Uses of Interface

Packages that use PlaceholderStrategy
bibliothek.gui.dock The five basic classes implementing Dockable and DockStation plus some supporting elements. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern Classes and interfaces used internally. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.layout Implementation of a LayoutChangeStrategy and supporting classes. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.dockable Some classes related to Dockable
bibliothek.gui.dock.frontend Classes and interfaces needed by the DockFrontend 
bibliothek.gui.dock.layout Elements dealing with the location of Dockables on their DockStation and allowing to store the whole layout of a set of Dockables and stations. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.station.flap Elements that are related to the FlapDockStation
bibliothek.gui.dock.station.screen Elements that are related to the ScreenDockStation
bibliothek.gui.dock.station.split Elements which are needed by the SplitDockStation, and which are needed to interact with the station. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.station.stack Elements which are related to the StackDockStation Elements used by various DockStations to store properties and to propagate events to other objects. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.util Distribution of information in a global scale and methods available from everywhere. 

Uses of PlaceholderStrategy in bibliothek.gui.dock

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock that return PlaceholderStrategy
 PlaceholderStrategy FlapDockStation.getPlaceholderStrategy()
          Gets the PlaceholderStrategy that is currently in use.
 PlaceholderStrategy ScreenDockStation.getPlaceholderStrategy()
          Gets the PlaceholderStrategy that is currently in use.
 PlaceholderStrategy SplitDockStation.getPlaceholderStrategy()
          Gets the strategy for creating and storing placeholders.
 PlaceholderStrategy StackDockStation.getPlaceholderStrategy()
          Gets the PlaceholderStrategy that is currently in use.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock with parameters of type PlaceholderStrategy
 void FlapDockStation.setPlaceholderStrategy(PlaceholderStrategy strategy)
          Sets the PlaceholderStrategy to use, null will set the default strategy.
 void ScreenDockStation.setPlaceholderStrategy(PlaceholderStrategy strategy)
          Sets the PlaceholderStrategy to use, null will set the default strategy.
 void SplitDockStation.setPlaceholderStrategy(PlaceholderStrategy strategy)
          Sets the strategy for selecting placeholders when removing Dockables from this station.
 void StackDockStation.setPlaceholderStrategy(PlaceholderStrategy strategy)
          Sets the PlaceholderStrategy to use, null will set the default strategy.

Uses of PlaceholderStrategy in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern

Classes in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern that implement PlaceholderStrategy
 class CPlaceholderStrategy
          This strategy assigns a unique identifier to all CDockables that are registered at a CControl.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern with parameters of type PlaceholderStrategy
 CommonDockableLayout in, PlaceholderStrategy placeholders)
 String in, PlaceholderStrategy placeholders)
 CommonDockableLayout element, PlaceholderStrategy placeholders)
 String element, PlaceholderStrategy placeholders)

Uses of PlaceholderStrategy in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.layout

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.layout with parameters of type PlaceholderStrategy
 MultipleCDockable in, PlaceholderStrategy placeholders)
 MultipleCDockable element, PlaceholderStrategy placeholders)

Uses of PlaceholderStrategy in bibliothek.gui.dock.dockable

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.dockable with parameters of type PlaceholderStrategy
 Object in, PlaceholderStrategy placeholders)
 Object element, PlaceholderStrategy placeholders)

Uses of PlaceholderStrategy in bibliothek.gui.dock.frontend

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.frontend with parameters of type PlaceholderStrategy
 BackupFactoryData<L> in, PlaceholderStrategy placeholders)
 BackupFactoryData<L> element, PlaceholderStrategy placeholders)

Uses of PlaceholderStrategy in bibliothek.gui.dock.layout

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.layout that return PlaceholderStrategy
 PlaceholderStrategy DockSituation.getPlaceholderStrategy()
          Gets the current strategy for removing invalid placeholders.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.layout with parameters of type PlaceholderStrategy
 L in, PlaceholderStrategy placeholders)
          Reads a layout from a stream.
 L element, PlaceholderStrategy placeholders)
          Reads a layout from an xml-element.
 void DockSituation.setPlaceholderStrategy(PlaceholderStrategy placeholders)
          Sets a strategy for deleting invalid placeholders.

Uses of PlaceholderStrategy in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.flap

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.flap with parameters of type PlaceholderStrategy
 FlapDockStationLayout in, PlaceholderStrategy placeholders)
 FlapDockStationLayout element, PlaceholderStrategy placeholders)

Uses of PlaceholderStrategy in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.screen

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.screen with parameters of type PlaceholderStrategy
 ScreenDockStationLayout in, PlaceholderStrategy placeholders)
 ScreenDockStationLayout element, PlaceholderStrategy placeholders)

Uses of PlaceholderStrategy in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.split

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.split with parameters of type PlaceholderStrategy
 SplitDockStationLayout in, PlaceholderStrategy placeholders)
 SplitDockStationLayout element, PlaceholderStrategy placeholders)

Uses of PlaceholderStrategy in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.stack

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.stack with parameters of type PlaceholderStrategy
 StackDockStationLayout in, PlaceholderStrategy placeholders)
 StackDockStationLayout element, PlaceholderStrategy placeholders)

Uses of PlaceholderStrategy in

Classes in that implement PlaceholderStrategy
 class RootPlaceholderStrategy
          A PlaceholderStrategy that wraps around another strategy or around no strategy at all.

Fields in with type parameters of type PlaceholderStrategy
static PropertyKey<PlaceholderStrategy> PlaceholderStrategy.PLACEHOLDER_STRATEGY
          Defines for which Dockables which Path is used as placeholder, or which placeholders are no longer valid and to be removed.

Methods in that return PlaceholderStrategy
 PlaceholderStrategy PlaceholderMap.getPlaceholderStrategy()
          Gets the strategy that is observed for removing invalid placeholders.
 PlaceholderStrategy PlaceholderList.getStrategy()
          Gets the current strategy of this list.
 PlaceholderStrategy RootPlaceholderStrategy.getStrategy()
          Gets the strategy that is the current delegate.
 PlaceholderStrategy StrategyPlaceholderListItemConverter.getStrategy()
          Gets the strategy that is used for creating placeholders.

Methods in with parameters of type PlaceholderStrategy
 void PlaceholderMap.setPlaceholderStrategy(PlaceholderStrategy strategy)
          Sets the strategy that is used to automatically remove invalid placeholders.
 void PlaceholderList.setStrategy(PlaceholderStrategy strategy)
          Sets the new strategy of this list.
 void PlaceholderList.Item.setStrategy(PlaceholderStrategy strategy)
          Forwards strategy to the current PlaceholderMap.
 void RootPlaceholderStrategy.setStrategy(PlaceholderStrategy strategy)
          Sets the delegate of this strategy.
 void PlaceholderMap.validate(PlaceholderStrategy strategy, boolean recursive)
          Using strategy removes all placeholders that are invalid.

Constructors in with parameters of type PlaceholderStrategy
PlaceholderMap(DataInputStream in, PlaceholderStrategy strategy)
          Creates a new map reading the content of the map directly from in.
PlaceholderMap(XElement in, PlaceholderStrategy strategy)
          Creates a new map reading the content of the map directly from in.
StrategyPlaceholderListItemConverter(PlaceholderStrategy strategy)
          Creates a new converter

Uses of PlaceholderStrategy in bibliothek.gui.dock.util

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.util with parameters of type PlaceholderStrategy
static Path[] DockUtilities.mergePlaceholders(Path[] base, Dockable dockable, PlaceholderStrategy strategy)
          Merges the array base with the placeholder that is associated with dockable, but only if that placeholder is not yet in base.