Class SplitDockStation

  extended by java.awt.Component
      extended by java.awt.Container
          extended by javax.swing.JComponent
              extended by javax.swing.JLayeredPane
                  extended by bibliothek.gui.dock.station.OverpaintablePanel
                      extended by bibliothek.gui.dock.SplitDockStation
All Implemented Interfaces:
DockElement, DockElementRepresentative, PlaceholderListItem, Dockable, DockStation, ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible
Direct Known Subclasses:
CSplitDockStation, SecureSplitDockStation

public class SplitDockStation
extends OverpaintablePanel
implements Dockable, DockStation

This station shows all its children at once. The children are separated by small gaps which can be moved by the user. It is possible to set one child to fullscreen, this child will be shown above all other children. The user can double click on the title of a child to change its fullscreen-mode.
The station tries to register a DockTitleFactory with the ID TITLE_ID.

Benjamin Sigg
See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
static class SplitDockStation.Orientation
          Orientation how two Dockables are aligned.
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class javax.swing.JLayeredPane
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class javax.swing.JComponent
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.awt.Container
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.awt.Component
Component.AccessibleAWTComponent, Component.BltBufferStrategy, Component.FlipBufferStrategy
Field Summary
protected  DockStationListenerManager dockStationListeners
          The list of all registered DockStationListeners.
static PropertyKey<SplitLayoutManager> LAYOUT_MANAGER
          Defines the behavior of a DockStation, how to react on a drop-event, how to react on resize and other things related to the layout.
static PropertyKey<KeyStroke> MAXIMIZE_ACCELERATOR
          Describes which KeyEvent will maximize/normalize the currently selected Dockable.
static String TITLE_ID
          The ID under which this station tries to register a DockTitleFactory
Fields inherited from class javax.swing.JLayeredPane
Fields inherited from class javax.swing.JComponent
Fields inherited from class java.awt.Component
Fields inherited from interface java.awt.image.ImageObserver
Constructor Summary
          Constructs a new SplitDockStation.
Method Summary
 boolean accept(Dockable child)
          Tells whether this station accepts child as a new child, or refuses child.
 boolean accept(DockStation station)
          Tells whether station is an accepted parent for this Dockable or not.
 boolean accept(DockStation base, Dockable neighbour)
          Tells whether base could be the parent of a combination between this Dockable and neighbor.
 void addDockable(Dockable dockable)
          Adds dockable to this station.
 void addDockableListener(DockableListener listener)
          Adds a listener to this Dockable.
 void addDockHierarchyListener(DockHierarchyListener listener)
          Adds a hierarchy-listener to this Dockable.
 void addDockStationListener(DockStationListener listener)
          Adds a listener to this station.
 void addMouseInputListener(MouseInputListener listener)
          Adds a listener to this representative, it is not defined what to do with that listener, but most subclasses would just add the listener to their component.
 void addSplitDockStationListener(SplitDockListener listener)
          Adds a listener to this station.
 Dockable asDockable()
          Returns this if this is an instance of Dockable.
 DockStation asDockStation()
          Returns this if this is an instance of DockStation.
 void bind(DockTitle title)
          Called by clients which want to show a title of this Dockable.
protected  void callDockUiUpdateTheme()
          Calls the method DockUI.updateTheme(DockStation, DockFactory) with this as the first argument, and an appropriate factory as the second argument.
 boolean canCompare(DockStation station)
          Tells whether this station knows a rule how to compare itself with station.
 boolean canDrag(Dockable dockable)
          Tells whether dockable can be removed from this station or not.
 boolean canReplace(Dockable old, Dockable next)
          Tells whether its possible to replace the child old with next where next is not a child of this station.
 void changed(Dockable dockable, DockTitle title, boolean active)
          Called by the DockController of this station to indicate that the active-state of title has been changed.
protected  void checkMousePositionAsync()
          Asynchronously checks the current position of the mouse and updates the cursor if necessary.
 int compare(DockStation station)
          Compares this station with station.
 void configureDisplayerHints(DockableDisplayerHints hints)
          Orders this Dockable to configure hints which will be used by the parent component of this element.
protected  ListeningDockAction createFullScreenAction()
          Creates an action which is added to all children of this station.
protected  Root createRoot(SplitDockAccess access)
          Creates a new root for this station.
 SplitDockTree createTree()
          Gets the contents of this station as a SplitDockTree.
 void createTree(SplitDockTreeFactory factory)
          Writes the contents of this station into factory.
protected  void discard(DockableDisplayer displayer)
          Removes displayer and creates a replacement.
 void drag(Dockable dockable)
          Removes a child from this station.
 void draw()
          Informs this station that the information gathered by prepareDrop or prepareMove should be painted somehow onto this station.
 void drop()
          Adds the Dockable of the last run of prepareDrop to this station.
 void drop(Dockable dockable)
          Adds dockable to this station.
 boolean drop(Dockable dockable, DockableProperty property)
          Tries to add dockable to this station such that the location given by property is matched.
 boolean drop(Dockable dockable, SplitDockFullScreenProperty property)
          Drops dockable on this station, may exchange the full screen element to ensure that dockable is displayed.
 boolean drop(Dockable dockable, SplitDockPathProperty property)
          Tries to insert dockable at a location such that the path to that location is the same as described in property.
 boolean drop(Dockable dockable, SplitDockPlaceholderProperty property)
          Drops dockable at the placeholder that is referenced by property.
 boolean drop(Dockable dockable, SplitDockProperty property)
          Tries to add Dockable such that the boundaries given by property are full filled.
protected  void dropAside(SplitNode neighbor, PutInfo.Put put, Dockable dockable, Leaf leaf, double divider, boolean fire)
          Adds dockable at the side put of neighbor.
protected  boolean dropOver(Leaf leaf, Dockable dockable)
          Combines the Dockable of leaf and dockable to a new child of this station.
protected  boolean dropOver(Leaf leaf, Dockable dockable, DockableProperty property)
          Combines the Dockable of leaf and dockable to a new child of this station.
 void dropTree(SplitDockTree tree)
          Removes all children from this station and then adds the contents that are stored in tree.
 void dropTree(SplitDockTree tree, boolean checkValidity)
          Removes all children from this station and then adds the contents that are stored in tree.
protected  void fireFullScreenChanged(Dockable oldDockable, Dockable newDockable)
          Sends a message to all registered instances of SplitDockListener, that the Dockable in fullscreen-mode has changed.
protected  void fireTitleExchanged()
          Informs all DockableListeners that all bound titles and the null title are no longer considered good titles and should be replaced
protected  void fireTitleExchanged(DockTitle title)
          Informs all DockableListeners that title is no longer considered to be a good title and should be exchanged.
 void forget()
          Tells this station that a possible drop or move on this station was canceled.
 int getBorderSideSnapSize()
          Gets the size of the border around the station.
 CombinerWrapper getCombiner()
          Gets a Combiner to combine Dockables on this station.
