory(Path kind)
          Searches for a factory for a bridge that can be used for a specific kind of DockColor.
protected  void BasicTheme.updateColorBridge(Path kind)
          Transmits the ColorBridge for kind to the ColorManager

Uses of Path in bibliothek.gui.dock.themes.color

Fields in bibliothek.gui.dock.themes.color declared as Path
static Path ActionColor.KIND_ACTION_COLOR
          the path describing this kind of color
static Path DisplayerColor.KIND_DISPLAYER_COLOR
          the kind of color DisplayerColor is
static Path DockableSelectionColor.KIND_DOCKABLE_SELECTION_COLOR
          the kind of color DockableSelectionColor is
static Path TitleColor.KIND_FLAP_BUTTON_COLOR
          special kind of color for buttons on the FlapDockStation
static Path MenuColor.KIND_MENU_COLOR
          the kind of color TabColor is
static Path StationPaintColor.KIND_STATION_PAINT_COLOR
          the kind of color StationPaintColor is
static Path TabColor.KIND_TAB_COLOR
          the kind of color TabColor is
static Path TitleColor.KIND_TITLE_COLOR
          the kind of color TitleColor is

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.themes.color with parameters of type Path
 ColorBridgeFactory DefaultColorScheme.getBridgeFactory(Path kind)
 ColorBridgeFactory ExtendingColorScheme.getBridgeFactory(Path kind)
 void DefaultColorScheme.setBridgeFactory(Path kind, ColorBridgeFactory bridge)
          Sets how to modify some kind of DockColors.

Constructors in bibliothek.gui.dock.themes.color with parameters of type Path
ActionColor(String id, Path kind, Dockable dockable, DockAction action, Color backup)
          Creates a new DockColor.
DisplayerColor(String id, Path kind, DockableDisplayer displayer, Color backup)
          Creates a new DisplayerColor
DockableSelectionColor(DockableSelection selection, String id, Path kind, Color backup)
          Creates a new DockColor.
MenuColor(String id, Path kind, DockStation station, CombinedMenu menu, Color backup)
          Creates a new TabColor.
StationPaintColor(String id, Path kind, StationPaint paint, Color backup)
          Creates a new DockColor
TabColor(String id, Path kind, DockStation station, Dockable dockable, Color backup)
          Creates a new TabColor.
TitleColor(String id, Path kind, DockTitle title, Color backup)
          Creates a new TitleColor.

Uses of Path in bibliothek.gui.dock.themes.font

Fields in bibliothek.gui.dock.themes.font declared as Path
static Path TitleFont.KIND_FLAP_BUTTON_FONT
          this kind describes a font that is used on a button title of a FlapDockStation
static Path TabFont.KIND_TAB_FONT
          the identifier of this kind of font
static Path TitleFont.KIND_TAB_TITLE_FONT
          this kind describes a font that is used for a title which then is used as tab
static Path TitleFont.KIND_TITLE_FONT
          this kind describes a font that is used on a title

Constructors in bibliothek.gui.dock.themes.font with parameters of type Path
TabFont(String id, Path kind, DockStation station, Dockable dockable)
          Creates a new font
TabFont(String id, Path kind, DockStation station, Dockable dockable, FontModifier backup)
          Creates a new font
TitleFont(String id, DockTitle title, Path kind)
          Creates a new title font.
TitleFont(String id, DockTitle title, Path kind, FontModifier backup)
          Creates a new title font.

Uses of Path in bibliothek.gui.dock.title

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.title with parameters of type Path
protected  void AbstractDockTitle.addConditionalFont(String id, Path kind, Condition condition, FontModifier backup)
          Adds a new conditional font to this title, the conditional font will be applied to AbstractDockTitle.setFont(Font) when its condition is met.

