Uses of Class

Packages that use SplitNode
bibliothek.gui.dock The five basic classes implementing Dockable and DockStation plus some supporting elements. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.facile.station.split Support classes for SplitDockStation
bibliothek.gui.dock.station.split Elements which are needed by the SplitDockStation, and which are needed to interact with the station. 

Uses of SplitNode in bibliothek.gui.dock

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock that return SplitNode
 SplitNode SplitDockStation.getNode(long id)
          Searches the node whose id equals id.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock with parameters of type SplitNode
protected  void SplitDockStation.dropAside(SplitNode neighbor, PutInfo.Put put, Dockable dockable, Leaf leaf, double divider, boolean fire)
          Adds dockable at the side put of neighbor.

Uses of SplitNode in bibliothek.gui.dock.facile.station.split

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.facile.station.split with parameters of type SplitNode
 ResizeElement<T> LockedResizeLayoutManager.toElement(ResizeElement<T> parent, SplitNode node)
          Transforms a SplitNode into the matching kind of ResizeElement.

Uses of SplitNode in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.split

Subclasses of SplitNode in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.split
 class Leaf
          Represents a leaf in the tree that is the structure of a SplitDockStation.
 class Node
          A Node represents an element in the tree of a SplitDockStation.
 class Placeholder
          A placeholder is a set of Path-keys, each key stands for a Dockable that is currently not visible.
 class Root
          The root of the tree that represents the internal structure of a SplitDockStation.
 class VisibleSplitNode
          Represents a SplitNode that is visible to the user.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.split that return SplitNode
protected  SplitNode SplitNode.create(SplitDockTree.Key key, boolean checkValidity, Map<Leaf,Dockable> linksToSet)
          Creates a new node using the contents of key.
 SplitNode Root.getChild()
          Gets the child of this root.
 SplitNode Node.getLeft()
          Gets the left child of this node.
 SplitNode PutInfo.getNode()
          Gets the future neighbor or parent.
 SplitNode SplitNode.getParent()
          Gets the parent of this node.
 SplitNode Node.getRight()
          Gets the right child of this node.
 SplitNode Leaf.getVisible()
 SplitNode Node.getVisible()
 SplitNode Placeholder.getVisible()
 SplitNode Root.getVisible()
abstract  SplitNode SplitNode.getVisible()
          Gets the root of a subtree such that the root is visible and such that the is the uppermost visible node.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.split with parameters of type SplitNode
 boolean SplitDockAccess.drop(Dockable dockable, SplitDockProperty property, SplitNode root)
          Tries to add Dockable such that the boundaries given by property are full filled.
 int Leaf.getChildLocation(SplitNode child)
 int Node.getChildLocation(SplitNode child)
 int Placeholder.getChildLocation(SplitNode child)
 int Root.getChildLocation(SplitNode child)
abstract  int SplitNode.getChildLocation(SplitNode child)
          Gets the location of a child.
 void SplitNode.movePlaceholderMap(SplitNode destination)
          Moves the current PlaceholderMap to destination, overriding its old value.
 void SplitPlaceholderSet.removeDoublePlaceholders(SplitNode node, PlaceholderMap map)
          Removes any placeholder from placeholderMap that is stored in another node than node.
 void SplitNode.replace(SplitNode node)
          Replaces this node with node.
 void SplitPlaceholderSet.set(SplitNode node, Dockable dockable, SplitNode... protectedNodes)
          Ensures that node is associated with the placeholder for dockable.
 void SplitPlaceholderSet.set(SplitNode node, Dockable dockable, SplitNode... protectedNodes)
          Ensures that node is associated with the placeholder for dockable.
 void SplitPlaceholderSet.set(SplitNode node, Path placeholder, SplitNode... protectedNodes)
          Ensures that node is associated with placeholder but no other node has placeholder.
 void SplitPlaceholderSet.set(SplitNode node, Path placeholder, SplitNode... protectedNodes)
          Ensures that node is associated with placeholder but no other node has placeholder.
 void Root.setChild(SplitNode child)
          Sets the child of this root.
 void Leaf.setChild(SplitNode child, int location)
 void Node.setChild(SplitNode child, int location)
 void Placeholder.setChild(SplitNode child, int location)
 void Root.setChild(SplitNode child, int location)
abstract  void SplitNode.setChild(SplitNode child, int location)
          Adds a child to this node at a given location.
 void Node.setLeft(SplitNode left)
          Sets the left child of this node.
 void PutInfo.setNode(SplitNode node)
          Sets the node which might become neighbor or parent of the new child.
 void SplitNode.setParent(SplitNode parent)
          Sets the parent of this node.
 void Node.setRight(SplitNode right)
          Sets the right child of this node.
 SplitDockProperty SplitDockPathProperty.toLocation(SplitNode onPath)
          Calculates which bounds the element accessed through this path would have.
 DockableProperty SplitDockPlaceholderProperty.toLocation(SplitNode target)
          Gets some DockableProperty that works as backup property if the referenced placeholder is not found.
 SplitDockProperty SplitDockPlaceholderProperty.toSplitLocation(SplitNode target)
          Gets a SplitDockProperty that works as backup property if the referenced placeholder is not found.

Constructors in bibliothek.gui.dock.station.split with parameters of type SplitNode
Node(SplitDockAccess access, SplitNode left, SplitNode right)
          Constructs a new node.
Node(SplitDockAccess access, SplitNode left, SplitNode right, long id)
          Constructs a new node.
Node(SplitDockAccess access, SplitNode left, SplitNode right, SplitDockStation.Orientation orientation)
          Constructs a new node.
Node(SplitDockAccess access, SplitNode left, SplitNode right, SplitDockStation.Orientation orientation, long id)
          Constructs a new node.
PutInfo(SplitNode node, PutInfo.Put put, Dockable dockable)
          Creates a new PutInfo.