Package bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.preference

Generic collection of preferences used in this framework.


Interface Summary
Preference<V> A representation of a single entry in a DefaultPreferenceModel.
PreferenceEditor<V> An editor configures a Component which is used to edit some value.
PreferenceEditorCallback<V> A callback creates a link between a PreferenceEditor and its parent or the model.
PreferenceEditorFactory<V> A factory creating new PreferenceEditors.
PreferenceFactory<V> A factory that is capable of writing and reading some kind of preference to or from some repository.
PreferenceListener<V> A listener to a Preference, gets informed when the preference changes.
PreferenceModel A preference model is a layer between the framework and its properties, and the dialog, table or tree with which the user can modify these properties.
PreferenceModelListener A listener to a PreferenceModel, gets informed about changes in the model.
PreferenceTreeModel.Node A single node of a PreferenceTreeModel.

Class Summary
AbstractPreference<V> An abstract implementation of Preference that offers support for PreferenceListeners.
AbstractPreferenceDialog<M extends PreferenceModel> An abstract dialog used to show the content of some PreferenceModel.
AbstractPreferenceModel An abstract implementation of PreferenceModel handling events and returning null in most methods.
DefaultPreference<V> A generic Preference that can hold any value.
DefaultPreferenceModel An implementation of PreferenceModel using Preferences to describe its entries.
MergedPreferenceModel A preference model that envelops other models and uses their preferences.
MergedPreferenceModel.Index Describes an index in one of the childen of a MergedPreferenceModel.
PreferenceDialog A simple dialog showing the contents of one PreferenceModel.
PreferenceOperation Represents an operation that a PreferenceEditor or a PreferenceModel can execute, e.g.
PreferenceStorage A preference storage is a container storing the values of artificial preferences of one or more PreferenceModels.
PreferenceTreeDialog A simple dialog showing a PreferenceTreeModel on a PreferenceTreePanel.
PreferenceTreeModel A PreferenceModel that is also a TreeModel.

Package bibliothek.extension.gui.dock.preference Description

Generic collection of preferences used in this framework. Intended to be shown to the user so he can change the preferences. Clients might be interested in implementing new PreferenceModels for their own set of properties or to use a PreferenceStorage to store preferences persistent.