Uses of Path in bibliothek.gui.dock.util

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.util that return Path
 Path AbstractUIValue.getKind()
          Gets the kind of this value.
static Path[] DockUtilities.mergePlaceholders(Path[] base, Dockable dockable, PlaceholderStrategy strategy)
          Merges the array base with the placeholder that is associated with dockable, but only if that placeholder is not yet in base.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.util with parameters of type Path
 void UIProperties.add(String id, Path path, U value)
          Installs a new UIValue.
protected  B UIProperties.getBridgeFor(Path path)
          Searches a bridge that can be used for path.
static Path[] DockUtilities.mergePlaceholders(Path[] base, Dockable dockable, PlaceholderStrategy strategy)
          Merges the array base with the placeholder that is associated with dockable, but only if that placeholder is not yet in base.
 void UIProperties.publish(Priority priority, Path path, B bridge)
          Adds a new bridge between this UIProperties and a set of UIValues that have a certain type.
 void AbstractUIValue.setKind(Path kind)
          Changes the kind of this value.
 void UIProperties.unpublish(Priority priority, Path path)
          Removes the bridge that handles the UIValues of kind path.

Constructors in bibliothek.gui.dock.util with parameters of type Path
AbstractUIValue(String id, Path kind)
          Creates a new UIValue.
AbstractUIValue(String id, Path kind, V backup)
          Creates a new UIValue.

Uses of Path in bibliothek.gui.dock.util.color

Fields in bibliothek.gui.dock.util.color declared as Path
static Path DockColor.KIND_DOCK_COLOR

Constructors in bibliothek.gui.dock.util.color with parameters of type Path
AbstractDockColor(String id, Path kind)
          Creates a new DockColor.
AbstractDockColor(String id, Path kind, Color backup)
          Creates a new DockColor.

Uses of Path in bibliothek.gui.dock.util.extension

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.util.extension that return Path
 Path ExtensionName.getName()
          Gets the unique name of this extension.

Constructors in bibliothek.gui.dock.util.extension with parameters of type Path
ExtensionName(Path name, Class<E> type, Map<String,Object> parameters)
          Creates a new name.
ExtensionName(Path name, Class<E> type, String parameterKey, Object parameterValue)
          Creates a new name.

Uses of Path in bibliothek.gui.dock.util.font

Fields in bibliothek.gui.dock.util.font declared as Path
static Path DockFont.KIND_DOCK_FONT
          the default kind of fonts

Constructors in bibliothek.gui.dock.util.font with parameters of type Path
AbstractDockFont(String id, Path kind)
          Creates a new DockFont.
AbstractDockFont(String id, Path kind, FontModifier backup)
          Creates a new DockFont.

Uses of Path in bibliothek.util

Fields in bibliothek.util declared as Path
static Path Path.TYPE_BOOLEAN_PATH
          standard path for Boolean
static Path Path.TYPE_INT_PATH
          standard path for Integer
          standard path for KeyStroke, can use KeyStrokeValidator as information
static Path Path.TYPE_LABEL
          standard path for a label, a label is not shown in an enabled editor
          standard path for ModifierMask
          standard path for a choice using a String as value and a Choice as information
static Path Path.TYPE_STRING_PATH
          standard path for String

Methods in bibliothek.util that return Path
 Path Path.append(Path path)
          Creates a new path which is a combination of this and path.
 Path Path.append(String segments)
          Creates a new path appending segments to this path.
 Path PathCombiner.combine(Path first, Path second)
          Creates a combination of first and of second.
 Path Path.getParent()
          Returns the parent of this path.
 Path Path.subPath(int offset, int length)
          Creates a new path that is a subset of this path.
 Path Path.uniqueAppend(Path path)
          Creates a new path which is not only a combination of this and path, but is also unique in the way that x+y.z would not yield the same as x.y+z.

Methods in bibliothek.util with parameters of type Path
 Path Path.append(Path path)
          Creates a new path which is a combination of this and path.
 Path PathCombiner.combine(Path first, Path second)
          Creates a combination of first and of second.
 Path Path.uniqueAppend(Path path)
          Creates a new path which is not only a combination of this and path, but is also unique in the way that x+y.z would not yield the same as x.y+z.