 Component getComponent()
          Gets the Component which represents the element.
protected  DockableDisplayerHints getConfigurableDisplayerHints()
          Gets the argument that was last used for configureDisplayerHints(DockableDisplayerHints).
 DockController getController()
          Gets the controller that currently is associated with this DockElement.
 DefaultDockActionSource getDirectActionOffers(Dockable dockable)
          Gets a list of actions which should be available for the user and affect the child dockable.
 DisplayerFactoryWrapper getDisplayerFactory()
          Gets a DisplayerFactory to create new DockableDisplayer for this station.
 DisplayerCollection getDisplayers()
          Gets the set of displayers that are currently used by this station.
 int getDividerSize()
          Gets the size of the divider-gap.
 Dockable getDockable(int index)
          Gets the index'th child of this station.
 int getDockableCount()
          Gets the number of children.
 SplitDockProperty getDockableLocationProperty(Dockable dockable)
          Creates a DockableProperty for the location of dockable.
 SplitDockPathProperty getDockablePathProperty(Dockable dockable)
          Creates a DockableProperty for the location of dockable.
 SplitDockPlaceholderProperty getDockablePlaceholderProperty(Dockable dockable, Dockable target)
          Creates a SplitDockPlaceholderProperty for dockable, may insert an additional placeholder in the tree.
 DockableProperty getDockableProperty(Dockable child, Dockable target)
          Gets precise information about the location of a child of this station.
 DockStation getDockParent()
          Gets the current parent, which is the latest argument of Dockable.setDockParent(DockStation).
 DockElement getElement()
          Gets the element which is represented by this.
 String getFactoryID()
          Gets the unique name of the DockFactory which can read and write elements of this type.
 Dockable getFrontDockable()
          Gets the favorite child of this station.
 Dockable getFullScreen()
          Gets the Dockable which is in fullscreen-mode and covers all other children of this station.
 DockActionSource getGlobalActionOffers()
          Gets a list of all DockActions which might be triggered while this Dockable is visible.
 DockActionSource getIndirectActionOffers(Dockable dockable)
          Gets a list of actions which should be available for the user and affect dockable.
 DockActionSource getLocalActionOffers()
          Gets a list of DockActions which should be triggerable if this Dockable is visible.
 Dimension getMinimumSize()
 SplitNode getNode(long id)
          Searches the node whose id equals id.
 StationPaintWrapper getPaint()
          Gets a StationPaint to paint markings on this station.
 PlaceholderMap getPlaceholders()
          Gets a snapshot of all placeholders that are currently stored in this DockStation.
 PlaceholderStrategy getPlaceholderStrategy()
          Gets the strategy for creating and storing placeholders.
 Point getPopupLocation(Point click, boolean popupTrigger)
          Tells whether a popup menu should be opened when the user clicks at click with the mouse.
 Root getRoot()
          Gets the Root of the tree which stores all locations and sizes of the children of this station.
 float getSideSnapSize()
          Gets the relative size of the invisible border of all children.
 SplitLayoutManager getSplitLayoutManager()
          Gets the layout manager which was explicitly set.
 Rectangle getStationBounds()
          Gets a rectangle in which all points of the station are.
 DockTheme getTheme()
          Gets the current theme of this station.
 Icon getTitleIcon()
          Gets the current icon of this Dockable.
 String getTitleText()
          Gets the current title-text of this Dockable.
 String getTitleToolTip()
          Gets a tooltip that is associated with this Dockable and that should be shown on any DockTitle.
 int indexOfDockable(Dockable dockable)
          Gets the index of a child of this station.
 boolean isAllowSideSnap()
          Tells whether the station can grab Dockables which are dragged near the station.
 boolean isContinousDisplay()
          Tells whether the dockables are resized while the split is dragged, or not.
 boolean isExpandOnDoubleclick()
          Tells whether a child expands to fullscreen when double clicked or not.
 boolean isFullScreen()
          Tells whether a Dockable is currently shown in fullscreen-mode on this station.
<D extends Dockable & DockStation>
isInOverrideZone(int x, int y, D invoker, Dockable drop)
          If the controller asks a station if a child could be dropped or moved, the controller assumes that no other station has interest in this event.
 boolean isResizingEnabled()
          Tells whether the user can drag dividiers and resize dockables in this way.
 boolean isStationVisible()
          Tells whether this station is visible or not.
 boolean isUsedAsTitle()
          Tells whether this DockElementRepresentative is used as title.
 boolean isVisible(Dockable dockable)
          Tells whether the child dockable is visible or not.
 DockTitle[] listBoundTitles()
          Gets a list of all DockTitles which are currently bound to this Dockable.
 void move()
          Moves a child of this station to a new location according to the information gathered by prepareMove.
 void move(Dockable dockable, DockableProperty property)
          Tries to move the child dockable in such a way, that DockStation.getDockableProperty(Dockable, Dockable) would return a DockableProperty that equals property.
protected  void paintOverlay(Graphics g)
          Paints the overlay over all components.
 boolean prepareDrop(int x, int y, int titleX, int titleY, boolean checkOverrideZone, Dockable dockable)
          Prepares this station to get the new child dockable.
 boolean prepareMove(int x, int y, int titleX, int titleY, boolean checkOverrideZone, Dockable dockable)
          Prepares the station that one of its children is moved from one location to another location.
 void removeAllDockables()
          Removes all children from this station.
 void removeDockable(Dockable dockable)
          Removes dockable from this station.
 void removeDockableListener(DockableListener listener)
          Removes a listener from this Dockable.
 void removeDockHierarchyListener(DockHierarchyListener listener)
          Removes a hierarchy-listener from this Dockable.
 void removeDockStationListener(DockStationListener listener)
          Removes a listener from this station.
 void removeMouseInputListener(MouseInputListener listener)
          Removes a listener from this representative.
 void removePlaceholder(Path placeholder)
          Searches the entire tree for any occurence of placeholder and removes placeholder.
 void removePlaceholders(Set<Path> placeholders)
          Searches the entire tree for all occurences of all placeholders in placeholders.
 void removeSplitDockStationListener(SplitDockListener listener)
          Removes an earlier added listener.
 void replace(Dockable previous, Dockable next)
          Replaces the child old by next which is not yet a child of this station.
 void replace(DockStation old, Dockable next)
          Replaces the child old by next which is not yet a child of this station.
 void requestChildDockTitle(DockTitleRequest request)
          Provides a DockTitle for a child of this station.
 void requestDockTitle(DockTitleRequest request)
          Invoked to get a graphical representation of a title for this Dockable.
protected  Root root()
          Gets the root of this station, creates a root if necessary.
 void setAllowSideSnap(boolean allowSideSnap)
          Sets whether Dockables which are dragged near the station are captured and added to this station.
 void setBorderSideSnapSize(int borderSideSnapSize)
          There is an invisible border around the station.
 void setContinousDisplay(boolean continousDisplay)
          Sets whether the dockables should be resized while the split is dragged, or not.
 void setController(DockController controller)
          Sets the controller in whose realm this Dockable is.
 void setDividerSize(int dividerSize)
          Sets the size of the divider-gap between the children of this station.
