Package bibliothek.gui.dock.event

Listeners, adapters and events used in the whole framework.


Interface Summary
ComponentHierarchyObserverListener A listener of a ComponentHierarchyObserver, this listener gets informed whenever some Components enter or leave the realm of a DockController.
ControllerSetupListener A listener added to a ControllerSetupCollection, this listener is informed when a DockController has finished setting up its objects.
DockableFocusListener A listener added to a DockController, this listener gets informed when the focused Dockable is exchanged.
DockableListener A listener which is added to a Dockable.
DockableSelectionListener A listener that gets called when the selected Dockable of a DockStation changes.
DockActionSourceListener A listener that is added to DockActionSource.
DockControllerRepresentativeListener A listener added to DockController, gets informed about changes in the set of DockElementRepresentatives.
DockFrontendListener A listener to a DockFrontend.
DockHierarchyListener A listener that is added to a Dockable and is informed whenever the path of the element changes.
DockListener A collection of listeners that observe most events of a DockController.
DockRegisterListener A listener receiving events from a DockRegister.
DockRelocatorListener A listener used by a DockRelocator to inform when a Dockable is moved around.
DockStationListener This listener is added to a DockStation.
DockTitleBindingListener A listener added to a DockController, receives notifications when a DockTitle is bound or unbound.
DoubleClickListener A DoubleClickListener is added to the DoubleClickController and may receive an event if a Dockable, which is child or equal to LocatedListener.getTreeLocation(), was clicked twice.
DropDownActionListener A listener of a DropDownAction.
FlapDockListener A listener that is added to a FlapDockStation.
FocusVetoListener This listener is added to the MouseFocusObserver and allows to interrupt a change of the focus.
IconManagerListener A listener added to a IconManager.
KeyboardListener A listener added to the KeyboardController, this listener receives a notification whenever a keyevent is dispatched in a DockElement below the location of this listener.
LocatedListener A located listener receives events only if they belong to a specific DockElement or a child of that element.
SelectableDockActionListener An observer of a SelectableDockAction.
SingleTabDeciderListener This listener is added to a SingleTabDecider.
SplitDockListener A listener which is added to a SplitDockStation.
StandardDockActionListener This listener is added to a StandardDockAction.
UIListener A listener added to the DockController.
VetoableDockFrontendListener This listener is added to a DockFrontend.

Class Summary
ComponentHierarchyObserverEvent An event telling that Components have been added or removed from a ComponentHierarchyObserver.
DockableAdapter An abstract class implementing the DockableListener.
DockableFocusEvent An event describing the focus transfer from one Dockable to another.
DockableSelectionEvent An event that tells which Dockable was selected on wich DockStation
DockActionAdapter An abstract implementation of StandardDockActionListener.
DockActionSourceAdapter An abstract implementation of DockActionSourceListener.
DockAdapter An implementation of DockListener, doing nothing whenever receiving an event.
DockFrontendAdapter An class implementing all methods of DockFrontendListener, but not doing anything inside these methodes.
DockHierarchyEvent Contains information about the path of a Dockable.
DockRegisterAdapter A DockRegisterListener that contains only empty methods.
DockRelocatorAdapter An implementation of DockRelocatorListener that contains only empty methods.
DockStationAdapter An abstract implementation of DockStationListener.
DockTitleEvent These events are used for DockTitles, to transfer information between station and title.
LocatedListenerList<L extends LocatedListener> An object that can hold some LocatedListeners and order and filter them regarding to one element of the tree.
VetoableDockFrontendAdapter Standard implementation of VetoableDockFrontendListener, does nothing in its methods.
VetoableDockFrontendEvent Event that is received by a VetoableDockFrontendListener.

Enum Summary
FocusVetoListener.FocusVeto Tells how to react on a potential change of the focus.

Package bibliothek.gui.dock.event Description

Listeners, adapters and events used in the whole framework.