Uses of Interface

Packages that use Mode
bibliothek.gui.dock.common.mode A subclass of LocationModeManager that handles CLocations, ExtendedModes and is aware of CControl
bibliothek.gui.dock.facile.mode Contains an implementation of ModeManager that links a mode to the location of a Dockable Basic interfaces and classes for a framework that assigns modes to Dockables. 

Uses of Mode in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.mode

Subinterfaces of Mode in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.mode
 interface CLocationMode
          LocationMode offering methods to work with CLocation.

Classes in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.mode that implement Mode
 class CExternalizedMode
          Manages areas on which externalized dockables are shown.
 class CMaximizedMode
          Manages CMaximizedModeAreas.
 class CMinimizedMode
          Manages areas that show only a title of a minimized dockable.
 class CNormalMode
          A mode managing CNormalModeAreas.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.mode with parameters of type Mode
 DockActionSource KeyedLocationModeActionProvider.getActions(Dockable dockable, Mode<Location> currentMode, DockActionSource currentSource)

Uses of Mode in bibliothek.gui.dock.facile.mode

Subinterfaces of Mode in bibliothek.gui.dock.facile.mode
 interface LocationMode
          A Mode that is used by the LocationModeManager.

Classes in bibliothek.gui.dock.facile.mode that implement Mode
 class AbstractLocationMode<A extends ModeArea>
          This abstract class offers various properties that may be useful for any implementation of LocationMode.
 class DefaultLocationMode<A extends StationModeArea>
          Abstract implementation of a Mode that works with Locations.
 class ExternalizedMode<M extends ExternalizedModeArea>
          Represents a mode in which dockables are freely floating on the screen.
 class MaximizedMode<M extends MaximizedModeArea>
          Dockables are maximized if they take up the whole space a frame or a screen offers.
 class MinimizedMode<M extends MinimizedModeArea>
          Only the title of a minimized Dockable is visible.
 class NormalMode<M extends NormalModeArea>
          CDockables are in NormalMode if they are a child of a NormalModeArea.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.facile.mode with parameters of type Mode
 DockActionSource DefaultLocationModeActionProvider.getActions(Dockable dockable, Mode<Location> mode, DockActionSource source)
 DockActionSource LocationModeActionProvider.getActions(Dockable dockable, Mode<Location> currentMode, DockActionSource currentSource)
          Called if the element dockable, which is currently in mode mode, should have some additional DockActions related to the owner of this LocationModeActionProvider.
 DockActionSource MappingLocationModeActionProvider.getActions(Dockable dockable, Mode<Location> currentMode, DockActionSource currentSource)
 DockActionSource AbstractLocationMode.DockableHandle.getActions(Mode<Location> mode)
          Called by AbstractLocationMode.getActionsFor(Dockable, Mode) to the actions related to this dockable.
 DockActionSource AbstractLocationMode.getActionsFor(Dockable dockable, Mode<Location> mode)
protected abstract  LocationModeActionProvider MappingLocationModeActionProvider.getProvider(Dockable dockable, Mode<Location> currentMode, DockActionSource currentSource)
          Gets the LocationModeActionProvider which fits the key generated by the arguments of this methode.

Uses of Mode in

Classes in with type parameters of type Mode
 class ModeManager<H,M extends Mode<H>>
          Associates Dockables with one Mode out of a set of modes.
 interface ModeManagerListener<A,M extends Mode<A>>
          This observer is added to a ModeManager and is informed when Modes or Dockables change.

Methods in with parameters of type Mode
 void ModeSettings.add(Mode<A> mode)
          Adds the settings of mode to this.
 DockActionSource Mode.getActionsFor(Dockable dockable, Mode<H> mode)
          Gets a DockActionSource which should be shown on dockable which is currently in mode.