 void setDockParent(DockStation station)
          Sets the parent property.
 void setExpandOnDoubleclick(boolean expandOnDoubleclick)
          Sets whether a double click on a child or its title can expand the child to fullscreen or not.
 void setFrontDockable(Dockable dockable)
          Sets the most important child.
 void setFullScreen(Dockable dockable)
          Sets one of the children of this station as the one child which covers all other children.
 void setFullScreenAction(ListeningDockAction fullScreenAction)
          Sets an action which allows to expand children.
 void setNextFullScreen()
          Switches the child which is in fullscreen-mode.
 void setPlaceholders(PlaceholderMap placeholders)
          Sets an earlier snapshot of the placeholders of this station.
 void setPlaceholderStrategy(PlaceholderStrategy strategy)
          Sets the strategy for selecting placeholders when removing Dockables from this station.
 void setResizingEnabled(boolean resizingEnabled)
          Enables the user to resize the children of this station.
 void setSideSnapSize(float sideSnapSize)
          Every child has an invisible border whose size is determined by sideSnapSize.
 void setSplitLayoutManager(SplitLayoutManager manager)
          Sets a special SplitLayoutManager which this station has to use.
 void setTitleIcon(Icon titleIcon)
          Sets an icon that is shown in the titles of this Dockable.
 void setTitleText(String titleText)
          Sets the text of the title of this dockable.
 void setTitleToolTip(String text)
          Sets the tooltip that should be shown on any title that is bound to this dockable.
 String toString()
 void unbind(DockTitle title)
          Clients should call this method if a DockTitle is no longer needed.
 void updateBounds()
          Updates all locations and sizes of the Components which are in the structure of this tree.
protected  void updateConfigurableDisplayerHints()
          Updates the current hints of this station.
 void updateTheme()
          Updates the DockTheme of this station.
<N> N
visit(SplitTreeFactory<N> factory)
          Visits the internal structure of this station.
Methods inherited from class bibliothek.gui.dock.station.OverpaintablePanel
doLayout, getBasePane, getContentPane, setBasePane, setContentPane
Methods inherited from class javax.swing.JLayeredPane
addImpl, getAccessibleContext, getComponentCountInLayer, getComponentsInLayer, getComponentToLayer, getIndexOf, getLayer, getLayer, getLayeredPaneAbove, getObjectForLayer, getPosition, highestLayer, insertIndexForLayer, isOptimizedDrawingEnabled, lowestLayer, moveToBack, moveToFront, paint, paramString, putLayer, remove, removeAll, setLayer, setLayer, setPosition
Methods inherited from class javax.swing.JComponent
addAncestorListener, addNotify, addVetoableChangeListener, computeVisibleRect, contains, createToolTip, disable, enable, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, fireVetoableChange, getActionForKeyStroke, getActionMap, getAlignmentX, getAlignmentY, getAncestorListeners, getAutoscrolls, getBorder, getBounds, getClientProperty, getComponentGraphics, getComponentPopupMenu, getConditionForKeyStroke, getDebugGraphicsOptions, getDefaultLocale, getFontMetrics, getGraphics, getHeight, getInheritsPopupMenu, getInputMap, getInputMap, getInputVerifier, getInsets, getInsets, getListeners, getLocation, getMaximumSize, getNextFocusableComponent, getPopupLocation, getPreferredSize, getRegisteredKeyStrokes, getRootPane, getSize, getToolTipLocation, getToolTipText, getToolTipText, getTopLevelAncestor, getTransferHandler, getUIClassID, getVerifyInputWhenFocusTarget, getVetoableChangeListeners, getVisibleRect, getWidth, getX, getY, grabFocus, isDoubleBuffered, isLightweightComponent, isManagingFocus, isOpaque, isPaintingTile, isRequestFocusEnabled, isValidateRoot, paintBorder, paintChildren, paintComponent, paintImmediately, paintImmediately, print, printAll, printBorder, printChildren, printComponent, processComponentKeyEvent, processKeyBinding, processKeyEvent, processMouseEvent, processMouseMotionEvent, putClientProperty, registerKeyboardAction, registerKeyboardAction, removeAncestorListener, removeNotify, removeVetoableChangeListener, repaint, repaint, requestDefaultFocus, requestFocus, requestFocus, requestFocusInWindow, requestFocusInWindow, resetKeyboardActions, reshape, revalidate, scrollRectToVisible, setActionMap, setAlignmentX, setAlignmentY, setAutoscrolls, setBackground, setBorder, setComponentPopupMenu, setDebugGraphicsOptions, setDefaultLocale, setDoubleBuffered, setEnabled, setFocusTraversalKeys, setFont, setForeground, setInheritsPopupMenu, setInputMap, setInputVerifier, setMaximumSize, setMinimumSize, setNextFocusableComponent, setOpaque, setPreferredSize, setRequestFocusEnabled, setToolTipText, setTransferHandler, setUI, setVerifyInputWhenFocusTarget, setVisible, unregisterKeyboardAction, update, updateUI
Methods inherited from class java.awt.Container
add, add, add, add, add, addContainerListener, addPropertyChangeListener, addPropertyChangeListener, applyComponentOrientation, areFocusTraversalKeysSet, countComponents, deliverEvent, findComponentAt, findComponentAt, getComponent, getComponentAt, getComponentAt, getComponentCount, getComponents, getComponentZOrder, getContainerListeners, getFocusTraversalKeys, getFocusTraversalPolicy, getLayout, getMousePosition, insets, invalidate, isAncestorOf, isFocusCycleRoot, isFocusCycleRoot, isFocusTraversalPolicyProvider, isFocusTraversalPolicySet, layout, list, list, locate, minimumSize, paintComponents, preferredSize, printComponents, processContainerEvent, processEvent, remove, removeContainerListener, setComponentZOrder, setFocusCycleRoot, setFocusTraversalPolicy, setFocusTraversalPolicyProvider, setLayout, transferFocusBackward, transferFocusDownCycle, validate, validateTree
Methods inherited from class java.awt.Component
action, add, addComponentListener, addFocusListener, addHierarchyBoundsListener, addHierarchyListener, addInputMethodListener, addKeyListener, addMouseListener, addMouseMotionListener, addMouseWheelListener, bounds, checkImage, checkImage, coalesceEvents, contains, createImage, createImage, createVolatileImage, createVolatileImage, disableEvents, dispatchEvent, enable, enableEvents, enableInputMethods, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, getBackground, getBounds, getColorModel, getComponentListeners, getComponentOrientation, getCursor, getDropTarget, getFocusCycleRootAncestor, getFocusListeners, getFocusTraversalKeysEnabled, getFont, getForeground, getGraphicsConfiguration, getHierarchyBoundsListeners, getHierarchyListeners, getIgnoreRepaint, getInputContext, getInputMethodListeners, getInputMethodRequests, getKeyListeners, getLocale, getLocation, getLocationOnScreen, getMouseListeners, getMouseMotionListeners, getMousePosition, getMouseWheelListeners, getName, getParent, getPeer, getPropertyChangeListeners, getPropertyChangeListeners, getSize, getToolkit, getTreeLock, gotFocus, handleEvent, hasFocus, hide, imageUpdate, inside, isBackgroundSet, isCursorSet, isDisplayable, isEnabled, isFocusable, isFocusOwner, isFocusTraversable, isFontSet, isForegroundSet, isLightweight, isMaximumSizeSet, isMinimumSizeSet, isPreferredSizeSet, isShowing, isValid, isVisible, keyDown, keyUp, list, list, list, location, lostFocus, mouseDown, mouseDrag, mouseEnter, mouseExit, mouseMove, mouseUp, move, nextFocus, paintAll, postEvent, prepareImage, prepareImage, processComponentEvent, processFocusEvent, processHierarchyBoundsEvent, processHierarchyEvent, processInputMethodEvent, processMouseWheelEvent, remove, removeComponentListener, removeFocusListener, removeHierarchyBoundsListener, removeHierarchyListener, removeInputMethodListener, removeKeyListener, removeMouseListener, removeMouseMotionListener, removeMouseWheelListener, removePropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener, repaint, repaint, repaint, resize, resize, setBounds, setBounds, setComponentOrientation, setCursor, setDropTarget, setFocusable, setFocusTraversalKeysEnabled, setIgnoreRepaint, setLocale, setLocation, setLocation, setName, setSize, setSize, show, show, size, transferFocus, transferFocusUpCycle
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String TITLE_ID
The ID under which this station tries to register a DockTitleFactory

