Uses of Class

Packages that use ExtendedMode
bibliothek.gui.dock.common A set of classes that can be used to create basic applications. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern Classes and interfaces used internally. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.action CActions and supporting classes that are not intended for clients to be used directly. 
bibliothek.gui.dock.common.location Various implementations of CLocation
bibliothek.gui.dock.common.mode A subclass of LocationModeManager that handles CLocations, ExtendedModes and is aware of CControl
bibliothek.gui.dock.facile.mode Contains an implementation of ModeManager that links a mode to the location of a Dockable
bibliothek.gui.dock.facile.mode.status Strategies helping a LocationModeManager to decide which modes are available for a Dockable

Uses of ExtendedMode in bibliothek.gui.dock.common

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.common that return ExtendedMode
abstract  ExtendedMode CLocation.findMode()
          Gets the mode this location represents.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.common with parameters of type ExtendedMode
 List<CDockable> CControlRegister.listDockablesInMode(ExtendedMode mode)
          Gets a list of all visible CDockables in the given mode.

Uses of ExtendedMode in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern that return ExtendedMode
 ExtendedMode AbstractCDockable.getExtendedMode()
 ExtendedMode CDockable.getExtendedMode()
          Gets the size and location of this CDockable.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern with parameters of type ExtendedMode
 CLocation AbstractCDockable.getDefaultLocation(ExtendedMode mode)
          Gets an earlier set value of AbstractCDockable.setDefaultLocation(ExtendedMode, CLocation).
 void CDockableAccess.informMode(ExtendedMode mode)
          Called after the mode of the CDockable may have changed.
 List<CDockable> DefaultCControlRegister.listDockablesInMode(ExtendedMode mode)
          Gets a list of all visible CDockables in the given mode.
 void AbstractCDockable.setDefaultLocation(ExtendedMode mode, CLocation location)
          Sets the default location for mode mode for this dockable.
 void AbstractCDockable.setExtendedMode(ExtendedMode extendedMode)
 void CDockable.setExtendedMode(ExtendedMode extendedMode)
          Sets how and where this CDockable should be shown.

Uses of ExtendedMode in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.action

Constructors in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.intern.action with parameters of type ExtendedMode
CExtendedModeAction(CControl control, ExtendedMode mode, String defaultIconKey, String iconKey, PropertyKey<KeyStroke> gotoStroke)
          Creates a new action.

Uses of ExtendedMode in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.location

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.location that return ExtendedMode
 ExtendedMode AbstractTreeLocation.findMode()
 ExtendedMode CBaseLocation.findMode()
 ExtendedMode CExtendedModeLocation.findMode()
 ExtendedMode CExternalizedLocation.findMode()
 ExtendedMode CFlapIndexLocation.findMode()
 ExtendedMode CFlapLocation.findMode()
 ExtendedMode CMaximalExternalizedLocation.findMode()
 ExtendedMode CMaximizedLocation.findMode()
 ExtendedMode CRectangleLocation.findMode()
 ExtendedMode CSplitLocation.findMode()
 ExtendedMode CStackLocation.findMode()
 ExtendedMode CWorkingAreaLocation.findMode()
 ExtendedMode TreeLocationLeaf.findMode()

Constructors in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.location with parameters of type ExtendedMode
CExtendedModeLocation(ExtendedMode mode)
          Creates a new location.

Uses of ExtendedMode in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.mode

Fields in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.mode declared as ExtendedMode
static ExtendedMode ExtendedMode.EXTERNALIZED
          the dockable is floating in a dialog, see also ExternalizedMode
static ExtendedMode ExtendedMode.MAXIMIZED
          the dockable is as big as possible, see also MaximizedMode
static ExtendedMode ExtendedMode.MINIMIZED
          the dockable is as small as possible, see also MinimizedMode
static ExtendedMode ExtendedMode.NORMALIZED
          the dockable has the normal size, see also NormalMode

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.mode that return ExtendedMode
 ExtendedMode CLocationModeManager.childsExtendedMode(DockStation parent)
          Guesses the result of LocationModeManager.getCurrentMode(Dockable) once a Dockable is dropped onto DockStation.
 ExtendedMode PreviousModeDoubleClickStrategy.handleDoubleClick(Dockable dockable, ExtendedMode current, ExtendedModeEnablement enablement)

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.common.mode with parameters of type ExtendedMode
 CLocation CLocationModeManager.getLocation(Dockable dockable, ExtendedMode mode)
          Assuming that dockable is currently not in mode mode, then this method searches for the previously stored location of dockable.
 ExtendedMode PreviousModeDoubleClickStrategy.handleDoubleClick(Dockable dockable, ExtendedMode current, ExtendedModeEnablement enablement)
 void CLocationModeManager.setLocation(Dockable dockable, ExtendedMode mode, CLocation location)
          Sets the default location of dockable when going into mode.

Uses of ExtendedMode in bibliothek.gui.dock.facile.mode

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.facile.mode that return ExtendedMode
 ExtendedMode ExternalizedMode.getExtendedMode()
 ExtendedMode LocationMode.getExtendedMode()
          Gets the unique identifier of this mode.
 ExtendedMode MaximizedMode.getExtendedMode()
 ExtendedMode MinimizedMode.getExtendedMode()
 ExtendedMode NormalMode.getExtendedMode()
 ExtendedMode LocationModeManager.getMode(Dockable dockable)
          Gets the current mode of dockable.
 ExtendedMode DoubleClickLocationStrategy.handleDoubleClick(Dockable dockable, ExtendedMode current, ExtendedModeEnablement enablement)
          Called if the user double-clicked on dockable.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.facile.mode that return types with arguments of type ExtendedMode
 Map<ExtendedMode,DockStation> LocationModeManager.getRepresentations(String id)
          Checks all LocationModes of this manager and returns all DockStations that were registered with the given id.

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.facile.mode with parameters of type ExtendedMode
 ExtendedMode DoubleClickLocationStrategy.handleDoubleClick(Dockable dockable, ExtendedMode current, ExtendedModeEnablement enablement)
          Called if the user double-clicked on dockable.
 boolean LocationModeManager.isModeAvailable(Dockable dockable, ExtendedMode mode)
          Using the current ExtendedModeEnablement this method tells whether mode mode can be applied to dockable.
 void LocationModeManager.setMode(Dockable dockable, ExtendedMode extendedMode)
          Sets the current mode of dockable.

Uses of ExtendedMode in bibliothek.gui.dock.facile.mode.status

Methods in bibliothek.gui.dock.facile.mode.status with parameters of type ExtendedMode
 void ExtendedModeEnablementListener.availabilityChanged(Dockable dockable, ExtendedMode mode, boolean available)
          Called if the state changed.
protected  void dockable, ExtendedMode mode, boolean available)
          Calls ExtendedModeEnablementListener.availabilityChanged(Dockable, ExtendedMode, boolean) for all listeners that are registered.
 boolean DefaultExtendedModeEnablement.isAvailable(Dockable dockable, ExtendedMode mode)
 boolean ExtendedModeEnablement.isAvailable(Dockable dockable, ExtendedMode mode)
          Tells whether mode is available for dockable.