[Beta v1.0.0] - [Beta v1.0.1] - Bugfix: popup menu of a DockTitle did not open on right click under Windows XP - Bugfix: Connection between DockableDisplayer and Dockable was not broken automatically (memory leak) - Bugfix: Connection between MultiDockActionSource and its children was not broken automatically (memory leak) - Bugfix: FullScreenListener was not removed from Map (memory leak) - API: StackDockStation now reads a StackDockComponentFactory out of the DockProperties, and changes its StackDockComponent according to the factory. DockThemes no longer have to exchange the components manually. - Layout: Left-click on AbstractDockTitle will open a popup menu more often - Bugfix: SplitDockStation did not properly remove the front-dockable when requested - Layout: FlapDockStation now changes the selected child when the mouse is released, not when the mouse is pressed. - Layout: The DockTitles shown as Buttons for FlapDockStation have additional behavior when the mouse is pressed. - Bugfix: added some dirty hacks to ensure that the title-drag-window will close itself when the first event was ignored. That happend when the Window was not visible when dispose was called. - Bugfix: PopupController did not calculate the correct position of the mouse - Bugfix: AbstractDockTitle did not calculate the correct position and size of its icon when explicitly asked - Bugfix: NPE thrown by SecureFlapWindow when closing the window a second time - API: delete some subclasses of Combiner which are no longer needed (Bubble/FlatCombiner) - Layout: BasicStationPaint now uses the highlight-background color of TextField to paint. That should look better with different look and feels. - Bugfix: SplitDockStation's compare-method now ensures that the station does not overlap other, smaller stations - Layout: New "Eclipse Theme", written by Janni Kovacs - API: DockableDisplayer now tells whether a point lies inside its title or not. The drag n drop gets more flexibel this way - Bugfix: SecureScreenDockDialog throws NPE when closing - API: DockActionSource has now to implement Iterable - API: New DockActionSource "FilteredDockActionSource" - Bugfix: EclipseStackDockComponent now shows all DockActions - API: New DockHierarchyListener gets informed when the path to a Dockable changes - API: New HierarchyDockActionSource, lists all actions of a Dockable even when the hierarchy changes - API: No rebind of DockTitles after a drag&drop event, the DockHierarchyListener can be used by the titles which need change - API: Dockable now offers a "local" and a "global" DockActionSource. The global source always contains all available actions - Layout, API: MenuableButtonPanel, allows to use menus when there is no space for buttons. Automatically used by AbstractDockTitle - API: DockableDisplayer is now an interface - API, Bugfix: replaced every occurence of "binded" by "bound", thanks Uwe for correcting me - API: When adding a Dockable to a DockStation, the station will ensure that no cycles are built into the dock-tree, and that the Dockable is properly removed from its former parent - Layout: StackDockStation tries to paint the insertion-line now between its tabs - API: ScreenDockDialog should always stay in the screen in which it has been created, this feature is not tested