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final PropertyKey<KeyStroke> MAXIMIZE_ACCELERATOR
Describes which KeyEvent will maximize/normalize the currently selected Dockable.


public static final PropertyKey<SplitLayoutManager> LAYOUT_MANAGER
Defines the behavior of a DockStation, how to react on a drop-event, how to react on resize and other things related to the layout.


protected DockStationListenerManager dockStationListeners
The list of all registered DockStationListeners. This list can be used to send events to all listeners.

Constructor Detail


public SplitDockStation()
Constructs a new SplitDockStation.

Method Detail


protected Root createRoot(SplitDockAccess access)
Creates a new root for this station.

access - access to the internals of this station
the new root


protected final Root root()
Gets the root of this station, creates a root if necessary. This method cannot be overridden while getRoot() can. This method just returns the value of root, makes it a read only variable.

the root
See Also:


public String toString()
toString in class Component


public Dimension getMinimumSize()
getMinimumSize in class JComponent


public DockTheme getTheme()
Description copied from interface: DockStation
Gets the current theme of this station. The theme can be null, but that means that the station is not fully initialized, and might not work correct.

Specified by:
getTheme in interface DockStation
the theme of this station or null.


public void updateTheme()
Description copied from interface: DockStation
Updates the DockTheme of this station. The new theme has to be read from the controller of this station. If the controller is null, this method should return immediately.
You may use DockUI.updateTheme(DockStation, DockFactory) to implement this method.

Specified by:
updateTheme in interface DockStation


protected void callDockUiUpdateTheme()
                              throws IOException
Calls the method DockUI.updateTheme(DockStation, DockFactory) with this as the first argument, and an appropriate factory as the second argument.

IOException - if the DockUI throws an exception


protected ListeningDockAction createFullScreenAction()
Creates an action which is added to all children of this station. The action allows the user to expand a child to fullscreen. The action is also added to subchildren, but the effect does only affect direct children of this station.

the action or null if this feature should be disabled, or the action is set later


public void setFullScreenAction(ListeningDockAction fullScreenAction)
Sets an action which allows to expand children. This method can only be invoked if there is not already set an action. It is a condition that createFullScreenAction() returns null

fullScreenAction - the new action
IllegalStateException - if there is already an action present


public void setExpandOnDoubleclick(boolean expandOnDoubleclick)
Sets whether a double click on a child or its title can expand the child to fullscreen or not.

expandOnDoubleclick - true if the double click should have an effect, false if double clicks should be ignored.


public boolean isExpandOnDoubleclick()
Tells whether a child expands to fullscreen when double clicked or not.

true if a double click has an effect, false otherwise
See Also:


public void setResizingEnabled(boolean resizingEnabled)
Enables the user to resize the children of this station. The default value of this property is true. Note that resizing is a core functionality of this station, disabling it should be considered carefully.

resizingEnabled - whether resizing is enabled or not


public boolean isResizingEnabled()
Tells whether the user can drag dividiers and resize dockables in this way.

true if resizing is allowed


public void setDockParent(DockStation station)
Description copied from interface: Dockable
Sets the parent property. This Dockable is shown as direct child of station.
Note: this method has to fire a DockHierarchyEvent.
Note: when using a DockHierarchyObserver, invoke DockHierarchyObserver.update() after the property has changed, it will automatically fire a DockHierarchyEvent if necessary.

Specified by:
setDockParent in interface Dockable
station - the parent, may be null if this Dockable is not visible at all.


public DockStation getDockParent()
Description copied from interface: Dockable
Gets the current parent, which is the latest argument of Dockable.setDockParent(DockStation).

Specified by:
getDockParent in interface Dockable
the parent property, can be null


public void setController(DockController controller)
Description copied from interface: Dockable
Sets the controller in whose realm this Dockable is. A value of null means that this Dockable is not managed by a controller.
Note: this method has to inform all DockHierarchyListeners about the change.
Note: when using a DockHierarchyObserver, invoke DockHierarchyObserver.controllerChanged(DockController)

Specified by:
setController in interface Dockable
Specified by:
setController in interface DockStation
controller - the owner, may be null


public DockController getController()
Description copied from interface: DockElement
Gets the controller that currently is associated with this DockElement.

Specified by:
getController in interface DockElement
Specified by:
getController in interface Dockable
Specified by:
getController in interface DockStation
the controller or null
See Also:


public void addDockableListener(DockableListener listener)
Description copied from interface: Dockable
Adds a listener to this Dockable. The listener has to be informed if a property of this Dockable changes.

Specified by:
addDockableListener in interface Dockable
listener - the new listener


public void removeDockableListener(DockableListener listener)
Description copied from interface: Dockable
Removes a listener from this Dockable.

Specified by:
removeDockableListener in interface Dockable
listener - the listener to remove


public void addDockHierarchyListener(DockHierarchyListener listener)
Description copied from interface: Dockable
Adds a hierarchy-listener to this Dockable. The listener has to be informed whenever the path to this Dockable has been changed.
Subclasses might use the DockHierarchyObserver to implement this feature in an easy way. Subclasses then only have to call DockHierarchyObserver.update() whenever the parent of this Dockable changes.
Note: when using a DockHierarchyObserver, forward the call directly to DockHierarchyObserver.addDockHierarchyListener(DockHierarchyListener)

Specified by:
addDockHierarchyListener in interface Dockable
listener - the new listener


public void removeDockHierarchyListener(DockHierarchyListener listener)
Description copied from interface: Dockable
Removes a hierarchy-listener from this Dockable.
Note: when using a DockHierarchyObserver, forward the call directly to DockHierarchyObserver.removeDockHierarchyListener(DockHierarchyListener)

Specified by:
removeDockHierarchyListener in interface Dockable
listener - the listener to remove
See Also:


public void addMouseInputListener(MouseInputListener listener)
Description copied from interface: DockElementRepresentative
Adds a listener to this representative, it is not defined what to do with that listener, but most subclasses would just add the listener to their component. It is valid to do nothing.

Specified by:
addMouseInputListener in interface DockElementRepresentative
Specified by:
addMouseInputListener in interface Dockable
listener - the new listener


public void removeMouseInputListener(MouseInputListener listener)
Description copied from interface: DockElementRepresentative
Removes a listener from this representative.

Specified by:
removeMouseInputListener in interface DockElementRepresentative
Specified by:
removeMouseInputListener in interface Dockable
listener - the listener to remove


public boolean accept(DockStation station)
Description copied from interface: Dockable
Tells whether station is an accepted parent for this Dockable or not. The user is not able to drag a Dockable to a station which is not accepted.

Specified by:
accept in interface Dockable
station - a possible parent
whether station could be a parent or not


public boolean accept(DockStation base,
                      Dockable neighbour)
Description copied from interface: Dockable
Tells whether base could be the parent of a combination between this Dockable and neighbor. The user is not able to make a combination between this Dockable and neighbor if this method does not accept the operation.

Specified by:
accept in interface Dockable
base - the future parent of the combination
neighbour - a Dockable whose parent will be the same parent as the parent of this Dockable
true if the combination is allowed, false otherwise


public Component getComponent()
Description copied from interface: DockElementRepresentative
Gets the Component which represents the element. The result of this method must not change.

