Package bibliothek.gui.dock.common

A set of classes that can be used to create basic applications.


Interface Summary
CControlRegister Grants access to the CDockables and other information that is associated with a CControl.
CMaximizeBehavior The maximize-behavior is used by the MaximizedMode to decide, what happens when the user maximizes or un-maximizes some CDockable.
CStation<S extends DockStation> A CStation is an element onto which CDockables can be dropped.
DestroyHook A DestroyHook is added to a CControl.
MissingCDockableStrategy A strategy that tells what to do if CControl finds a description of a CDockable that it does not know while reading a layout.
MultipleCDockable A MultipleCDockable is a CDockable which can have many copies in an CControl.
MultipleCDockableFactory<F extends MultipleCDockable,L extends MultipleCDockableLayout> A factory that can create and store MultipleCDockables.
MultipleCDockableLayout An intermediate representation of the layout of a MultipleCDockable.
SingleCDockable A SingleCDockable is a dockable which is added once to the CControl and remains there until it is removed by the application.
SingleCDockableBackupFactory A backup factory is used by a CControl to create SingleCDockables if a dockable is missing in the cache, but needed because some layout is loaded from a file.

Class Summary
CContentArea A component that is normally set into the center of the main- JFrame.
CControl Manages the interaction between SingleCDockable, MultipleCDockable and CStations.
CGrid A CGrid is a mechanism to layout a set of CDockable on a SplitDockStation like the one used in the center of the CContentArea or on the CWorkingArea.
CGridArea In a CGridArea normalized CDockable can be shown.
CLocation A class describing the location of a CDockable.
CMinimizeArea An area where CDockables can be stored in their minimized state.
ColorMap A map containing several Colors.
CPreferenceModel A PreferenceModel that shows the settings of a CControl.
CWorkingArea A working area is an element which is always visible and contains some CDockables which can't be dragged out of it.
DefaultMultipleCDockable A MultipleCDockable that contains a content-pane where the client might add or remove as many Components as it wishes.
DefaultSingleCDockable A DefaultSingleCDockable is an element which has a content-pane where clients can add or remove as many Components as they whish.
EmptyMultipleCDockableFactory<F extends MultipleCDockable> A factory that does not store anything.
FontMap A map containing FontModifiers.

Enum Summary
CContentArea.Corner References a corner of a panel.

Package bibliothek.gui.dock.common Description

A set of classes that can be used to create basic applications. The subset of DockingFrames allows to create clients capable of doing all the basic operations one does expect: minimizing, maximizing or put a Dockable out of the main-frame. Store and load the layout, hide and show Dockables.
Clients should start by creating a CControl as basic command central, then add new instances of SingleCDockable and MultipleCDockable to this control.