Specified by:
getComponent in interface DockElementRepresentative
Specified by:
getComponent in interface Dockable
the component, never null


public DockElement getElement()
Description copied from interface: DockElementRepresentative
Gets the element which is represented by this. The result of this method must not change.

Specified by:
getElement in interface DockElementRepresentative
the element, never null


public boolean isUsedAsTitle()
Description copied from interface: DockElementRepresentative
Tells whether this DockElementRepresentative is used as title.
Some modules grant more rights to titles than to non-titles, i.e. a DockRelocator can allow drag & drop only for titles.
Normally a Dockable should have only one element that is a title, so if in doubt return false.

Specified by:
isUsedAsTitle in interface DockElementRepresentative
true if this representative should be seen as title


public Point getPopupLocation(Point click,
                              boolean popupTrigger)
Description copied from interface: DockElementRepresentative
Tells whether a popup menu should be opened when the user clicks at click with the mouse. If yes, then the top left edge of the popup should be returned, otherwise null should be returned.

Specified by:
getPopupLocation in interface DockElementRepresentative
click - the location where the user clicked with the mouse
popupTrigger - whether the invocation is the systems popup trigger or not. Many implementations of this method will return click in case of true, and null in case of false
the preferred location of a popup or null if no popup-menu should be opened


public String getTitleText()
Description copied from interface: Dockable
Gets the current title-text of this Dockable.

Specified by:
getTitleText in interface Dockable
the text


public void setTitleText(String titleText)
Sets the text of the title of this dockable.

titleText - the text displayed in the title


public String getTitleToolTip()
Description copied from interface: Dockable
Gets a tooltip that is associated with this Dockable and that should be shown on any DockTitle.

Specified by:
getTitleToolTip in interface Dockable
the tooltip, can be null


public void setTitleToolTip(String text)
Sets the tooltip that should be shown on any title that is bound to this dockable.

text - the tooltip, can be null


public Icon getTitleIcon()
Description copied from interface: Dockable
Gets the current icon of this Dockable.

Specified by:
getTitleIcon in interface Dockable
the icon, may be null


public void setTitleIcon(Icon titleIcon)
Sets an icon that is shown in the titles of this Dockable.

titleIcon - the icon or null


public void setSplitLayoutManager(SplitLayoutManager manager)
Sets a special SplitLayoutManager which this station has to use.

manager - the manager or null to return to the manager that is specified in the DockProperties by the key LAYOUT_MANAGER.


public SplitLayoutManager getSplitLayoutManager()
Gets the layout manager which was explicitly set.

the manager or null
See Also:


public PlaceholderStrategy getPlaceholderStrategy()
Gets the strategy for creating and storing placeholders.

the strategy


public void setPlaceholderStrategy(PlaceholderStrategy strategy)
Sets the strategy for selecting placeholders when removing Dockables from this station.

strategy - the new strategy or null to install the default strategy


public void setSideSnapSize(float sideSnapSize)
Every child has an invisible border whose size is determined by sideSnapSize. If another Dockable is dragged into that border, it is added as neighbor. Otherwise it is merged with the present child.

sideSnapSize - the relative size of the border, should be between 0 and 0.5f
IllegalArgumentException - if the size is less than 0


public float getSideSnapSize()
Gets the relative size of the invisible border of all children.

the size
See Also:


public void setBorderSideSnapSize(int borderSideSnapSize)
There is an invisible border around the station. If a Dockable is dragged inside this border, its considered to be on the station, but will be dropped aside the station (like the whole station is a neighbor of the Dockable).

borderSideSnapSize - the size of the border in pixel
IllegalArgumentException - if the size is smaller than 0


public int getBorderSideSnapSize()
Gets the size of the border around the station.

the size in pixel
See Also:


public void setDividerSize(int dividerSize)
Sets the size of the divider-gap between the children of this station.

dividerSize - the size of the gap in pixel
IllegalArgumentException - if the size is less than 0.


public int getDividerSize()
Gets the size of the divider-gap.

the size
See Also:


public void setContinousDisplay(boolean continousDisplay)
Sets whether the dockables should be resized while the split is dragged, or not.

continousDisplay - true if the dockables should be resized


public boolean isContinousDisplay()
Tells whether the dockables are resized while the split is dragged, or not.

true if the dockables are resized
See Also:


public void setAllowSideSnap(boolean allowSideSnap)
Sets whether Dockables which are dragged near the station are captured and added to this station.

allowSideSnap - true if the station can snap Dockables which are near.
See Also:


public boolean isAllowSideSnap()
Tells whether the station can grab Dockables which are dragged near the station.

true if grabbing is allowed
See Also:


public void requestDockTitle(DockTitleRequest request)
Description copied from interface: Dockable
Invoked to get a graphical representation of a title for this Dockable. This method is called either when a title first is required, or when this Dockable invoked the DockableListener.titleExchanged(Dockable, DockTitle) method of its current observers.
This Dockable might decide to answer the request by calling DockTitleRequest.answer(DockTitle), any title, including null are valid answers. If this Dockable does not answer the request the associated DockTitleFactory (as described by DockTitleVersion.getFactory()) is asked to answer the request.
The requests target must be this Dockable.
The normal behavior of this method is to do nothing.

Specified by:
requestDockTitle in interface Dockable
request - which title is required. If this Dockable does not have a special rule for the given request it just ignores the call


public void changed(Dockable dockable,
                    DockTitle title,
                    boolean active)
Description copied from interface: DockStation
Called by the DockController of this station to indicate that the active-state of title has been changed. This station should call the method title.changed with an appropriate event. The station may add some additional information to this call.

Specified by:
changed in interface DockStation
dockable - the child whose title is changed
title - the changed title, may not be bound
active - the new state of the title


public void requestChildDockTitle(DockTitleRequest request)
Description copied from interface: DockStation
Provides a DockTitle for a child of this station. This method must call DockTitleRequest.answer(DockTitle) to set the result.
Most DockStations won't have the need to implement this method, leaving it empty will advice the framework to use another source for new DockTitles.

Specified by:
requestChildDockTitle in interface DockStation
request - the request to answer, not null


public void bind(DockTitle title)
Description copied from interface: Dockable
Called by clients which want to show a title of this Dockable. The method DockTitle.bind() will be called automatically by the controller.
This method must at least inform all listeners, that title was bound. However, the method DockTitle.bind() must not be invoked by this method.
title must be returned by Dockable.listBoundTitles() unless Dockable.unbind(DockTitle) is called.

Specified by:
bind in interface Dockable
title - the title which will be show some things of this Dockable
See Also:


public void unbind(DockTitle title)
Description copied from interface: Dockable
Clients should call this method if a DockTitle is no longer needed. The controller will call DockTitle.unbind() at an appropriate time.
This method must inform all listeners that title is no longer bound. However, this method must not call DockTitle.unbind().
title must no longer be returned when calling Dockable.listBoundTitles()

Specified by:
unbind in interface Dockable
title - the title which will be no longer connected to this Dockable
See Also:


public DockTitle[] listBoundTitles()
Description copied from interface: Dockable
Gets a list of all DockTitles which are currently bound to this Dockable. That are titles for which Dockable.bind(DockTitle) was called, but not yet Dockable.unbind(DockTitle).

Specified by:
listBoundTitles in interface Dockable
the list of titles


public DockActionSource getLocalActionOffers()
Description copied from interface: Dockable
Gets a list of DockActions which should be triggerable if this Dockable is visible. The list contains only actions which are directly bound to this Dockable (the actions which are not changed when the parent-station of this Dockable is exchanged). The list can be modified by this Dockable at every time, clients have to react on these changes by adding a DockActionSourceListener to the result.

Specified by:
getLocalActionOffers in interface Dockable
the source of actions, can be null if no actions are available


public DockActionSource getGlobalActionOffers()
Description copied from interface: Dockable
Gets a list of all DockActions which might be triggered while this Dockable is visible. The list must contain all actions which are related in any way to this Dockable. Subclasses might use a HierarchyDockActionSource or the method DockController.listOffers(Dockable) to implement this functionality

Specified by:
getGlobalActionOffers in interface Dockable
the source containing all actions, never null


public void configureDisplayerHints(DockableDisplayerHints hints)
Description copied from interface: Dockable
Orders this Dockable to configure hints which will be used by the parent component of this element. This Dockable can store a reference to hints and use it to change the hints whenever it is appropriate. This method will be called with null if the link should be broken.

Specified by:
configureDisplayerHints in interface Dockable
hints - the hints to configure or null if the last hints should no longer be configured by this element


protected DockableDisplayerHints getConfigurableDisplayerHints()
Gets the argument that was last used for configureDisplayerHints(DockableDisplayerHints).

the configurable hints or null


protected void updateConfigurableDisplayerHints()
Updates the current hints of this station.


public DockStation asDockStation()
Description copied from interface: DockElement
Returns this if this is an instance of DockStation. Otherwise null is returned.

Specified by:
asDockStation in interface DockElement
this or null


public DefaultDockActionSource getDirectActionOffers(Dockable dockable)
Description copied from interface: DockStation
Gets a list of actions which should be available for the user and affect the child dockable.

Specified by:
getDirectActionOffers in interface DockStation
dockable - a child of this station
actions for dockable, can be null


public DockActionSource getIndirectActionOffers(Dockable dockable)
Description copied from interface: DockStation
Gets a list of actions which should be available for the user and affect dockable. The argument dockable can be a child of this station, or a child of any station which is below this station.

Specified by:
getIndirectActionOffers in interface DockStation
dockable - a child of this station or a child of another station which is below this station
actions for dockable or null


public void addDockStationListener(DockStationListener listener)
Description copied from interface: DockStation
Adds a listener to this station. The station has to invoke the methods of the listener such that its requirements are full filled.

Specified by:
addDockStationListener in interface DockStation
listener - the listener to add


public void removeDockStationListener(DockStationListener listener)
Description copied from interface: DockStation
Removes a listener from this station.

Specified by:
removeDockStationListener in interface DockStation
listener - the listener to remove


public void addSplitDockStationListener(SplitDockListener listener)
Adds a listener to this station. The listener is informed some settings only available to a SplitDockStation are changed.

listener - the new listener


public void removeSplitDockStationListener(SplitDockListener listener)
Removes an earlier added listener.

listener - The listener to remove


public boolean isVisible(Dockable dockable)
Description copied from interface: DockStation
Tells whether the child dockable is visible or not. Visible means that the component of dockable can be seen by the user. The result must be false if this station is not visible.

Specified by:
isVisible in interface DockStation
dockable - the child whose visibility-state is questioned
whether dockable is visible or not
See Also:


public boolean isStationVisible()
Description copied from interface: DockStation
Tells whether this station is visible or not. For example a station on a JFrame is not visible if the frame is minimized.

Specified by:
isStationVisible in interface DockStation
whether this station is visible


public int getDockableCount()
Description copied from interface: DockStation
Gets the number of children.

Specified by:
getDockableCount in interface DockStation
the number of children on this station


public Dockable getDockable(int index)
Description copied from interface: DockStation
Gets the index'th child of this station.

Specified by:
getDockable in interface DockStation
index - a value between 0 (incl.) and DockStation.getDockableCount() (excl.).
a child of this station


public DockableProperty getDockableProperty(Dockable child,
                                            Dockable target)
Description copied from interface: DockStation
Gets precise information about the location of a child of this station. The result of this method could later be used to invoke DockStation.drop(Dockable, DockableProperty).

Specified by:
getDockableProperty in interface DockStation
child - a child of this station, this childs location is asked
target - an optional hint telling for which dockable the location information will be used, can be null. This hint can be used to find a placeholder that should be part of the result.
the location
See Also:
DockUtilities.getPropertyChain(DockStation, Dockable)


public SplitDockPathProperty getDockablePathProperty(Dockable dockable)
Creates a DockableProperty for the location of dockable. The location is encoded as the path through the tree to get to dockable.

dockable - the element whose location is searched
the location


public SplitDockProperty getDockableLocationProperty(Dockable dockable)
Creates a DockableProperty for the location of dockable. The location is encoded directly as the coordinates x,y,width and height of the dockable.

dockable - the element whose location is searched
the location


public SplitDockPlaceholderProperty getDockablePlaceholderProperty(Dockable dockable,
                                                                   Dockable target)
Creates a SplitDockPlaceholderProperty for dockable, may insert an additional placeholder in the tree.

dockable - the element whose location is searched
target - hint required to find the placeholder
the placeholder or null if the strategy did not assign a placeholder to dockable


public Dockable getFrontDockable()
Description copied from interface: DockStation
Gets the favorite child of this station. The favorite child is the one child which is specially designated for the user. An example: if the station behaves like a stack, and only the top child is visible, then the favorite child could the the top.
A result of null indicates that there are no children at all, or that there is no favorite child (all children are equal important).
Stations should not change this property directly, they should call DockController.setFocusedDockable(Dockable, boolean) which will then call DockStation.setFrontDockable(Dockable). Note that the DockController itself listens to the DockTitles, and maybe the station doesn't need a logic to decide which child is important.

Specified by:
getFrontDockable in interface DockStation
the most important child or null


public void setFrontDockable(Dockable dockable)
Description copied from interface: DockStation
Sets the most important child. The station should ensure that this child is visible (assuming the station itself is visible). Read the comment on DockStation.getFrontDockable() how stations can change this property.

Specified by:
setFrontDockable in interface DockStation
dockable - the new favorite child, can be null
See Also:


public boolean isFullScreen()
Tells whether a Dockable is currently shown in fullscreen-mode on this station. A true result implies that getFullScreen() returns not null.

true if a child is fullscreen.


public Dockable getFullScreen()
Gets the Dockable which is in fullscreen-mode and covers all other children of this station.

the child or null
See Also:
setFullScreen(Dockable), isFullScreen()


public void setFullScreen(Dockable dockable)
Sets one of the children of this station as the one child which covers all other children. This child is in "fullscreen"-mode.

dockable - a child of this station or null if all children should be visible.
See Also:


public void setNextFullScreen()
Switches the child which is in fullscreen-mode. If there is no child, nothing will happen. If there is only one child, it will be set to fullscreen (if it is not already fullscreen).


public boolean accept(Dockable child)
Description copied from interface: DockStation
Tells whether this station accepts child as a new child, or refuses child. The user will not be able to drop a Dockable onto this station if this method returns false.

Specified by:
accept in interface DockStation
child - a Dockable which may become a child
true if child is accepted


public PlaceholderMap getPlaceholders()
Description copied from interface: DockStation
Gets a snapshot of all placeholders that are currently stored in this DockStation. A DockStation is free in the format it chooses to fill the map. The map is to be created with the assumptions that DockStation.getDockableCount() is 0, meaning any existing Dockable gets replaced by its placeholder. The current PlaceholderStrategy should be used to convert Dockables to placeholders.

Specified by:
getPlaceholders in interface DockStation
the map of placeholders or null if this station does not support placeholders


public void setPlaceholders(PlaceholderMap placeholders)
Description copied from interface: DockStation
Sets an earlier snapshot of the placeholders of this station. This station can assume that it currently does not have any children (that DockStation.getDockableCount() is 0).
This method does nothing if it cannot handle the format or the version of placeholders.

Specified by:
setPlaceholders in interface DockStation
placeholders - some set of placeholders


public boolean prepareDrop(int x,
                           int y,
                           int titleX,
                           int titleY,
                           boolean checkOverrideZone,
                           Dockable dockable)
Description copied from interface: DockStation
Prepares this station to get the new child dockable. The station has to store a possible location of the child, and should draw some indicators where the child will be put. The station can refuse dockable, in this case nothing has to be painted and this method returns false.
There are some constraints: This method gets two points: mouseX/mouseY is the location of the mouse, titleX/titleY is the location of the dragged title. The second point may be interesting if the title of a dropped child should have the same coordinates as the image of the dragged title.
This method is never called if dockable is a child of this station. In such a case prepareMove is invoked.

Specified by:
prepareDrop in interface DockStation
x - the x-coordinate of the mouse on the screen
y - the y-coordinate of the mouse on the screen
titleX - the x-location of the dragged title or mouseX if no title is dragged
titleY - the y-location of the dragged title or mouseY if no title is dragged
checkOverrideZone - whether this station has to check if the mouse is in the override-zone of its parent
dockable - the element which will be dropped
true if dockable can be added at the current location, false otherwise.


public void drop(Dockable dockable)
Description copied from interface: DockStation
Adds dockable to this station. The station can decide by its own where to put dockable.

Specified by:
drop in interface DockStation
dockable - a new child


public boolean drop(Dockable dockable,
                    DockableProperty property)
Description copied from interface: DockStation
Tries to add dockable to this station such that the location given by property is matched. If property has a successor and points to another station, just call the drop-method of this child-station. Note that property can be of any type and contain invalid information.

Specified by:
drop in interface DockStation
dockable - the new child
property - the location of the child, may be invalid data
true if property could be read and dockable was dropped, false otherwise.


public boolean drop(Dockable dockable,
                    SplitDockProperty property)
Tries to add Dockable such that the boundaries given by property are full filled.

dockable - a new child of this station
property - the preferred location of the child
true if the child could be added, false if no location could be found


public boolean drop(Dockable dockable,
                    SplitDockPathProperty property)
Tries to insert dockable at a location such that the path to that location is the same as described in property.

dockable - the element to insert
property - the preferred path to the element
true if the element was successfully inserted


public boolean drop(Dockable dockable,
                    SplitDockPlaceholderProperty property)
Drops dockable at the placeholder that is referenced by property. This action removes the placeholder from the tree.

dockable - the element to add
property - the location of dockable
true if the the operation was a success, false if not


public boolean drop(Dockable dockable,
                    SplitDockFullScreenProperty property)
Drops dockable on this station, may exchange the full screen element to ensure that dockable is displayed.

dockable - the element to drop
property - the location of dockable
true if the operation was a success, false if not


public void drop()
Description copied from interface: DockStation
Adds the Dockable of the last run of prepareDrop to this station. This method is only called if the new child and this station accepted each other, prepareDrop returned true and the new child is not yet a child of this station.

Specified by:
drop in interface DockStation


protected boolean dropOver(Leaf leaf,
                           Dockable dockable)
Combines the Dockable of leaf and dockable to a new child of this station. No checks whether the two elements accepts each other nor if the station accepts the new child dockable are performed.

leaf - the leaf which will be combined with dockable
dockable - a Dockable which is dropped over leaf
true if the operation was successful, false otherwise


protected boolean dropOver(Leaf leaf,
                           Dockable dockable,
                           DockableProperty property)
Combines the Dockable of leaf and dockable to a new child of this station. No checks whether the two elements accepts each other nor if the station accepts the new child dockable are performed.

leaf - the leaf which will be combined with dockable
dockable - a Dockable which is dropped over leaf
property - a hint at which position dockable should be in the combination.
true if the operation was successful, false otherwise


protected void dropAside(SplitNode neighbor,
                         PutInfo.Put put,
                         Dockable dockable,
                         Leaf leaf,
                         double divider,
                         boolean fire)
Adds dockable at the side put of neighbor. The divider is set to the value of divider, and if fire is activated, some events are fired. There are no checks whether dockable accepts this station or anything else.

neighbor - The node which will be the neighbor of dockable
put - The side on which dockable should be added in respect to neighbor.
dockable - the new child of this station
leaf - the leaf which contains dockable, can be null
divider - the divider-location, a value between 0 and 1
fire - true if the method is allowed to fire events, false otherwise


public boolean prepareMove(int x,
                           int y,
                           int titleX,
                           int titleY,
                           boolean checkOverrideZone,
                           Dockable dockable)
Description copied from interface: DockStation
Prepares the station that one of its children is moved from one location to another location. See prepareDrop for detailed information about the behavior of this method. The only difference between this method and prepareDrop is, that dockable is a child of this station.

Specified by:
prepareMove in interface DockStation
x - the x-coordinate of the mouse on the screen
y - the y-coordinate of the mouse on the screen
titleX - the x-location of the dragged title or mouseX if no title is dragged
titleY - the y-location of the dragged title or mouseY if no title is dragged
checkOverrideZone - whether this station has to check if the mouse is in the override-zone of its parent
dockable - the element which will be moved
true if dockable can be added at the current location, false otherwise.


public void move()
Description copied from interface: DockStation
Moves a child of this station to a new location according to the information gathered by prepareMove.

Specified by:
move in interface DockStation


public void move(Dockable dockable,
                 DockableProperty property)
Description copied from interface: DockStation
Tries to move the child dockable in such a way, that DockStation.getDockableProperty(Dockable, Dockable) would return a DockableProperty that equals property.
There is no need to give a guarantee that the move successes, and clients should always be prepared for the possibility that this DockStation does nothing at all.

Specified by:
move in interface DockStation
dockable - a child of this station
property - the preferred position of dockable


public void dropTree(SplitDockTree tree)
Removes all children from this station and then adds the contents that are stored in tree. Calling this method is equivalent to dropTree( tree, true );

tree - the new set of children
SplitDropTreeException - If the tree is not acceptable.


public void dropTree(SplitDockTree tree,
                     boolean checkValidity)
Removes all children from this station and then adds the contents that are stored in tree.

tree - the new set of children
checkValidity - whether to ensure that the new elements are accepted or not.
SplitDropTreeException - if checkValidity is set to true and the tree is not acceptable


public SplitDockTree createTree()
Gets the contents of this station as a SplitDockTree.

the tree


public void createTree(SplitDockTreeFactory factory)
Writes the contents of this station into factory.

factory - the factory to write into


public <N> N visit(SplitTreeFactory<N> factory)
Visits the internal structure of this station.

Type Parameters:
N - the type of result this method produces
factory - a factory that will collect information
the result of factory


public void draw()
Description copied from interface: DockStation
Informs this station that the information gathered by prepareDrop or prepareMove should be painted somehow onto this station.
The station should use the StationPaint of its theme to draw.

Specified by:
draw in interface DockStation


public void forget()
Description copied from interface: DockStation
Tells this station that a possible drop or move on this station was canceled. The station can throw away any information gathered by the last call prepareDrop or prepareMove
If the station is drawing some markings because of a call to DockStation.draw(), than the station can throw away these markings too.

Specified by:
forget in interface DockStation


public <D extends Dockable & DockStation> boolean isInOverrideZone(int x,
                                                                  int y,
                                                                  D invoker,
                                                                  Dockable drop)
Description copied from interface: DockStation
If the controller asks a station if a child could be dropped or moved, the controller assumes that no other station has interest in this event. However if this station is a dockable, and has a parent, the parent might be interested in the new child. This dockable station has to ask the parent if the current location of the mouse is in the override-zone. This station should not accept a child if the parent returns true.
On the other hand, this station could be asked by a child whether the mouse is in the override-zone. If the mouse hits a point of special interest, then the method should return true.
Note: if this station is asked and is a dockable station itself, then this method should ask the parent for his override-zone too.

Specified by:
isInOverrideZone in interface DockStation
Type Parameters:
D - the type of invoker
x - the x-coordinate of the mouse on the screen
y - the y-coordinate of the mouse on the screen
invoker - a child of this station which invoked the method
drop - a Dockable which might become a child
true if the location of the mouse is of special interest


public boolean canDrag(Dockable dockable)
Description copied from interface: DockStation
Tells whether dockable can be removed from this station or not. This method assumes that dockable is a child of this station, if not, then the behavior of this method is unspecified.
Note that the result of this method may not be respected every time, it's more a hint for the controller how to act.

Specified by:
canDrag in interface DockStation
dockable - a child of this station
true if dockable can be dragged


public void drag(Dockable dockable)
Description copied from interface: DockStation
Removes a child from this station. This method may be called even if DockStation.canDrag(Dockable) returned false.
Note: clients may need to invoke DockController.freezeLayout() and DockController.meltLayout() to ensure noone else adds or removes Dockables.

Specified by:
drag in interface DockStation
dockable - the child to remove


protected void fireFullScreenChanged(Dockable oldDockable,
                                     Dockable newDockable)
Sends a message to all registered instances of SplitDockListener, that the Dockable in fullscreen-mode has changed.

oldDockable - the old fullscreen-Dockable, can be null
newDockable - the new fullscreen-Dockable, can be null


protected void fireTitleExchanged(DockTitle title)
Informs all DockableListeners that title is no longer considered to be a good title and should be exchanged.

title - a title, can be null


protected void fireTitleExchanged()
Informs all DockableListeners that all bound titles and the null title are no longer considered good titles and should be replaced


public Rectangle getStationBounds()
Description copied from interface: DockStation
Gets a rectangle in which all points of the station are. The user is only able to move a Dockable into this area onto this station.

Specified by:
getStationBounds in interface DockStation
the bounds, relative to the screen, null to indicate that this station has not any bounds


public boolean canCompare(DockStation station)
Description copied from interface: DockStation
Tells whether this station knows a rule how to compare itself with station. See for more details.

Specified by:
canCompare in interface DockStation
station - another station
true if a call to compare will not end in an exception and return another value than 0


public int compare(DockStation station)
Description copied from interface: DockStation
Compares this station with station. The comparison is needed if the stations bounds of the two station have common points. On a drag-event, the controller needs a way to decide which station is more important (and receives the opportunity to get a new child first). The controller will use the method compare to do this. This method works like Comparable.compareTo(Object).

Specified by:
compare in interface DockStation
station - another station
a number less/equal/higher than zero, if this station has higher/equal/lesser priority than station.


public Dockable asDockable()
Description copied from interface: DockElement
Returns this if this is an instance of Dockable. Otherwise null is returned.

Specified by:
asDockable in interface DockElement
Specified by:
asDockable in interface PlaceholderListItem
this or null


public StationPaintWrapper getPaint()
Gets a StationPaint to paint markings on this station.

the paint


public DisplayerFactoryWrapper getDisplayerFactory()
Gets a DisplayerFactory to create new DockableDisplayer for this station.

the factory


public DisplayerCollection getDisplayers()
Gets the set of displayers that are currently used by this station.

the set of displayers


public CombinerWrapper getCombiner()
Gets a Combiner to combine Dockables on this station.

the combiner


protected void paintOverlay(Graphics g)
Description copied from class: OverpaintablePanel
Paints the overlay over all components.

paintOverlay in class OverpaintablePanel
g - the graphics to use


public void addDockable(Dockable dockable)
Adds dockable to this station.

dockable - A Dockable which must not be a child of this station.


public boolean canReplace(Dockable old,
                          Dockable next)
Description copied from interface: DockStation
Tells whether its possible to replace the child old with next where next is not a child of this station.

Specified by:
canReplace in interface DockStation
old - a child of this station
next - the replacement of next.
true if the replacement is possible


public void replace(DockStation old,
                    Dockable next)
Description copied from interface: DockStation
Replaces the child old by next which is not yet a child of this station. This method should not be called if canReplace returned false. This method can assume that next was a child of old but no longer is.

Specified by:
replace in interface DockStation
old - a dockable station that is a child of this station
next - the replacement of old


public void replace(Dockable previous,
                    Dockable next)
Description copied from interface: DockStation
Replaces the child old by next which is not yet a child of this station. This method should not be called if canReplace returned false.

Specified by:
replace in interface DockStation
previous - a child
next - the replacement of old


protected void discard(DockableDisplayer displayer)
Removes displayer and creates a replacement.

displayer - the displayer to replaces


public int indexOfDockable(Dockable dockable)
Gets the index of a child of this station.

dockable - the child which is searched
the index or -1 if the child was not found


public void removeAllDockables()
Removes all children from this station.
Note: clients may need to invoke DockController.freezeLayout() and DockController.meltLayout() to ensure noone else adds or removes Dockables.


public void removeDockable(Dockable dockable)
Removes dockable from this station. If dockable is not a child of this station, nothing happens.
Note: clients may need to invoke DockController.freezeLayout() and DockController.meltLayout() to ensure noone else adds or removes Dockables.

dockable - the child to remove


public void removePlaceholder(Path placeholder)
Searches the entire tree for any occurence of placeholder and removes placeholder. Also shrinks the tree if some nodes or leafs are no longer required due to the removed placeholder

placeholder - the placeholder to remove


public void removePlaceholders(Set<Path> placeholders)
Searches the entire tree for all occurences of all placeholders in placeholders. All placeholders are removed and the tree shrinks where possible.

placeholders - the placeholders to remove


public Root getRoot()
Gets the Root of the tree which stores all locations and sizes of the children of this station. Clients can modify the contents of this station directly by accessing this tree.

the root
See Also:


public SplitNode getNode(long id)
Searches the node whose id equals id.

id - the id to search
the node with the id id


public String getFactoryID()
Description copied from interface: DockElement
Gets the unique name of the DockFactory which can read and write elements of this type.

Specified by:
getFactoryID in interface DockElement
the id of the factory


public void updateBounds()
Updates all locations and sizes of the Components which are in the structure of this tree.


protected void checkMousePositionAsync()
Asynchronously checks the current position of the mouse and updates the cursor if necessary.